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Messages - Sailor Vulcan

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: How to effectively use the Force Master?
« on: February 22, 2018, 11:03:02 AM »
Check the timestamp that comment is 5 years old.

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Spells / Re: Dark L1 Enchantments D-H
« on: February 19, 2018, 07:08:24 PM »
Debilitate **

Link to pic:

Im hard pressed to see this as wow!
Its great on Ehren and its really good if somebody multibuff something: Bear strength, Wolfs Fury and Lion Savagery but if someone run that tactic i would be logical to also run Enchantment Transfusion. So that means you should probably run ET and Shift Enchantment. Thats not really a bad thing, with enchantments being real popular you probably should run those anyway.

But i just rather run Altar of Infernia instead.

And i think Agony is better. Garantied result and a much better nullifyprobe. Theres lot of 3 dice mage who donĀ“t plan on attacking but end up doing it when theres nothing better to do or counterstrike when the guarded for some reason.
Nullifyprobes can be important and i rather have something that if it stick is likely to do a little something.
Because debilitate is level 1 and costs less mana than an altar?

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Spells / Re: Card of the Day yah! :)
« on: February 19, 2018, 01:29:36 PM »
Wizard doesn't have trouble with Incorporeal anyway.  Arcane Zap + Hawkeye is all he really needs.  Way cheaper than a full action and 8 mana for a very killable fairy.
Yes, but that's because he only needs to use max two or three ethereal attacks in a single round. It's not like anyone is having  that many incorporeal objects in play at a time.

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Spells / Re: Card of the Day yah! :)
« on: February 19, 2018, 12:44:07 PM »
I think moongkow faerie us a good card, but there is not enough reason to use her in current meta. Too few incorporeal spells, faeries can be killed by arc lightning or flameblast. I can forsee someone using them to counter incorporeal creatures/conjurations without using your attack spells, while also forcing opponent to use an attack spell to deal with them. They might be good to use from a gate to Voltari, and if you enchant them with giant size they'll have a little extra staying power AND they'll roll 6 dice ethereal.

But not enough incorporeal to make them worth it, they're too situational at the moment.

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Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: February 16, 2018, 05:40:40 PM »
Silverclaw was interested in joining, but seemed to have lost interest when I told him he'd missed the deadline. Someone should try to convince him to join the waitlist. I recall that he had said somewhere originally that he would compete this time, I think. Don't remember where.

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: February 16, 2018, 11:05:54 AM »
What do you mean by "update standings"? I thought the tourney wasn't starting until april? Did I miss something?

Events / Re: ADMW Open 2 - An Open Online Mage Wars Tournament
« on: February 15, 2018, 04:48:22 PM »
That was hilarious.10/10. Or at least most of it was.

Also, do I really have a tendency to get that distracted talking during matches? I didn't think I did that so frequently.

Or are you referencing that ONE casual game we played where there was a bit of confusion about whether RAW was matching RAI, and how to handle that confusion, and we went on the forums later and it turned out you were right and I was wrong, and that was the end of it? Which by the way I'm pretty sure happened just one time months ago at least.

While I do have moments where I am or come across as argumentative, I'm pretty sure I don't have a tendency to stall tournament matches by arguing about rules, as you seem to imply.

Off topic / How does Volunteering at Conventions work?
« on: February 09, 2018, 02:42:08 PM »
Hi. I'm an Arcane Wonders Ambassador, and I have a couple questions:
1. If I want to volunteer with the Arcane Wonders booth at Origins, would I still have to pay for my badge, or would it be free? Or is there a discount?
2. How do I apply to volunteer with Arcane Wonders at a specific convention or other event? How does all that work?

Also, is Arcane Wonders still hosting official tournaments? I can't find the tournament schedule on the website anymore.

The reason I'm asking about this is because:

1. Besides sharkbait, I'm probably the only competitive mage wars player in the entire Columbus Ohio area.

2. Since sharkbait isn't available to help build the local mage wars community here, it's on me to do it, and volunteering at origins might be a good way to promote mage wars locally since it's in Columbus where I live.

3. If I'm remembering correctly, last year the origins mage wars tournament was fan-run rather than being hosted by Arcane Wonders. This meant that we could participate in it without needing to buy event tickets to enter the event.

4. In conventions, I usually want to spend most of my time on mage wars, and only a smaller amount of time on other games.

5. If volunteering with Arcane Wonders means that my badge is free or at least cheaper, then it will make it much MUCH easier for me to go to both origins and gen con in the same year.

6. Paying $60-70 to be able to enter the gaming hall where I will likely do nothing but play a game that I already own with people who I could easily play with outside of that hall...it seems like it's hard to justify doing that every year, especially if I also want to go to gen con too sometimes. The reason I still do it is because I rarely if ever get to play mage wars arena with anyone in person outside of conventions, and I very rarely get to play mage wars academy in person outside of conventions either.

If there were any way that I could go to origins and participate in a non-official mage wars tournament without having to pay $60-70 just to enter the room it takes place in, then that would be really great.


I'm confused what exactly are you complaining about?

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You know you can just change it manually right? If the winner of the initiative roll changes their mind after mages are revealed, they can just take control of the initiative marker, hover over it, hold down control and press f to flip it to other color. It will still automatically change again at the next initiative phase.

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General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Community Spotlight!
« on: February 01, 2018, 12:46:49 AM »
Damn uploading my recording to your dropbox takes forever haha. I would love it if you guys could give commentary for the match. It lasts less than an hour and most of the planning phases dont take that long so you dont need to cut anything out. This was an epic match and it was very fun and exciting (although I  lost horribly in the end haha). I was facing Werekingdom. Also, I changed my octgn username to Sargent_Ketchup recently. Yes I know it's spelled wrong but I'm not sure whether I want to correct it or not.

Mages / Re: favorite mage
« on: January 31, 2018, 09:48:10 PM »
see everyone is getting it. simple short statements about their wrong choice and about how lame their choice is, which is obvious when you consider the awesomeness of the wizard. nicely done folks.

Dude, I can't tell if you're joking or being serious. The wizard was never overpowered in the conventional sense. He used sheer spellbook point advantage to force all other mages to choose between being able to deal with the wizard vs being able to deal with non-wizards who ignored the wizard matchup.

And no one except the wizard had enough spell points to deal with both.

And the reason for the wizard's advantage in spell points was because of his overly flexible training and having virtually unlimited uses of his attack spells because of wizard tower having spellbind. When combined with his in school access to both elemental wand and Mage wand, this meant that he was the only mage with three different in school sources of spellbind, while all other mages had only one, except for the Forcemaster who could summon multiple spores, but those spores were easier to kill than the tower and she didn't have much other in school creature support besides them.

In short, before the errata the wizard was able to include significantly more spells in his decks than any other mage could while still being competitive, and this meant he had more tools for each matchup. Anyone who didn't specifically design their spellbooks to hate against wizards in particular would get trounced.

That isn't the case anymore though. The wizard is a lot more fun to play and play against nowadays.

Forcemaster is my favorite btw.

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Dude, Sailor.  Never feed Trolls.   ;)
I'm not sure whether you're joking or being serious either. Zot used to be on here a lot in the past but them he disappeared from the forums for a long time. And now he's returned. Do you really think he came back as a troll?

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Mages / Re: favorite mage
« on: January 31, 2018, 06:44:49 PM »
see everyone is getting it. simple short statements about their wrong choice and about how lame their choice is, which is obvious when you consider the awesomeness of the wizard. nicely done folks.

Dude, I can't tell if you're joking or being serious. The wizard was never overpowered in the conventional sense. He used sheer spellbook point advantage to force all other mages to choose between being able to deal with the wizard vs being able to deal with non-wizards who ignored the wizard matchup.

And no one except the wizard had enough spell points to deal with both.

And the reason for the wizard's advantage in spell points was because of his overly flexible training and having virtually unlimited uses of his attack spells because of wizard tower having spellbind. When combined with his in school access to both elemental wand and Mage wand, this meant that he was the only mage with three different in school sources of spellbind, while all other mages had only one, except for the Forcemaster who could summon multiple spores, but those spores were easier to kill than the tower and she didn't have much other in school creature support besides them.

In short, before the errata the wizard was able to include significantly more spells in his decks than any other mage could while still being competitive, and this meant he had more tools for each matchup. Anyone who didn't specifically design their spellbooks to hate against wizards in particular would get trounced.

That isn't the case anymore though. The wizard is a lot more fun to play and play against nowadays.

Forcemaster is my favorite btw.

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Decoy is an awesome spell. It's much more useful nowadays since arcane ward came around. The only enchants that can target an arcane ward are arcane ward and decoy.
Without either of these spells you may find yourself in a very tough position burning 2 dispels per thing you want gone.
The most fun thing you can do with a decoy is put it I  the thing you want protected. Common moves nowadays are to aggressively cast your own arcane ward to pop the previous arcane ward. If the spell they want to get rid of (say it's your forcefield) has a decoy and not an arcane ward, now they have to burn through there own arcane ward to further destroy the item, and you flip your decoy for 2 free mana.
Little convoluted but uts hilarious as a mind game
Can't seeking dispel also target an arcane ward? And reveal magic?

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Most people don't. Decoy can be a useful spell if opponent thinks it's a nullify, but if you're going to spend a spellpoint just to deal with nullifies or make opponent hesitant to cast a spell on one of your creatures, you're often better off just including nullifies and extra copies of certain enchantments or incantations. You can bluff opponent into thinking you have nullify with any enchantment, not just decoy after all. And any incantation targeting a corporeal creature can set off a nullify attached to it,  not just Decoy.

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