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Messages - wmcastillo28

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Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: April 04, 2020, 09:55:39 PM »
My Priest model. This one was a little harder with the positioning of his arm stretched out. The support actually broke in the middle of the print, but it still ended up printing okay. Happy with the result for now. Went for the wizard for now, and will just wait about 2 weeks and do two more (they cost $7.99 US for the file after I create it on HeroForge, so about $15 every two weeks isn't to horrible. Gotta pace myself, lol)

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: April 04, 2020, 09:53:31 PM »
First batch of bought 3d models from Hero Forge!
My wife's Priestist. Turned out okay. need to get a more fine tune nozzle, but cant with the current Amazon ordering issues with our current time. Defiantly works for now though :)

Creative / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« on: April 04, 2020, 06:03:53 PM »
Personally I would really like to do minis and terrain and stuff. I played WH 40k in the past and it would be awesome to make a mage wars arena with placeable Conjurations and actual walls....
But alas, can't justify the time and resources for that, if I rarely play a physical game.
I came from the 40k past as well! I think thats what motivated me to do most of this. I plan on wanting to do minis for the mages, and walls. Maybe some different tokens. all sorts of things we could do.

Creative / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« on: April 03, 2020, 11:02:48 PM »
I know this one is probably going to hit a minor sore spot for some, but as of now, the only games I've played in the past two years (physical) is with my wife. We don't really care for how long the games go, we both have a long build up (and doesn't help she plays Priestess and turtles 90% of the time)(and obviously I can't go hard on her and get her un-interested... as far as i know there is no 1 player mode.. haha) So we mutually decided to make new dice. What we decided, for a start, is to get rid of one of the blank sides and replace it with a normal "1" damage. So I designed it in Tinkercad, printed it, and painted them. We just had our first match with them today and we REALLY didn't notice to much of a difference. I know statistically that there is a difference, so I feel better knowing the odds are slightly in my favor. The only thing so far that came up on my side, is incorporeal creatures. With this, right before posting this, I thought of maybe changing it and seeing what my wife would think of maybe changing one of the two blank sides to a MW or some sort of symbol, and it would still be considered a miss, but maybe that miss would allow you to get one mana back.. I'll talk to her tomorrow about it, but i'm getting off topic..
So here is the picture of my dice! The large ones are obviously the OG ones. The yellow ones are the ones that she was using up to this point, and the small red ones are the new ones I 3d printed with the extra "1".
If anyone thinks of anything that they think would make the game new/neat/interesting/easier or whatever, let me know!

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: April 01, 2020, 01:52:47 AM »
Playing around with the models a little. Added a "Base" object for each mage just to give them all a little more character. The company is currently backlogged or whatever due to the virus stuff, so they have some test models to test the capabilities of their 3d models and my 3d printer. Going to test them to see if my printer can handle the quality of their models. I'll keep you updated :)

Creative / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« on: March 30, 2020, 05:38:17 PM »
Very good!
Improves playability and looking good!
Sadly the big majority of my games (currently all of them) are on OCTGN.

But I appreciate you sharing your project, keep it up.

I'm aware that most games are now played on OCTGN, but I just don't like that style. When I got into the game, it immediately felt like a "Gentleman's" style game, and the physical play is a big part of that to me. Luckily, my wife kind of enjoys the game (As long as I let her miss a match or two every now and then, haha). I'm hoping one day i'll have a game room and be able to host game nights and be able to introduce people into the game to have some sort of group to play. Basically, i'm trying to keep the physical game alive as long as i can, lol.
With that, i'm just trying my best to do basic, little improvements the best I can. Any ideas are appreciated.

Creative / Re: Token Finding Struggle
« on: March 30, 2020, 01:51:10 AM »
Well i find the easiest solution is to have ENOUGH tokens.

And then never look for that 2nd Burn, Corrode or whatever, just put something under the first token.

^^^^ This is much more of a simpler solution... Very good easy fix. Thanks!

Creative / Token Finding Struggle
« on: March 29, 2020, 01:04:53 AM »
So, one of the things that irritated me the most when I started playing the game was the condition tokens. It would of been one thing if they were all the same, meaning, all BURNS have STUN on the back, or whatever. That I could of gotten used to. But having random things on random sides, that was a quick no-go for me. So, my solution, I cut ALL condition tokens in halve using a sharp razer blade, matched them up, and glued them back together! Now this will cause some to be mis-sized, cause you to technically have less of all the tokens, but made it 100x easier for me to be able to reach into my token bin, and find/get the one I need. Be sure if you try this, to use a SHARP razor blade to cut them, but obviously, it goes without saying to make sure your being as *CAREFUL AS POSSIBLE*. The easiest way I found was to set the token on a table, hold the back side with left hand, hold the razer blade with the right, barely poke the token with the tip, and kind of roll it along the table, cutting all along the edge, and it will cut into the middle as it goes. You will get some very thin, and some thick. I just tried to match up a thick with a thin to try and keep them similar sizes. Then just normal Elmers glue or stick glue works. My first batch i did stick glue thinking it would be cleaner application, but it was not. Elmers glue takes a little longer to dry, but seemed to be able to control it better.
Let me know if you guys felt the same way about the tokens and what your solution to it was! Thanks!

Creative / Re: 3D Printer Projects
« on: March 27, 2020, 02:12:31 AM »
Had the wife play a game with me using it. A couple things need tweaked, but not much. The view port for the Channel needs to be bigger. The card slot for the mage will need to be a hair bigger, because once I sleeve them they will probably not fit. And the "tokens" that we use need re-defined. Other than that, it worked out great. I'm going to finish this one up painting and junk because it has a special place in my heart being the first. I'll keep this forum updated. Be sure to let me know what you think-

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:45:18 PM »

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:44:17 PM »

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:43:11 PM »

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:42:08 PM »

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:40:49 PM »

Creative / Re: Mage Models - HeroForge
« on: March 26, 2020, 03:39:22 PM »

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