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Messages - theduke850

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Damage over Time
« on: May 10, 2013, 09:00:06 AM »
I think a strength of Damage over Time builds that hasn't been mentioned (at least I didn't see it) is that it doesn't rely on rolling the dice.  I have recommended it to people how have complained at the randomness (usually after a game full of horrible roles).

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:54:56 PM »
Quote from: "ghbell" post=7564
Quote from: "theduke850" post=7293
I just wanted to say that in all seriousness I've had enough spoilers, I know there are some that would like to have the entire contents spoiled before the release, but I'm satisfied with what I've seen and would like to have some surprises when I get the box.  

now I know some people will say that I just shouldn't look, but that is like telling a glutton to only eat what they want then sitting them in front of an all you can eat buffet.  I have no will power, I will look.

Dude.....  Speak for yourself.  I want to see it all.  Don't look if you don't want to see it.  Some of the stuff is very cool.

I thought I was speaking for myself... maybe I didn't use the word "I" enough?  and yes, I'm still looking... I said I would.

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:16:13 AM »
ah, yeah, rereading Steal Equipment I see it specifically refers to legally attaching equipment... makes sense. thanks

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:25:31 AM »
Quote from: "DarthDadaD20" post=7380
I fell most of the time if my opponent has something I want to use its often specific to a mage type

that makes me wonder, the mage specific limitations are always grey... so are they only limitations to deck building? does that limitation carry over once the equipment is in play?

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 08, 2013, 12:49:14 PM »
I'm glad no one is taking my previous post too seriously. I was simply stating my feelings and in no way am I expecting them to actually cut off all previews/spoilers... I think Koz's head would explode if they did that :P

I'm just saying that I'm already satisfied and eagerly anticipating the release date

Spells / Re: Forcemaster vs Warlord ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:53:43 AM »
I just wanted to say that in all seriousness I've had enough spoilers, I know there are some that would like to have the entire contents spoiled before the release, but I'm satisfied with what I've seen and would like to have some surprises when I get the box.  

now I know some people will say that I just shouldn't look, but that is like telling a glutton to only eat what they want then sitting them in front of an all you can eat buffet.  I have no will power, I will look.

General Discussion / Re: Card costings
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:21:53 AM »
I remember some discussions some time ago about the efficiency of creatures which left me with the impression that there isn't a formula for mana cost, but there is a measurement for efficiency in relation to the other attributes and traits on the card.  

the Forcemaster seems to me to be intentionally designed as highly efficient and it would make sense that she gets a clearly better weapon for only 1 mana cost more.

Spells / Re: Carnivorous plants
« on: February 07, 2013, 11:36:31 PM »
For some reason I was just inspired to come up with a Carnivorous Plant Card :whistle:

I'm thinking of some sort of carnivorous plant conjuration with the ability to lure (perhaps taunt?) creatures into it's zone with a range of 1-1 and/or make an immediate attack of around 3 when an enemy creature enters it's zone.  maybe a limit on the lure ability to level 2 creatures or lower and the vampirism trait.  It could also have the Pest trait so the creatures have the chance to run 2 zones away.  the Venus Fly trap is the most obvious inspiration (and perhaps the most iconic from the card art point of view).

I am less certain on the other stats (spell level, life, mana cost) and I suspect they would have to be determined with play testing.   assuming that the amount of life is the biggest factor that would determine the spell level and an appropriate mana cost.

but I'm already falling in love with my concept, please make it!

Spells / Re: Pentagram
« on: January 31, 2013, 04:21:06 PM »
I would put the Necropian Vampiress in any Warlock build, I've been known to make room for her in a Wizard build a time or two also.

but as far as Pentagram goes, I don't really use it much.

yes, I can see that is a problem... would the shipping from AW be any different though if they start selling singles from the website?

Rules Discussion / Re: Pixie Familiar
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:11:36 PM »
this was discussed before, I believe it can only cast enchantments and not reveal enchantments.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Card Sleeves
« on: January 19, 2013, 09:45:28 PM »
Quote from: "Texan85" post=6525
Standard meaning magic size right?


Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Updated Starter Spellbooks!
« on: January 19, 2013, 09:39:41 PM »
you should be able to build all 4 of the improved spell books with one core set. there are 3 copies of Force Push in the core set, if you are missing one you should contact customer service and they'll help you out.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Card Sleeves
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:31:02 AM »
I use KMC Matte sleeves and they fit great... I use red and blue to match the action markers

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