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Topics - theduke850

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Suppression Cloak
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:33:23 PM »
I just want to make sure that the Suppression Cloak is as awesome as I think it is.

"The first time each creature makes a melee attack against this Mage, its controller must pay 2 mana during the Declare Attack Step, as an additional cost of making that attack."

if the controlling player can not pay the 2 mana, the attack is cancelled correct?

other than trying to Dissolve it, the only way to get around this, so far as I can see, would be Battle Fury or sticking with ranged attacks.  Since the entire attack is cancelled, I don't think double/triple strike would matter and at the moment there is no way to ready a creature that has already acted in the round. I don't know where I'm going with this, just thinking out loud... anyone else have thoughts on this?

General Questions / Ring of Beasts and Spawnpoints
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:10:24 PM »
Ring of Beasts: "Once per round, this Mage may pay 1 less mana when he casts an animal creature spell.

reading the sidebar for Spawnpoints in the rule book, it looks like, technically speaking, it is the spawnpoint that is casting the creature, not the Mage.  So you can't take advantage of the discount when using the spawnpoint correct?

Spells / Your Favorite Creature Spells
« on: September 30, 2012, 08:36:04 AM »
So this is a thread for people to share, discuss and or argue (in a civil manner) our favorite creature spells and why.

I'll start,

I'm a fan of the Emerald Tegu!

compared to the Timber Wolf it has 2 less life and 1 less attack, but with 1 extra armor and a roughly 42% chance to cause rot I'd still take it.

In a Beastmaster build, they make great pets, boosting it to 4 attack 4 armor and 12 life, throw some Eagle Wings on it and you have a friggin' dragon!

with the exception of Rhino Hide, it is a good choice for just about any attribute boosting or trait adding enchantment (it's got enough armor). But Regrowth, Cheetah Speed, Bull Endurance, Bear Strength are all good choices... or you could go crazy and give it Vampirism  :evil:

So, big or small, what are your favorite creatures?

I get 121 total points, counting the novice spells (there are only two, decoy and leather boots) and with air as the default elemental school.

to break it down by category, this is what I am getting:

Equipment: 12
Conjurations: 7
Creatures: 22
Enchantments: 30
Incantations: 34
Attacks: 16

total: 121

I checked it twice and took my time.

spells in schools other than Arcane or Air cost double the printed level, I took note that I only have to choose one of the elements for the Elemental Wand, and for the Turn to Stone enchantment I have to use both Arcane and Earth (which will cost double) for a total cost of 4 in this instance.

Where am I going wrong?

{copied from a post on Boardgamegeek.com}

General Questions / Can Jinx counter Seeking Dispel?
« on: September 27, 2012, 10:16:18 AM »
The situation:

 I was playing both sides of a practice game, the wizard casts the jinx enchantment (when this creature casts a quick spell, you must reveal jinx during the Counter spell step) on the warlock.

 The next round the warlock casts seeking dispel (controller of target enchantment cannot reveal the enchantment once seeking dispel has been cast) on the hidden enchantment.

I had to pause to figure out which spell takes precedence over the other, I finally decided that Seeking Dispel prevents Jinx form being revealed because of a literal interpreting of the 3 steps of casting a spell (cast, counter, resolve).

basically the Jinx spell "must" be revealed, unless otherwise prevented.

did I get this right?

as an side note, this is really the first rules question that I was unsure about... great rule book :)

Alternative Play / Any official variants to speed up a game?
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:22:19 AM »
I've been reading some of the player reviews coming out and really the only recurring complaint/concern is that the game takes too long to play... or longer than what they feel the game should take (personally I don't have an issue with the game length)

anyway, as the topic asks, are there any variants that help speed up the game?

My thoughts are:
1. put a timer on the planning phase
2. start with lower health
3. put a timer on the whole game - player with the least damage at the end wins (I believe that is how some of the tournaments have been done)

any other ideas?

World and Lore / wait... Etheria?
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:12:26 PM »
I thought it sounded familiar, so I googled it and came up with this.

I am assuming it is unintentional and unrelated, but thought it was humorous

General Questions / Legendary creatures and Banish
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:37:09 PM »
I don't own the game yet, but have put in a pre-order at my local game store. I've been reading the rules and forum but haven't found this addressed, I may have missed it though.

are creatures that have been Banished still considered in play?

if not, could another copy of the same legendary creature( say Brogan Bloodstone, for example) be played while the first copy is banished?

if yes, what happens when the banish on the first copy wears off?

this would really only affect two players who both have a core set, which I won't have and will be sharing one core between most people I play with... at least initially; but I was curious how this might work.

really looking forward to the day I can open up the box and play.

edit: sorry for double posting, when my first post didn't show up I thought I did something wrong so I tried again... didn't know it would need approval.

Rules Discussion / Legendary creatures and Banish
« on: August 25, 2012, 12:19:03 PM »
I don't own the game yet, but have put in a pre-order at my local game store. I've been reading the rules and forum but haven't found this addressed, I may have missed it though.

are creatures that have been Banished still considered in play?

if not, could another copy of the same legendary creature( say Brogan Bloodstone, for example) be played while the first copy is banished?

if yes, what happens when the banish on the first copy wears off?

this would really only affect two players who both have a core set, which I won't have and will be sharing one core between most people I play with... at least initially; but I was curious how this might work.

really looking forward to the day I can open up the box and play.

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