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Messages - Zilfalon

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Tinker Bells Angel
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:45:52 PM »
I used your openings and Fellala died in Round 3.

Rhino hide was useless due to only crit damage.
Jhoktary came with Cervere, buffed with unavoidable and wings. one attack and a Bear Strength on it and Hand of bim shala killed her outright with two attacks.
I admit the rolls were pretty lucky (4 dice and 6 crit dmg). Still, after she died I had 80% of my deck left with  Enchantmets. I feel there are just too many. Since Cervere is Elusive Guardian Angel doesnt work either. I think the deck needs some more choices and options.


Last update is a year ago...need...update :zombie:

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Highly Calibrated Wizard
« on: February 14, 2015, 01:30:27 PM »
I would suggest to add a date of the deck in the overview.

After rethinking this, this deck isnt working today anymore. Intercept, Forcemaster, Reflex Boots are just some of many ways to invalidate this decks concept.

General Discussion / Re: Stream on Twitch.tv
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:03:34 PM »
I want to thank everyone who tuned in. It was a long evening, a lot of fun and we have learned a lot during those four games.

Maybe next time I will play moderator and let theasaris face off against Turbine.
We will see, until next time!


General Discussion / Re: Stream on Twitch.tv
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:30:39 AM »
Just to give you a time, stream will go online just after 16:00 European Berlin+1 Time.

You can watch it either by checking the twitch.tv on OCTGN, look for OCTGN on twitch or just go directly to my stream www.twitch.tv/zilfalon and chat there (which is only visible for me, not theasaris in this case but much more visible than in the OCTGN client).
I will underline it with some epic music ;)


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Highly Calibrated Wizard
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:26:45 AM »
I tried your praised deck once. Lost uncontested actually.

Why? Because Forcemaster, thats why. This deck relies on Grimson to do the damage and draw the enemy out.
I could not do so, since the first two attacks were avoided while the Forcemaster kept casting Psylocks.
Turns out, those 3 Psylocks had Force pushs on them, so they made Grimson get pushed out of the zone to the back and then smack his head against the arena over and over again. He almost got one Psylock down however.
The Wizard then, pretty defensless, as the Wizards tower got one shotted by a Force Hammer right after casting.

By then the Wizard was already cornered by 2 Psylocks with Force pushes and the Forcemaster himself.
All this pushing screwed up the game for me. Grimson didnt get the bonus from the archers watchtower after being pushed.

Just fyi: I took out 2 of 4 Teleports to make the deck cost 120, as this was the quickest solution that time.

I would certainly try to have more options - or the forcemaster is the natural enemy against this deck due to the evasion. What would you say?

General Discussion / Re: Stream on Twitch.tv
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:38:04 PM »
Hey guys,

We will play tomorrow on my Twitch stream.
And you will be able to listen to our conversation during the game. Theasaris cant watch the steam however, because it will be from my perspective and will then know what I will have in my deck or planned - we wouldnt want him to cheat, would we? ;)

So feel free to watch the game and discuss our strategies, make sure we are remembering all the rules, and maybe enjoy some music if you want - I could turn on songrequests, so you can have yourself a nice podcast with chilling music.

Have a good night

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