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Topics - residualshade

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Basilisk Animal?
« on: January 28, 2013, 04:08:38 AM »
so i looked at stone gaze basilisk the other day while building my beastmaster book and thought it would be nice to add him because i have very limited ranged attack options. to my surprise he is not in fact an animal. is this correct or is it a error? seems off to me if he isn't.

League / Tournament Play / Austin, TX
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:03:23 AM »
Trying to start a play group in austin, tx. we currently number 3. attempting to get a regular meeting at dragons lair on tuesdays.

Custom Cards / Living spell
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:09:24 PM »
So I am a Dnd player. One of my favorite things in Dnd is the living spell in the eberron campaign setting. I think it would be a cool concept for a mage wars card.

Living Spell
Type: creature
Cost: X
Action Type: Full
Range: 0-0
Target: zone
School: Arcane(4)
Life: Y
Armor: Z

Attack(s): none


You may bind a non epic attack or incantation spell who's mana cost + spell level is less than X.
Living spell my cast the bound spell once per round for free.
Y is equal to the bound spell's mana cost.
Z is equal to the bound spell's level.

Probably rather broken in its current form, but should get my idea across.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Mobile Version?
« on: January 16, 2013, 10:43:11 PM »
Any plans to make a IPad/IPhone App somewhere down the road? it seems to be a growing trend with board games and non-TCGs to have mobile versions. i know i would snap it up in a heartbeat.

Strategy and Tactics / Bitterwood Swarm Opening
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:30:12 PM »
opening i stumbled into randomly while playing.

Turn 1 |19 Mana
Mana crystal/flower -5 Mana
Mana crystal/flower -5 Mana

End of Turn | 9 Mana

Turn 2 | 20 Mana
Lair -15 Mana
Ring of Beasts -2 Mana

End of Turn | 3 Mana

Turn 3 | 14 Mana | 2 Mana on Lair
Bitterwood Fox -3 Mana -2 Mana on Lair
Bitterwood Fox -4 Mana
Bitterwood Fox -5 Mana

End of Turn | 2 Mana

Turn 4 | 13 Mana | 2 Mana on Lair
Bitterwood Fox -3 Mana -2 Mana on Lair
Bitterwood Fox -4 Mana
Bitterwood Fox -5 Mana

End of Turn | 1 Mana

Light Mana opening into an explosive Swarm. having trouble figuring out how to get the last point of mana i need for the 3rd fox on turn 4.

General Discussion / Spectating Mage Wars
« on: January 14, 2013, 09:23:06 PM »
is it just me or is watching a game of mage wars rather enjoyable? i got into the game after watching the critical play videos, and now wish i had similar playthroughs to watch.

Strategy and Tactics / Temple of Asyra Opening
« on: January 14, 2013, 08:30:21 PM »
so after skimming the opening move thread and seeing the necropian intervention and Valshalla opening videos i have been inspired to start discussions on opening moves. i think opening moves are not only a fun but valuable discussion topic. i want to share one i have been brainstorming lately.

Turn 1 | 20 Mana
Temple of Asyra -10 Mana
Harmonize on Temple -4 Mana

End of Turn | 6 Mana

Turn 2 | 16 Mana | 2 Mana on Temple
Asyran Cleric -3 Mana -2 Mana on Temple
Asyran Cleric -5 Mana
Harmonize on Mage -6

End of Turn | 2 Mana

Turn 3 | 13 Mana | 2 Mana on Temple

This is meant to be a hard mana ramp opening. if the enemy mage gets aggressive on you early you have enough mana to drop a brogan starting turn 2 and every turn their after.

assuming i am not forced to go on the defense i have no clue as to what to cast for my last spells on turn 3.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Universal Spell
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:09:11 PM »
are their any plans to add a keyword or school for spells that belong to all mages. for example being able to destroy equipment and spells is a basic necessity for all mages. IMO dispel and dissolve should be considered in school for all mages.

maybe remove the novice keyword and replace it with

Universal - All mages may add Universal spells to their spellbook for x spell points, where x is the spells level. even if they are not trained in that spell's school of magic.

Pages: [1]