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Messages - drmambo23

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: Mheggedan sunfire amulet
« on: October 31, 2016, 05:56:04 AM »
Thats def an option! I have done that many times and run it in most of my books. On the other side of that a well timed jinx or nullify, or lack of mana i can devote to that card mid to late game, have been my bane with this card on occasion.

I love the card though and completely agree

Strategy and Tactics / Re: What's your favorite finisher?
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:51:14 PM »
Anytime i can punch the enemy mage for a final hit or push them through or into their own wall i am very pleased.

Strategy and Tactics / Mheggedan sunfire amulet
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:49:54 PM »
Anyone had success with mheggedan and sunfire amulet turn 1 with a warlock?

Events / Re: MACE: Operation Homefront Tournament.
« on: October 17, 2016, 11:49:15 AM »
Im tinkering with some warlock ideas, male and female, that im contemplating on running. but if not, a necro is my book for this

Events / Re: MACE: Operation Homefront Tournament.
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:35:54 PM »
Can we pay at the door?

Rules Discussion / Corrode dot?
« on: September 21, 2016, 12:22:04 PM »
If you have an extra corrode that deals 1 dmg, is it a 1 time thing or dot? The rules just say deal 1 damge not deal 1 damage each upkeep, from what i found?

If a guard is pushed into a wall does he lose his guard and if they have a defense can they dodge or is that only if there is a gamage barrier or passage attack?

Firefist brawler says it deals a burn when you roll critical damage not deals critical dmg. Do you have to deal the critical dmg or just roll it?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:30:06 AM »
Thats fair. And i guess as long as i have a ring of curses and  i use sersiryx mostly for curses and limit his spell attacks to only when cruically needed i should be able to manage, hopefully lol.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 16, 2016, 08:45:17 AM »
The main downside to the moon glow amulet that I can think of is just I have to spend to actions to finally get where I want would the other amulet but if they really want to dissolve it, it uses one of their dissolves. So that's a plus, but would a second Mana Crystal be better?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 16, 2016, 07:01:01 AM »
This is great.


More to come later since I'm unable to do much while at work.


A couple of thoughts.

I personally wouldn't run so many spawnpoints. It always seems that having more than one spawnpoint out at  a time puts you so far behind that by the time they all pay off you're dead. I would probably skip out on the battleforge, personally, but that's up to you. I've actually cut all spawnpoints from my most recent Adramelech Warlock build.

That all being said, I really like your twin fireball point. That's a really cool point, one that I hadn't considered.

Your points about running them out of dispels are good, it's what I like to do as well. Be wary of wands though. I'm personally a fan of 1 x explode and 3 x dissolve to make sure the wands all die.

From a personal taste standpoint, I like moonglow amulet better than wispwillow due to not having a battleforge. Less swapping, similar points (ultimately saved if you cut the forge and the wispwillow).

There are some other great ideas here too (Theft of life x a bunch) so you'll ahve to let me know how it goes

Interesting, so even if you plan to do a buddy build you have cut the bf too? I dont run bf in most books so i can probably make ot work. I'll see how it goes and get back to you on that.  If i did cut the bf, though, moonglow would be a nice option and then i could transition to the other amulet late game to help finish with burns and demon healing? Just initial thoughts are put in a dps with the remaining 3 points or another brute so if i have to change plans for a buddy i have another good heavy hitter. Another theft of life wouldnt be too bad as well.

I noticed too, curse of decay targets a corporeal creature and d9es not deal poison damage, just direct damage, so anyone looking to get an extra damage on zomies can use this card. Im 99% sure of this but im at work now and dont have the card in front of me so im not completely sure.

Anyways, the 1 explode, dissolve, and crumble were there so i dod t have to tear apart other books currently using my dissolves. But last night i took apart my wizard and beastmaster to deck out my priestess and have some extra essential cards laying around now so i'll most likely update that too.

General Discussion / Re: Lost grimoire spoilers
« on: September 16, 2016, 06:48:11 AM »
It's the hope that having more regular releases (as in more consistent) we'll be able to get you firmer dates and improve this system. Hence why I'm already working on the next set.

Sorcerer? :D

Events / Re: MACE: Operation Homefront Tournament.
« on: September 14, 2016, 09:27:19 PM »
Im stoked! :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 13, 2016, 08:09:51 PM »
Demonic link is very nice and an added plus is that Sersiryx can cast it on a friendly demon since it is a curse.
I would start out with the wispwillow, when it runs out go to adramalech's torment.  Start with burning cuirass then to dragonscale. and with hellstar then to the lash.  The nice thing about the academy demons is that you save a good bit of mana when using the pentagram as well as the cheaper academy armor that you are free to cast more costly spells if need be.
With seriryx casting curses and then getting the deduction from the ring of curses you spend 2 less mana per curse. in this case, theft of life only cost 1 mana which sersiryx channeled anyways.  and the idea with 3 copies of the imprtant enchantments are that the enemy will eventually run out of dispel/ disperse before you run out of enchantments/ curses. 
Jinx in a crucial moment is a game changer!
Firefist brawler attacking an enemy with marked for death suddenly rolls 3 attack dice and that is 3 times more likely to get a free burn.

*Side note* Firefist brawler card reads "If the flaming fist attack rolls any critical damage, place a burn condition on the defender"  - does this get around 2 armor with a vet belt since it says "rolls any critical damage" not "deals critical damage"?*******

Kharne with an iguana regrowth on is excellent against swarms.

This deck has tons of healing and deathlock will be a major painto deal with. 

Sanguine thirst was taken out since demonic link on a creature allows it to (if attacking an enemy with a burn) have melee+2 (if it's a flame attack) and heal 2 dmg that turn after his attack.

Theft of life on a guardian angel or on the enemy mage with regrowth or an ironvine helps a lot. - these are normally cast after most or all of the dispells are gone.  and if i need it on a new target because the current one dies, enchantment transfusion.  It is also here to transfer demonic link if the opportunity arises and iguana regrowth to my mage if a creature is about to die.

Sersiryx casting twin fireball to take out an interceptor and then hit the mage is excellent and i believe if he damages bth of them then that is your 2 mana on the pentagram.  Yhis is not the purpose of twin fireball but is an option if you need to run in and melee - hit the guard and the mage with sersiryx then melee with mage - or use a flameblast immediately after the attack with your qc. Also, since it is a full action he is the best one to cast twin fireball if i need it

AND Fireweaving is amazing!! I cannot stress that enough! simply amazing.

Typically this build goes
t1: 19 mana - mana crystal in corner, bf in near center or square above starting square
t2: 16 mana - wispwillow from bf, leather, leather
t3: 21 mana - fireshaper ring from bf, sersiryx, face down enchantment on mage or ring of curses
then proceed with the pentagram from then on with the hellstar - it might take one more turn to set up
I believe I mathed that right

But the idea is to have sersiryx cast a curse, pentagram cast the cheap creatures, and the mage curse and/ or attack or jinx the opponent to out action them at the right moment so you can finish them off.

Ideally that is how I wan the book to run and it is working out pretty well so far.  Against a wizard who drops a tower in my face is now going to run lightning spells, my pentagram is no good. against a forcemaster I would use the brute to avoid mind control and soak up galvatar attacks - yay resilient!
In either case I would most likely revert to a buddy build with the brute and the hellion and possibly kharne if the opportunity presents itself.

I did go against a preistess recently and got all of her dispells wasted on 2 poisoned bloods and 1 or 2 marked for death/ rust.  so demonic link on kharne, 2 theft of life cards, vampirism, and the healing from demonic reward on my demons allowed me to out heal the priestess. Just thought that was nice! beat the holy mage at her own game! yay for the darkness! :D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 12, 2016, 07:11:00 PM »
[spellbookname]Princess Hellfire[/spellbookname]
[mage]A Adramelech Warlock Spellbook[/mage]
[mage]built by the OCTGN SBB[/mage]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKA01]1 x Surging Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A12]1 x Ring of Fire[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A06]3 x Flameblast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A04]3 x Fireball[/mwcard]

    1x Twin Fireball
     2x Firestream

[mwcard=DNW02]2 x Wall of Bones[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J12]1 x Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J04]1 x Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J17]1 x Pentagram[/mwcard]

[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC11]1 x Sersiryx, Imp Familiar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNC22]1 x Zombie Brute[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1C16]1 x Flaming Hellion[/mwcard]

     2x Firefist Brawler
     1x Kharne, Horned Demon
     1x Sanguine Hunter

[mwcard=MW1E25]1 x Maim Wings[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNE02]1 x Rise Again[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E08]1 x Death Link[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E21]1 x Hawkeye[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E14]1 x Enfeeble[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE04]1 x Enchantment Transfusion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E40]1 x Vampirism[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE03]1 x Arcane Corruption[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E24]1 x Magebane[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE07]3 x Rust[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E27]3 x Marked for Death[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E23]2 x Jinx[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E10]2 x Iguana Regrowth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE04]1 x Brace Yourself[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E31]3 x Poisoned Blood[/mwcard]

    2x Theft of Life
    2x Demonic Link


[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ01]1 x Adramelech's Torment[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q09]1 x Wispwillow Amulet[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q10]1 x Wychwood Ironvine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q16]1 x Leather Gloves[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q04]1 x Leather Chausses[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q06]1 x Dragonscale Hauberk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q14]1 x Lash of Hellfire[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q10]2 x Fireshaper Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q28]1 x Ring of Curses[/mwcard]

     2x Demonhide Mask
     1x Hellstar
     1x Burning Cuirass

[mwcard=MW1I11]1 x Explode[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I01]1 x Crumble[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNI08]1 x Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I02]1 x Disperse[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I06]2 x Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI13]1 x Seeking Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI05]1 x Ignite[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 116 pts[/cost]

The 4 remaining sbp are going to:

1x drain soul
1x battleforge and 1x arcane ward
1x blood demon and 1x arcane ward

Still trying to decide which option is better atm.

Also, might swap 1 iguana regrowth for 1 gator toughness

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Princess Hellfire
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:19:37 PM »
Thanks. Yeah, im really looking forward to testing it out and tweaking it from there. Hopefully it will be playtested enough so i can bring it up next time in your neck of the woods - not for a tourney, though, just for a fun game.

Rules Discussion / Re: Akiros Favor VS Temple of the Dawnbreaker
« on: September 08, 2016, 09:21:43 AM »
If player A reveals AF to reroll dmg, can player B then reveal rhino hide or whatever  since its still before damage and efffect?

Armor or any enchantment being the reaction to AF.
I believe the answer is yes but i just want to make sure

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