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Messages - Jbuzzsaw79

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Discussion / Re: Creating Cards - Week 2
« on: July 06, 2020, 10:56:59 PM »
Fallen angel would be cool I think maybe make her dark or holy and fire for both like she had gods fire to burn with righteousness vengeance but might be hells fury when dark. Maybe something like izi where dark is demon and light is angel

General Discussion / Re: New player plus looking for local players
« on: July 02, 2020, 04:48:16 PM »
Hey man welcome to group hope u can make it to one of zots gatherings lots of fun and mage wars. We hang on Octgn and have discord, please let me know if u need help or a game i can lose with the best of them.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Stinking Siren
« on: April 07, 2020, 05:31:14 PM »
Looking more at it today why cordial wall. Would it be cheaper for blood spine bleed attack.  Also I find that having 2 minor heal seems to be easier to manage then just heal. Not sure what feelings are but what if u cut a mage wand and a disperse to make room for water elemental, I hear u on it not being useful against them damn dirty druids :D but in all other cases might prove to be very useful. Just some thoughts man.

Dave W.- swamp snapper

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Stinking Siren
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:21:13 AM »
Hi bilbo long time no see hope u can come to the states again to hang at zot’s again. Anyway on to your book you only question atm is it seemed to me the acid ooze was squishy and not much attack have u had much time to try this book? What are your results?
I wonder if maybe having a water elemental or 2 would be better to move stuff rather then using lasher and harpooner since they are beefy and then slide other with stuff also there is chance that jelly and turtles might be something also.

Events / Re: Winter War 47 (Jan 24-26, 2020)
« on: October 01, 2019, 04:03:17 PM »
I told him he had to accept challenges to his crown lol

Events / Re: Winter War 47 (Jan 24-26, 2020)
« on: September 30, 2019, 11:40:55 PM »
Stanyer and I shall be there  8)

League / Tournament Play / Re: Indianapolis Mages Wanted
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:31:03 PM »
@puddinghead: sry man cant make gencon this had a stroke so used some vaction to cover that would have for gencon next year i hope

She is a finesse mage to just forcemaster, but is really fun to play.  I find the turtle seems to really help her alot and gives her a good lvl 2 monster option. I think its better then lvl 3 that she has IMO.

General Discussion / Re: Live at Zots!
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:23:07 PM »
Just wanted to say thanks to zot and can't wait to see you all again in few months

League / Tournament Play / Re: Indianapolis Mages Wanted
« on: June 11, 2019, 05:05:29 PM »
Just reminder myself and Stanyer will be making the drive from Wisconsin again, looking forward to many games as possible, planning on being there Friday 5pm latest

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Version 2.0 Straywood
« on: March 05, 2019, 06:25:28 PM »
79 views so far but no more replies.  :'( Unless it means that everything is awesome  ;D

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Skeleton Swarm
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:39:18 AM »
Would adding 3 more minions help to make more swarms?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Unholy Orc
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:37:00 AM »
Another interesting book, I tried similar stuff but found it hard to play, might be easier since I would use mana shard and barracks.  Would cut armory to add royal  armour and more skeleton sentry maybe not a lot of was to keep armour on otherwise but with dig in and or banner that's 2 ac.

Nice book I have one with siren using new ice spells, made my wife happy since reminds he of frozen movie from Disney, then she plays more often which makes me happy.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Version 2.0 Straywood
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:15:39 AM »
Thanks man even if u don't play certain mages yourself, there are always things that people do or play against u that was good or bad still helpful to me imo.  I would not add crab in here due to space and points but the crap is real good if u are fighting zombies since auto damage, I added a few other cards to help deal with instead otherwise I would.

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