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Messages - ACG

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I find seedling pods to be kinda stupid. You pay 3 mana and after 3 turns you can cast something from them and break even. there is nothing to gain by playing a seedling pod. plus you need to play the life tree to give them some sort of protection.

Seedling pod has two uses.

First, it lets you save actions that would otherwise be wasted. This is handy in action-heavy druid builds, especially those starved for mana. Don't have a good quickcast option? Just cast a seedling pod.

The second use is to delay making a decision. Suppose at the start of the game you are not sure what strategy your opponent will use. Rather than commit to a particular strategy, you can just cast some seedling pods and decide what they will be later. This will be more useful as more plant spells are introduced to the game.

Basically, seedling pods let you store actions for later without having to decide what they will do (apart from being a plant object). If you find yourself short on actions anyway, they will not be a good play.

Creative / Re: Mage Wars - INNOVATION!
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:15:15 PM »
Send an image file to me specifically? You could host it on use.com or on dropbox and pm me a link, I suppose.

Creative / Re: Mage Wars - INNOVATION!
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:56:54 PM »
Regarding ip concerns: I don't know for sure, but suspect that posting another person's artwork without their consent would violate the terms of service.

Regarding ownership:

Use.com does not claim ownership of the Content you place or otherwise make available through the Service. By submitting Content for inclusion on the Service, you grant Use.com a world-wide, perpetual, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, make derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly display, distribute and publish the Content solely for the purpose of providing and promoting the Service in any and all media. This license exists for as long as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Service and will terminate at the time you remove or Use.com removes the Content from the Service. You remain the owner of all Content that you submit to the Service, and as a condition to use of the Service, you represent and warrant to Use.com that you are the owner of the copyright to Content you submit to the Service or that you have written permission from the copyright owner to submit such Content. In addition, should you opt, while uploading content, to allow codes to be generated enabling others to link to your content and/or display it on their webpages, you agree that such content may be linked to or displayed by non-Use.com websites and you consent to such linking or display.

My advice is either get permission or make your own artwork. If you are interested primarily in game mechanics (as I am), you don't need very fancy artwork; just enough so that the card is recognizable across the table.

Creative / Re: Mage Wars - INNOVATION!
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:09:45 PM »
Welcome, IronLegionnaire.

I usually use an image hosting site like www.use.com, since the forums don't really have very good image hosting capabilities. use.com also takes care of html formatting for posting the images.

Are you saying that you are developing a Mage Wars mtg set editor module? If so, I am sure that would be useful to many people.

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:41:32 PM »
Thank you for the pricing feedback.

Strange, I thought I had given it an ethereal attack, but you're right, it lacks one. I'll have to change that.

If you're just playing casually with friends, and feel like including a proxy in your book, I would be delighted to hear how it goes.

Rules Discussion / Re: 2 Guarding creatures in 1 zone
« on: October 22, 2014, 01:00:25 PM »
There is a mage guarding and a deathfang guarding in a zone.
A Gremlin wants to attack the mage, can he do it?
Or can the enemy mage decide, that the deathfang has to be targeted?

Attacker decides.

Guarding just means the attacker has to attack a guard.

"If you are making a melee attack, the target must be in the
same zone as the attacker. If there are enemy guards in the
zone, you must choose one of the guards to attack (see
“Guarding” on page 29)."

"If there is an enemy guard (a creature
with a guard marker) in a zone, then you cannot melee
attack any object in that zone other than enemy guards.
This condition is checked when the attack is declared."

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 22, 2014, 08:29:59 AM »
Now to answer the action potential question. Action potential IS measurable, it is what a card has the ability to do, more or less. Now this is a complex concept as it is "potential" meaning it has not done what it has the ability to do. Mana crystal, rather than increasing it's own action potential, increases your mage's action potential, and that is where I'm getting the .5 by physical account. It increases the amount of stuff the mage can do on a per turn basis. The fact that .5 is the number .5 is because I believe that, by ratio, the increase in action potential is worth half of that of each mana it gives you back. So basically, the card's index value increases by 1.5 each turn after it is cast until the end of the game which is the only point in time which you can fully and accurately asses the index value of the card. That is why we must use variables in it's value assessment equation.

The point of my example was to illustrate what I mean by justification and measurement. When you make a model, you need to justify where each number comes from. It is obvious where x-5 comes from, but it is not clear where 0.5*x comes from. How did you arrive at the conclusion that action potential is worth 0.5 per turn? ("I believe it is" or "it feels right" is not justification) You say that it is measurable, but "stuff that a card has the ability to do" is not quantifiable. To explain how you arrived at 0.5, you need to be specific about what contributes to this and why. In my example, I showed one attempt to give a mana value to a quick action by analogy to the mana value of a full action suggested by the meditation amulet. Regardless of whether it is true, this is a justification, and the formula contains only measurable quantities (amount of mana and number of quick actions).

It is impossible to measure action potential, because it is not a resource in the game. Actions are resources. Mana is resources. Each spell card is a resource. Each attack that a creature has is a resource. Mage Wars does not have anything called Action Potential, which means it is a derived quantity. But you haven't given us a way to derive it, so it is of little use in analysis.

And when we talk about value, we absolutely need to specify what type. You can only value something in terms of other things - a carton of eggs is worth $3, or a pound of acorns, or a gallon of water, but not "4". I have been analyzing the mana crystal by putting a mana value on it ("mana value"). Putting an abstracted index as a value makes it impossible to analyze something because it is unclear what the number means.

As others have stated, value fluctuates constantly in mage wars, so the payoff time may vary. But I have yet to see an example of a situation where the crystal pays off in fewer than 5 rounds.

Rules Discussion / Re: Bleed, undamaged, Hand of Bim-Shalla.
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:04:30 PM »
"You can never remove more damage than the creature currently has. Any excess healing or regeneration is lost."

Bleed: "...Whenever this creature...heals...you may remove 1 Bleed condition for each point of healing you cancel"

I would say that you can use healing to remove bleed, because it says that you cancel the healing (a specifically defined effect), not the damage removal (a more general result of healing).

Cancelling a spell prevents it from resolving. Cancelling a point of healing should prevent it from resolving as well. If it did resolve, it would be lost, but since it was cancelled before resolving, it still counts as being cancelled, and so you can use it to remove bleed. I think the key thing to notice is that nowhere in the heal effect does it state that an uninjured creature may not be healed, only that if it is healed, you cannot remove more damage than it has.

Custom Cards / Re: ACG's Custom Spells and Mages
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:40:48 PM »
It's been a while, but I have some updates and a few new cards to share.

First, the updates:

These are designed to balance the cards and bring them more into line with official rules (for instance, removing enchantment/attack spell/incantation immunity on the golem, which has no official precedent.

Atraxus - minor change (mainly, removed intercept for balancing)
Berserker Frenzy - reformatted. Now it behaves more like an ongoing battle fury. It still fulfulls the original purpose of making the gorilla more attractive as a creature.
Bog Mummy - original version was awkwardly worded. This one is more straightforward, and still innovative - a creature spawnpoint, which can cast spells and move/attacks at the same time! Note the limitation on casting range.
Grarhk - I think this rewording demonstrates the power of a simple innovation in mechanical description - the use of "Special" as a placeholder for an ability described below. This would simplify the number of keywords players have to know - for instance, thornlasher is the only creature with the snatch ability, so why not give it "Special" instead and describe the ability below? This card illustrates the power of this simple technique.
Harshforge Golem - with the advent of Harshforge, many of my magisbane cards make more sense rethemed as harshforge cards. Here is the first one. The golem now provides warlords with a another punishing counter to heavily enchanted creatures.
Mirror World - rewritten once again. Now it is more like the original incarnation, but taking advantage of the dissipate trait. Basically, the Illusionist's spawnpoint. No longer turns illusion creatures into cantrips, though.

And two new cards:

Amulet of Haste - Ever since seeing the new wizard, I wondered how the hourglass would work. Here is my interpretation. It lets you bank a turn for later, which could be quite powerful (hopefully balanced by the need to use a full action and the inability to stockpile hasted turns.
Alt Wizard - This is mostly a way for me to showcase the "Memory Furnace" ability, which turns your unused spells into usable mana. Might be OP in current incarnation, but that just means it needs tweaking. Original mechanic gave mana equal to the level of the obliterated spell, which is way too powerful.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:31:14 AM »
I think I know what the problem has been in this discussion - we are not talking about the same thing at all.

You have created a model to give you the "value" of a card. The problem is that it is not possible to assign a value to a card, due to the complexity of the resources in the game, and therefore this analysis does not tell us anything useful.

To have a meaningful discussion about payoffs in Mage Wars, we have to stick to things that can be measured. Mana fits this bill perfectly, since it has an explicit value. Life/Damage can likewise be easily analyzed. Actions are trickier to analyze, and attacks even more so, since they sometimes have traits. Traits are impossible to value objectively.

What the no-early-payoff perspective has been arguing is that strictly in terms of mana, the mana crystal pays off by the 5th turn after casting, which is a straightforward calculation (if we neglect future discounting, which complicates matters more than I want to get into). This analysis treats the net mana gain/loss as the value of the crystal.  Include actions into the analysis, and it takes at least 6 turns (possibly more) to pay off, but the exact number cannot be given since there is no objective way to translate actions into mana that applies to all situations.

To illustrate a "model" based on this (Warning: this is a thought experiment - I am not proposing this as an objectively true model), consider the following:

1. Since meditation amulet values a full action at 3 mana, and moving is clearly less important than action (not always true, note), let the value of a quick action be ~2 mana.
2. Aside from costing an action and providing mana, the crystal has no other significant benefit, so we may neglect all other properties (we could look at spellpoint cost, but there is no clear way to relate that to mana, so we'll assume that the player has an arbitrarily large spellbook).

Then the (mana) value of a crystal as a function of turns X after casting is
[1 mana per turn]*[X turns]-[5 mana spent]) - [1 quick action = 2 mana] = X-7 mana
Therefore the crystal breaks even (has mana value = 0) only on the 7th turn after casting.

Obviously, there are a number of circumstances that could cause us to value a quick action differently, but the point is that each part of this model is tied to a measurable aspect of the game, even if the valuations are subjective and vary based on situation. Valuing a quick action as 2 mana is not based on a whim - it justifies itself by analogy to the meditation amulet. This model attempts to assign a mana value to the crystal, i.e. the amount of mana that the crystal is worth as a function of time. This is the sort of model that can be profitably discussed.

The reason that we do not accept your model is because "Action potential" does not appear to be tied to a measurable aspect of the game. The (X-5) part of your equation is clearly the mana cost, but we don't see how you get + 0.5*x. How did you you get 0.5, exactly? What is the logic behind valuing action potential at that? And how does action potential relate (in a direct way) to resources in the game?

Your model does not have a clearly articulated justification, and it is not clear what your model is measuring. If it expresses the mana value of  the crystal as a function of time, then what justification can you give for 0.5*x? If it is not the estimated mana value of the crystal, then what is it?

It is not possible to give a single number to any spell that represents its entire value. The mana crystal is possibly the simplest card there is, and we still can't give it an objective mana value, let alone an overall value. Others have tried to value cards in the past and have failed - there are just too many variables and too many possible game situations for any analysis to give an objectively true single value. The best we can do is to try to value aspects of spells - in the case of the crystal, we can analyze how long it takes to pay for itself.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:42:54 PM »
Sorry, that question was misworded. What does your equation represent? What is (x-5)+(0.5*x) equal to?

Edit: Just reread your statement - it seems that you are saying that this is the "value" of the mana crystal. What is the relationship between the value of the mana crystal and the state of the game? Can you give an example of the value of another card so we can see how you are computing it? For instance, what is the value of Barracks?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:23:27 PM »
What exactly does x represent and how did you derive your equation?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:29:16 AM »
I assume you mean [mwcard=MW1J14]Mana Siphon[/mwcard]? Since it has a similar (if in reverse) effect, I'm not sure it adds anything new to the discussion (much like considering the mana flower would add nothing new).

If you want to think about casting 2 mana crystals instead of one, you can, although it will not help your case (since it puts you even further behind in mana and actions). I suggest that you instead focus on trying to explain what you mean in another way, without using the concept of action potential at all. Also/otherwise, as I previously suggested, it would be helpful if you stated what sort of evidence would convince you that your hypothesis is false, as otherwise it is difficult for people to know how to interact with your argument. A hypothesis that cannot be falsified is not a hypothesis - it's faith. Both these approaches would be better than analyzing a card with a similar effect.

Personally (this is not related to your point), I never cast Mana Siphon, because it seems too expensive for what it does - I prefer the cheaper options of [mwcard=MW1E30]Pacify[/mwcard], and/or [mwcard=MW1E15]Essence Drain[/mwcard], which, though situational, can often achieve the same effect for a fraction of the price

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:09:48 AM »
To Wildhorn and ACG - why did you decide the real Mana Crystal was better than the fictitious Mana Crystal?  Why is the round-by-round return better when your argument is no benefit in rounds 2-5?

Because, all other considerations aside, I would rather have $1 every day of the week (M-F) than $5 on Friday. Resources now are worth more than resources in the future (future value discounting). Similarly, I would rather have $5 now than $1 every day of the week (M-F). The fictitious Mana Crystal is obviously worse because it delays payback. But by the same token, the delayed payback of the normal mana crystal compared to doing nothing makes it obviously worse through the first 5 turns (obvious to me, anyway). The reason that this didn't  persuade me as an argument is that the reason that the fictitious mana crystal is worse than the regular mana crystal (delay of mana receipt) is the same reason that the mana crystal is (initially) worse than nothing.

Remember, we weren't claiming that the mana crystal does nothing, just that there is no net benefit. BoomFrog gave a good summary of the difference between gross and net benefit.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: On mana crystal effects and efficiency
« on: October 15, 2014, 05:24:54 PM »
I will still be on the lookout for examples that might work ACG (will PM you if I find one). In the meantime, handshake and agree to disagree?
So anyway, hopefully my argument hasn't insulted anybody, I definitely don't mean to do that. So, in case I have, sorry to those who have had a constructive conversation with me and haven't attacked me, my personality, or religion in the process.

Sure. And I wouldn't worry about insulting anybody - your tone throughout this thread has been consistently civil.

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