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Messages - jhaelen

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Rules Discussion / Re: About Immunity
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:00:17 AM »
1) creatures immune to an attack can't be targetted by attacks of that type
2) guarding creatures in a zone must be attacked before any other creature
3) if you can't target the guard, you are not allowed to attack any other creature in the zone
I suppose I shouldn't pick attacks the creature's immune against, then.

I didn't follow the discussion, but why don't we simply change the rule, that targeting a creature is allowed, but the attack simply fizzles, doing nothing at all?

General Discussion / Re: Status of Tabletopia Module
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:08:48 AM »
And the crowd roars "ARENA, ARENA, ARENA, ARENA"
Definitely. For about a second I was excited about the news, then I realized it's only about Academy... :(

General Discussion / Re: NPE - Could it defeat the purpose of Academy?
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:36:06 AM »
As the most easily relateable example - I've I've played MtG since 1993 until the last few years. My deck styles of choice - hand destruction, land destruction, counterspell, stasis, and various soft and hard locks.

In MW I like Mana Denial, Stun-lock, Jinx-lock, Taunt-lock... Tinkerbell and Banker archetypes... It's a game where control is hard, but it can be done.
I get that you enjoy playing that (and apparently also playing against it), but what about your opponents? Do they enjoy playing against these kinds of decks?

I can definitely say that I don't. It's the kind of game I'd rather quit than endure the agony of playing it through until the predictable end. I guess my mindset is just not competitive enough for that, I'd much rather save the time to play a more enjoyable game against someone else.

As far as I know none of the promo's are quote illegal unquote. They are not eligible to be included in sanctioned tournament spellbooks.
As far as I am converned, they might as well be. I refuse to play against anyone using promo cards in their spellbook. I'm just not interested in games that could never happen in a tournament environment; I consider it a waste of my precious time.

I _hate_ the very concept of promo cards (excepting tournament-legal cards with alternate artwork).

The only 'excuse' for their existence in Mage Wars, is imho, that they allow the game designers to gather better feedback and analyze the impact of more 'daring' designs in order to release a more balanced, official version of the card later or discard the idea.

Still, I'd astly prefer something like a public beta playtest program for anyone who's interested in this kind of thing.

General Discussion / Re: Status of Tabletopia Module
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:59:10 AM »
There were some statements form the OCTGN developers that they plan to create a Mac version but theses are more than a year old.

General Discussion / Re: Ok lets talk Domination.
« on: October 28, 2015, 03:47:59 AM »

- Galaxxus is "mandatory". This thing will gives you 40-50% of your V'Tar.

I love domination...this is my one beef with it.  I just don't understand why this card was created.
+1. Creating cards that are effectively mandatory is never a good idea.

Ah, the pleasures of designing something by committee  ;)

But why would a dark undead creature have nightmares? I don't think we need to design this specific creature to solve the psychic gap. It doesn't feel like a nightmare should counter a psychic immunity creature.

Oh, I agree to this so much!
Why do we try to fill a gap for a specific Mage? Isn't it obvious now when we choose the nightmare that it should have some psychic effect? I think we fool ourselves if don't do this thematically. We had the option to do something else, but nightmare it is.
That's par for the course....The Warlock has a thousand creatures and the FM 3 with none being really useful. With that said, I am done here, have fun with this thematic but not very useable (i.e. playable for FM) creature.
Yeah, well, that's the problem when you start with the "fluff" although you want to have a certain kind of "crunch", IOW: If the goal of this creature is to fill a currently existing "design hole" by having a certain kind of game mechanics or stats, you should have started by defining it's purpose/role.

At least that's what the D&D designers did when they started working on follow-ups to their monster manuals.

If you want to keep the Nightmare fluff despite that, how about the following:
Give it an attack that will transport itself and the attacked creature into a "nightmare realm" and a second (Force?) attack that it can only use while in that "nightmare realm" and only against the creature it affected with its forst attack.

I'd imagine that this first attack should work similar to [mwcard=MW1I01]Banish[/mwcard].

To return, the affected creature would either have to kill the Nightmare creature or ... something.

What I'm not sure about is the power level of such an attack. would this really be appropriate for a level 4 creature?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Aggressive armor? Let me explain.
« on: October 19, 2015, 03:32:34 AM »
Ah, okay :(

IOW: Blur is irrelevant until it's released officially as part of a future expansion.

General Discussion / Re: Domination Battleground Release
« on: October 06, 2015, 02:44:23 AM »
The translated German version is hopefully available this week in Essen. If not,it will probably be released in November.
There's a thread about the FiF release date at the German Publisher's site. It hasn't been stated explicitly, but the last official comment was that it will be delayed, again. The reason given was that for cost reasons they cannot print the game on their own. They always have to wait until there's a printing slot available along with the international releases, and pointed out that there's sometimes only a single slot in a given year.

So, I consider November 2015 a very optimistic guess.

General Discussion / Re: Domination Battleground Release
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:56:38 AM »
Good news from Germany. Domination is available. As it is a worldwide release it should be available in other countrie as well.
I guess you're talking about the English version?
Considering we won't be seeing 'Forged in Fire' in German any time soon, it'll probably be 2017 until we see a German version of the Domination box...

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Return on Investment, a concept...
« on: October 01, 2015, 02:02:01 AM »
They are? I thought they were just the online version of shouting.
They are. Xilos is just over-excited. IIRC, he's like twelve years old, so I'm somewhat sympathetic.

General Discussion / Re: Community Card Construction: Concept Decision
« on: September 28, 2015, 03:03:58 AM »
Well, I don't really have a clue about Mage Wars Lore, but is there maybe something akin to a Dream Plane or Dimension of Nightmares?

E.g. Dal Quor is the Plane of Dreams in D&D's Eberron Setting, inhabited by Quori, who have power over dreams.

Another good fit would be something like Forgotten Realms' Feyr, which are 'formed when residual magical energies combine with ordinary nightmares'.

General Discussion / Re: Siren & Paladin Recommendations Page
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:21:10 AM »
I would like to add a new mechanic called sustainment. Its like upkeep, except optional.
If there's something I don't like to see in Mage Wars, it's new mechanics, followed closely by new keywords.

The game needs some streamlining, not increasing it's complexity even further, YMMV.

General Discussion / Re: Introduction & Male Druid Reccomendations page
« on: September 11, 2015, 02:12:21 AM »

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