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Author Topic: First live play thru of paladin vs siren using presuggested decks results.  (Read 3447 times)


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Just wanted to talk about my play thru earlier today. I was paladin my brother in law siren. My approach to win was armor up my mage and boost a red helm since he has pyschic immune to prevent songs. His approach pirate harpooners and pushing mage thru walls. Result I got spanked. So my red helm was killed on one turn snatched by harponer and hit by a shark. Next plan back off and bring in flying crusader and keep it alive. I did that well but then then got pushed and pulled thru wall into sea urchines and hydro vent for the final blow. It was epic. I got about 20 damage on the siren. it was a fun play through but I feel like u must find a way to keep boots on and bring down her walls. I was dissapointed to see I had no ranged attack spells nor a force push to return the favor. I think with the paladin next time I need to bring out like 3 creatures with my armored mage? Anyways good expansion everyone needs to check it out! Looking forward to try the siren myself now!


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Re: First live play thru of paladin vs siren using presuggested decks results.
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2016, 08:43:54 AM »
The suggested spellbooks are there to give you an idea of what they can accomplish, but they are not meant to be an endpoint. If you feel you really needed a force push, then start customizing! The Paladin has a wealth of options from that perspective.

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: First live play thru of paladin vs siren using presuggested decks results.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2016, 09:36:11 AM »
Try casting more healing spells and summon more flying creatures, maybe? And try to kill the mage faster, or dissolve her creature spawn point.

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Re: First live play thru of paladin vs siren using presuggested decks results.
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 04:55:29 PM »
Still tooling with the Paladin trying to find a good niche for him.  One time I did play him I was never able to get enough Valor to pull off an Aura, until I could not spare the Quick Action to do it (was using my light saber to melt face).  He may work with some buddies, using his banner in far away place to get two bodies on the field quick.  Holy has some of the better creatures out there, just most are over his starting Channel (this is how I judge usefulness, it does not rule out a creature though).

The Siren, while cool, keeps running into problems of solid creature pool.  Water just does not have a very large depth of creatures to pull from just yet, and I am not sure she can do the Buddy build style very well.  She has some very good control, and can play the push game like no bodies business.  I have seen her just wreck with Tsunami as well, he spell pool is top of the line amazing.

My thought on first use, and build play.


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Re: First live play thru of paladin vs siren using presuggested decks results.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2016, 06:56:40 PM »
I lean slightly more towards the paladin due to the insane creatures he can choose from. Holy has phenomenal creature selection. One good way to mess with harpooners is Song of Love. In fact that messes with a lot of rangers.
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