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Messages - werner

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Creepy Crawly Forest Druid
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:43:27 AM »

Ooops, I didn't do any heavy lifting and missed the STUCK theme. Sometimes it feels so good to POST list-advice from the hip. Disregard.

Spells / Re: Second Chance vs Rise Again question
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:40:55 AM »
How strange that it has already been Ninja-Errata'd. We will play it as "May Reveal!"

As we thought this card could be FIZZLED give the nature of "Revealed==0 (non mandatory)."

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Enjoying a Stream-lined Druid
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:35:45 AM »
Good call. Thank you.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The Creepy Crawly Forest Druid
« on: March 20, 2018, 02:48:13 PM »
No BloodspineWalls? (Incredible Thornlasher/ForcePush/Jetstream Combo)

No ForcePush or Jetstream?

Lets say you have Initiative and the Vine Tree deploys the Bloodspine for you:

a) Activate Thornlasher (pray for a Snatch), pull them thru BloodspineWall (6 dice + Bleed%)
b) Quickcast Jetstream (pray for a Push), push them back thru the same BloodspineWall (5 dice + 2nd Bleed%)

11 dice with (2) Bleed Potential.

Spells / Re: Second Chance vs Rise Again question
« on: March 19, 2018, 01:28:18 PM »
Was Second Chance already errata'd? Because my copy says nothing about "Reveal on Destroyed." The Reveal Cost-Circle isn't even RED (must reveal). As reading the card, it would appear you need to manually reveal Second Chance BEFORE uninterruptible dmg occurs.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Enjoying a Stream-lined Druid
« on: March 19, 2018, 10:01:26 AM »
Wanted to share my Druid-list and get some feedback... For starters, Im not running a lot of Creatures, relying more on Bloodvine combos (push/pull) *and* I'm not running very much Engine (Using Tataree often as bait/kiting). List has performed well and I'll get to some of my favorite openings after the list...

--- Equipment ---
1 Chitin Armor
1 Elemental Cloak
1 Mage Staff

--- Conjuration ---
2 Bloodspine Wall
2 Corrosive Orchid
1 Idol of Pestilence
2 Nightshade Lotus
1 Seedling Pod
3 Tanglevine
1 Vine Tree
2 Wall of Thorns

--- Creature ---
1 Emerald Tegu
1 Kralathor, The Devourer
2 Raptor Vine
1 Steelclaw Grizzly
1 Tataree
3 Thornlasher

--- Enchantment ---
3 Bear Strength
1 Enchantment Transfusion
1 Falcon Precision
1 Harmonize
1 Mongoose Agility
2 Nullify
1 Regrowth
1 Reverse Attack
1 Rhino Hide
2 Rust

--- Incantation ---
3 Dispel
2 Dissolve
2 Force Push
1 Minor Heal
1 Purify
1 Renewing Rain
1 Rouse the Beast
1 Steal Enchantment
2 Teleport

--- Attack ---
3 Acid Ball
1 Arc Lightning
2 Geyser
1 Jet Stream
2 Surging Wave
2 Swell


I like several openings:

rd1 (Vinetree + Harmonize while moving_1); rd2 (moving_1 while Tataree + FD_BearSTR(self)); rd3 (Tegu + react to opponent)

rd1 (Vinetree + FD_BearSTR(self) while moving_1); rd2 (sprint_2 + Tataree); rd3 (FD_Nullify(Tataree) + react)

rd1 (Vinetree + FD_RhinoHide(self) while moving_1); rd2 (Grizzly); rd3 (FD_BearSTR(self) + react to opponent)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Anvil Throne Moves
« on: March 05, 2018, 12:25:03 PM »
Uh, Werner, what would you use that start against and what do you think are the gained advantages?

I've used it against Rush and NonRush, if it takes them (2) or more attacks to chew through (1) Garrison Outpost, I view it like a better Block(Enchant). If they ignore the Garrisons, I spawn Goblin Alchemist there. So I propose the gained advantage (8 mana; two actions) as potential "bait / tanking" and/or 1-ranged summonings for missile creatures. 

Are there better openings? No doubt!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Anvil Throne Moves
« on: March 01, 2018, 12:02:58 PM »

I like:

[T1, C4, 19] Move to B4 QC(Garrison Post C4) / QCToken(Garrison Post A4)
[T2, B4, 20] FC(Knight Red Helm B4) / QCT(Decoy Facedown@Knight)
[T3, B4, 19] FC(Anvil Throne Crossbow C4) / QCT(Hawkeye Facedown@Crossbow)
[T4, B4, 15] ...

Rules Discussion / Push Errata?
« on: February 27, 2018, 08:01:40 AM »
Greetings, I've recently gotten back into the game (always loved it, but time was scarce).  I was wondering if there were any updates/errata to Push (Wall of Thorns), namely, do I (as the caster) pay the extra wall-dmg-cost if I JETSTREAM push or is it still FREE wall-dmg?

(Not talking about "Bash.")



Thanks for reaching out... I own (3) First Edition Coresets, and there's no way I'm buying a 4th Edition Core. But whew, that Forest Board is so pretty.

I will Paypal(giftmode) to cover all costs/sweeteners if you decide to ship one of them to me.

Not to be confused with the neoprene mats (rollup). If you have a Forest Map collecting dust, let me know...


please know I don't mean "overpowered." I mean that its efficiency is off the chart. If you use apply the same mana-formula that all cards seem to adhere to, this 6-cost worth of push for 4-cost + the attack dice and daze doesn't fit... hence broken. I only meant the COST advantage is broken. So broken that if you include Wall of Thorns, you almost automatically need to include Jetstream.

"strange" a better word?

Granted, too fuzzy to win you games outright... I'm only talking about ROI.

Werner, if I understand your metaphor correctly, Jetstream is the default strength push, and Force Push is a half strength push. You don't need to spend extra mana on a push through a damage barrier unless the card says so, like on Force Push.

not exactly.

Arena Wall:
3-cost Force Push [3-Die bashes] the target against the arena wall.
4-cost Jet Stream may [3-Die bash] the target against the arena wall.

So there are the exact same strength of "push."

Thorn Wall:
3-cost Force Push does zero damage; as Errata released states that P.A. walls do not bash.
6-cost Force Push does (2;2;2;2;2)-die damage from Thorns.
4-cost Jet Stream does (2)~(2;2;2;2;2)-die damage from Thorns and ~daze.

(~ = @chance)

So you're wrong about half-str. Jetstream may do a double strength push at a premium. And it's actually broken compared to Mage War's own pricing schema.

And if I were to get metaphorical (I was speaking about math), I would remind you all that a wall of thorns would actually help protect you from strong winds.

It takes a 2x strength "Force Push" to enact this 10 dice Wall of Thorns event.

Jetstream is default strength push. Our group already plays it as not enough push, but I've sought out official ruling on the Mage Wars Facebook page.

If Jetstream gets DmgDice *and* a 2x strength push, then Jetstream is broken.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:17:54 AM »
Laser-Turtle is still a turtle.

Just turbo in and drop something big; supported by any of the following: Walls (while you deal with BimShalla); Block Enchant (while you deal with BimShalla); Force Hammer (may 1-shot BimShalla); Wand of Healing (removes conditions). Long story short: Kill the BimShalla(s) ASAP!

If you kill all 6 BimShalla, leaving a piddly little TOL to "tickle stun" you and your big... their deck has now overpaid in buildpoints for any extra TOL they cannot possible cast.

you can urinate on it after you murder their mage. Port-a-potty of Light.

Not Overpowered.

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