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Messages - Arkdeniz

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General Discussion / Re: How to get started
« on: January 27, 2018, 03:19:26 PM »
Here are some of the ideas I would like to try:

Kill the enemy by poison and creature swarm

Weaken enemy creatures and and beat them up with my buff mage

Try to control the enemy's movement through spells like Push and then sling attack spells like I have a fireball throwing machine gun

Oh, and winning.  That sounds like fun.  :)

Any tips are appreciated.

I can recommend winning. It's really good!

Also, the best tip for this entire game, which I always try to adhere to myself (not always successfully):


Seriously, the best designed book in the world, handled perfectly, can still lose to a piece of rubbish if it rolls badly and the rubbish rolls well. Getting 3 damage from your 13-dice attack? Lose the game. Opponent gets 15 damage back from an 8-dice Heal? It happens.

(This comment may sound trite and may be a bitter reaction to what happened to me in a game recently)

Seriously, though:

Step one for designing any book: Consider how you are going to get those attack dice onto your opponent (lots of little creatures? a few big creatures? attack spells? pushing them through walls? buff your mage and charge?)
Step two: Consider how you are usually going to avoid having your opponent's attack dice getting to you (armour? defences? enchantments like Block? using creatures to guard? hiding behind walls?)
Step three: Consider whether there are any types of Mage that your choices in Steps one and two will be weak against, and what options you may need to include for those situations.
Step four: The metamagic game. How are you going to get rid of the opponent's enchantments and equipment. How are you going to ensure they don't get rid of yours? (nullifys, dispels, dissolves and so on)
Step five: Are you going to assert any board control and have freedom of movement (pushes, teleports, walls, tanglevines)

Now just try to stuff all that into 120sbp in a way that your expected mana supply can maintain turn on turn. :)

Oh, and practice, practice, practice...

General Discussion / Re: What you think are the schools from this Mage?
« on: January 27, 2018, 02:57:26 PM »
It's debatable whether the anvil throne warlord is female though. Not every alternate Mage necessarily has to have reversed gender of the original.

Are we sure that the Bloodwave Warlord is not female? How would we know?

Rules Discussion / Re: Chant of Rage movement
« on: January 27, 2018, 02:52:52 PM »
If you are not hindered you run around the wall until you get to the target. You choose which direction if the distace is the same around it on both sides

But if the Wall has a passage attack the Rager has to run through it, right?

Rules Discussion / Re: Staff of Storms + Area Attacks
« on: January 21, 2018, 03:00:17 AM »
You only get the bonuses (both the extra attack dice and the bonus to the effect die) for the attack in which the tokens are removed. Just the one attack roll. This actually doesn’t have to be the first attack though, since removing the tokens to activate the ability is optional.

Does this mean that you could remove one in the Roll Dice step of the Chain Lightning's first attack, and then another for the Roll Dice step of the second attack and so on?

Rules Discussion / Re: Theft of Life
« on: January 20, 2018, 07:24:54 PM »
Sounds like we were doing it right, then.


That round about life stealing prevented my Idol doing its usual work, and I lost that game :(

Rules Discussion / Re: Theft of Life
« on: January 20, 2018, 06:31:38 PM »
You never healed so he does not get to steal from you.

Why would that be? If I transcribe the creatures affected into the text of the Theft of Life card it seems like I would:

"The first time this creature [the Gorgon] regenerates each round, prevent 1 point of healing, then heal your mage [my Necro] one damage"


"The first time this creature [my Necro] heals each round, prevent 1 point of healing, then heal your mage [his Wizard] 1 damage"

Rules Discussion / Theft of Life
« on: January 20, 2018, 06:09:15 PM »

I just want to query a situation that emerged yesterday which I think we did right, but just in case we didn't.

My Necro vs a Wizard.

I have an Idol of Pestilence in play.

I put down a Theft of Life on his Gorgon Archer.

He then Steals that Theft of Life and puts it on me.

I put down a second Theft of Life on the Gorgon Archer.

Now, what happens in the Upkeep Phase?

We played it as the following:

His Gorgon Archer takes a damage from the Idol.
It regenerates it.
But my controlled ToL prevents that regeneration and instead heals my mage 1 damage.
But then his controlled ToL prevents my healing and instead heals his mage 1 damage.

Was that the right ordering?

Looks quite strong to me, and I really like the theme!

How are you planning on approaching the play? I see three builds here: throwing things; tooling up and going in yourself; or sitting back and acting as general for your constructs.

My concern is that you are probably going to be mana starved, and will not ever have the resources necessary to get everything out and used optimally, but you are probably aware of that and have a plan.

You may be a little short on Healing, and with all that Equipment you may want to consider Gear Up.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best Animal to make the Straywood's Pet?
« on: January 20, 2018, 07:02:44 AM »
If you're not averse to using promos, the Dragonclaw Wolverine is my favorite pet so far. Super tough, hits like a truck, and makes it tough to attack due to rage.

Otherwise, I've been a big fan of the shoalsdeep croc as a pet as well.

Not averse to promos, but I’ve never seen any find their way here to Australia. (Unless I am willing to pay the extortioners on ebay)

I can confirm that a Pet Ram is quite fun. Calling out ‘Baaaaaa!’ as it bunts the enemy mage through a Wall of Thorns is very satisfying.

Strategy and Tactics / Best Animal to make the Straywood's Pet?
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:09:15 PM »
As it says in the title.

Looking for opinions on what make the best Pet for the Straywood.

For me, I like the Guard Dog.
Yes, you need to put a small conjuration out to get the best effect, but Beastmasters are almost sure to do that. Standing in the shade of Mokhtari with your loyal dog by your side (who rolls 5 dice on his counterattacks and now has additional armour and life) is a lovely way to fight a war.

What are other thoughts?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Feed me, Seymour!- growing the plant
« on: January 19, 2018, 01:27:40 AM »
Thanks for the quick responses, all!

Sounds like it is a qualified 'maybe, but...'

I'll have to give it a go and see how it travels.

Strategy and Tactics / Feed me, Seymour!- growing the plant
« on: January 18, 2018, 08:14:38 PM »
I have been tossing this potentail buddy build around, but I am not sure if it is cost effective. Appreciate any thoughts.

Nature mage (any type)

Turn 1:
Kralathor (16)

Turn 2:
Sweeping Strike on Kralathor (4)
Goblin Legionnaire x 2 (7)
Kralathor Eats the Legionnaires and gets 2 Growth markers.

So on turn 3 the mage has 10 mana in the bank, and a buddy that now has stats of 1 Arm, 19 life and melee 6, (8 melee against undead), with reach.

My gut is that this looks cool, but probably isn’t efficient except against Necromancers.

Rules Discussion / Re: Daze and attack spells.
« on: January 18, 2018, 02:08:45 AM »
If you are Dazed you need to roll 7+ in order to successfully make the attack.

If you do roll 7 or more, you spend the mana for the attack spell and roll your attack dice.

If you roll 6 or less, you spend the mana for the attack spell but do not get to roll your attack dice.

For this reason it is often best to do something else with your mage if it is Dazed.

Rules Discussion / Re: Goblin Legionnaire casting cost
« on: January 17, 2018, 11:08:13 PM »
You're still summoning them.  The rings apply when you summon a soldier.

Not sure about that. They apply to Casting, not Summoning.

From the cards:
Commander’s Cape: ‘Once per round you may pay 1 less mana when you cast or reveal a command spell or cast a soldier creature spell’
General’s Signet Ring: ‘This mage may pay 1 less mana when he, or a Spawnpoint he controls, casts a soldier spell.’
Legionnaire: when summoned, you may pay 4 mana. If you do, immediately summon a Goblin Legionnaire from your spellbook, into the zone, as a free action.

(Compare the language on Legionnaire to the language on extending walls:  "As you cast a wall, you may choose to pay an additional cost equal to the casting cost of the wall plus the wall’s Level. If you do, when the spell resolves, you may get a second copy of that same wall from your spellbook and place it as a continuation of the first wall." Nobody has ever taken damage from a Magebane for extending a wall, so that is certainly not considered 'casting'.)

I don’t think there is a correlation that ‘summon’=‘cast’, as you suggest.

From the supplement: ‘Summoning is the act of bringing a creature into play and placing it in the arena.’

Up to the release of the Academy Warlord there was only oneway to summon soldiers - casting either by the mage or a barracks. But now there seems to be a second option for these creatures.

So all the Legionnaires are Summoned, but only the first one is Cast and entitled to any discount.

The best cost I can see is the mage casting the first with both ring and cape: 1+4+4=9. From barracks only the ring applies to the first one, so 2+4+4=10.

Rules Discussion / Re: Goblin Legionnaire casting cost
« on: January 17, 2018, 09:49:21 PM »
I did not think you could use the discount from the Ring or Cape on the second or third Legionnaire.

The Legionnaire card seems pretty unequivocal that you may pay 4 mana to summon an additional copy of the spell, not that you are casting that second copy (noting that  ‘casting’ is central to the Signet Ring’s or Commander’s Cape’s power).

It is like extending a wall, from my reading. You cast one section, but can then place a further section as part of the same action. You do not cast that second section.

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