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Messages - NerdGuy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Events / Re: Origins 2016?
« on: June 12, 2016, 02:19:50 PM »
I will be free most of the day on Thur as well as Sat morning/early afternoon. I could maybe do a game or two in the evening but I will most likely be busy.

General Discussion / Re: Modes of play (Academy, Domination, Arena)
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:09:12 AM »
My favorite mode is still good old Arena. The tactile movement the game provides is a big plus in my book and part of what initially drew me in. I like Domination in spurts it seems; I enjoy the different mindset it requires and the alternate win condition. However my playgroup(which might be too tiny to consider it a playgroup) usually just attacks the opponent anyways so Domination loses a bit of what makes it different.

Academy isn't bad. I think once the next round comes out it might get better; I like sitting around and building spellbooks for fun and there just aren't that many options at the moment. If I could get a few more people on board it would rise in my eyes; I just rarely get to play two player games any more and when I do if I'm playing Mage Wars I grab Arena.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Trapmaster
« on: October 23, 2015, 04:23:10 PM »
I like the book, its similar to an idea I have been messing around with.  I have been building a 'Labyrinth' spellbook that uses quite a few traps, hadn't thought of using the Forcemaster though

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Podcasts?
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:39:55 AM »
As tom mention there is Let's Level up which offers some unique insight and the occasional spoiler.  Other than that, there aren't any others that I am aware of sadly.

General Discussion / Re: Ok lets talk Domination.
« on: October 20, 2015, 03:54:53 PM »
I was a bit hesitant when Domination was announced, but after playing it for a while, I do enjoy it it quite a bit. The new victory conditions add a new style/strategy of play.  This greatest strength is also its greatest weakness; you really need to edit current spellbooks or build all new ones when playing Domination (though if you're obsessed with spellbook building like I am its not necessarily a bad thing).

I also enjoy how it almost puts a new 'spin' on all the mages.  It even brings less 'powerful' mages into the spotlight (I'm looking at you Warlord).  I've been building a Warlord, a very effective vine Druid, a teleporting Forcemaster, and  a ranged pack-hunting Beastmistress.

I'm not sure if I prefer 'vanilla' MW or Domination more so I expect both to see around an equal amount of play when my MW partner and I bring the books to the table.

General Discussion / Re: Miniatures Survey
« on: December 06, 2014, 12:47:17 PM »
I am a mini painter, and as such I would love to paint some mages.  However, this isn't a miniatures game and prepainted minis would probably sell better overall and I would them painted or unpainted.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Trying to form a group in South Eastern PA
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:35:24 PM »
I still plan on trying to come, though I might get there as late as 5; not sure if people were planning on staying that late or not.  I also have 2 boards I can bring.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Trying to form a group in South Eastern PA
« on: October 31, 2014, 02:47:58 PM »
Ironically I was planning on being in WC already on that date.  Providing people are planning on sticking around most of the day, I can swing by once I am free

League / Tournament Play / Re: Trying to form a group in South Eastern PA
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:31:45 AM »
I'm still based in Philadelphia but would certainly travel for some Mage Wars(though probably on a weekend depending on the drive time)

While it does look like some sort of Ape, I'm secretly hoping its a Honey Badger.

Been way too busy of a summer but I have some free time coming up. Anyone interested in getting together next Sun, Aug 3rd, for a day of MW? I can host but I'm willing to do some traveling if need be.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Rolling Fog Preview
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:17:18 PM »
I like this one; definitely will put it in several of my books if I can find the space.  However, the ranged Beastmistress I keep trying to make does not like this spell one bit.

I'll be at Red Cap's Corner tonight for board game night;  I'll be bringing along some spellbooks in case anyone else wants to stop by and play some MW.

@Kich - I'm looking at possibly being in Lancaster the weekend of the 31st if you think you may be free that Sun.

This card is beyond cool.  Ranged, piercing, burn and cripple all rolled up into a very cool looking package.  The urge to burninate opposing mages is quickly rising.  Also, I think this card is now my favorite piece of Mage Wars art.

General Discussion / Re: FIF: Goblin Alchemist Preview
« on: March 31, 2014, 03:40:30 PM »
Definitely can't wait to get my hands on this one.  I plan on having an Alchemist (or two) throwing bombs and being annoying while my Warlord brings the pain on the front lines

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