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Messages - Death-from-above

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Hello EliteAvarice!

Welcome to the Arena. I really like how you tried to meld the Warlord and the Priestess together. I will sort of give my 2 cents on some of the spells in each book. I have tried to get Renewing Springs to work for me, but to no avail. I can't seem to find a good spot in the middle of turns to go heal a creature that would be better off continuing their attack. Then again, I'm sure I am just playing it incorrectly.

Grimson is probably my third favorite creature. If used effectively with the archers tower, which you seem to be doing, he can have full range on the entire board. Unless your opponent likes getting sniped every round, they need to have an answer to him fast or he will rack up the damage. My only suggestion would be to somehow get the Staff of Asyra in there somewhere. This is one of the best weapon equipment in the game IMO and it will give your opponent yet another powerful attacker that they have to deal with. Overall, I like your set up.

For the Air Wizard, everything sdougla2 mentioned is the same thing I would say. Teleport is fantastic card for any mage and really helps with moving the slow creatures around. At least having 2 teleports and a mage wand to attach one to will help her move her slow creatures around. There isn't much else to say that wouldn't be repeating sdougla2. As for deciding between defensive and aggro, its all about taking the leap and trying out a different strategy. I myself am more of a defensive player and have yet to master a good aggressive opening that doesn't fall flat and leave me vulnerable. Its hard to break out of a playstyle that makes you feel more comfortable. All I can say for that is to try it out. Who knows; she might end up enjoying being more aggressive then defensive  ;D

I hope I made some sort of sense.

General Discussion / Re: Flavor over Function?
« on: June 13, 2014, 02:02:22 PM »
One of the books I tend to run occasionally is an Angel themed book for the Priestess. All the creatures are a type of Angel i.e. Grey Angel, Guardian Angel, etc.
It requires a bit of heavy mana generation to get most of them out because they arn't cheap but they certainly deliver. I haven't lost with this book yet but then again I dont play with this book often.

Spells / Re: Teleport Errata (Friendly** Creature and Zone)
« on: June 13, 2014, 07:46:30 AM »
Im with Lord on this topic. An errata isn't necessary for this card. Whenever we play, we just play with the house rule that you can't teleport the enemy mage. Sure, it basically removes any sort of Zone of Death strategy, but there are other strategy's beside that. We both still have fun and teleport is still very useful. Even though teleport can't target the enemy mage, force push spells are still something that you need to be wary of.

I think, however, there should at least be a spell (equipment, conjuration, enchantment) that could counter it in some way i.e. the amulet Lord mentioned.

I also like Schwenkgotts idea about double mana possibly.

Spellbook Design and Construction / TMNT
« on: June 06, 2014, 06:55:21 AM »
So I was reading this forum post,, by sdougla2 about armored trolls and it made me want to create a variation of that spellbook. I ended up calling it Teenage Mutant Ninja Trolls (TMNT) ;D. Here is the spellbook breakdown:

[mwcard=mw1a09]2 x  Jet Stream[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA02]2 x  Force Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j22]3 x  Tanglevine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j13]2 x  Mana Flower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1w04]2 x  Wall of Thorns[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j04]1 x  Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC01]4 x  Bridge Troll[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1c34]1 x  Steelclaw Grizzly[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e13]1 x  Eagle Wings[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e09]1 x  Agony[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e20]1 x  Harmonize[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e23]1 x  Jinx[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e27]1 x  Marked for Death[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e29]2 x  Nullify[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e19]1 x  Ghoul Rot[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e36]1 x  Rhino Hide[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e01]3 x  Bear Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e05]2 x  Cheetah Speed[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e24]1 x  Magebane[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE04]1 x  Enchantment Transfusion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q16]1 x  Leather Gloves[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q08]1 x  Elemental Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q22]1 x  Moonglow Amulet[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q23]1 x  Regrowth Belt[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q30]1 x  Staff of Beasts[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q06]1 x  Dragonscale Hauberk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q11]1 x  Gauntlets of Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ06]1 x  Eagleclaw Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q19]1 x  Mage Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q07]1 x  Elemental Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i23]2 x  Rouse the Beast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i28]1 x  Teleport[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]2 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i01]1 x  Banish[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i06]2 x  Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i17]1 x  Minor Heal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i12]2 x  Force Push[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

The whole of this spellbook is based around seperate buffs for the trolls. One troll was going to be flying, another was going to be fast, another was going to be tough and the last would have been a toss up depending on how the game was going.

For the attacks, I have Force hammers for conjurations that cause me trouble and Jetstreams for flying defense. Both of them would have been alternated through my elemental wand depending on which one I needed the most. The Battle forge was in there to beef me up while my trolls were out causing trouble. The only reason the Grizzly was in there was so I could potentially utilize my pet token ability if I needed to. This can be interchangeable depending on what pet you prefer. The enchantments and curses are the second half of this spellbook. I have the enchantments for my trolls to keep them going and if my troll plan is backfiring, my plan was to curse stack on myself while my trolls were out and about and then transfuse it to the opposing mage to cripple him. As for the incantations, I had rouse the beast in there to give some of my trolls an early start. The banish is in there simply to remove any super tough creatures my opponent happens to throw out.

The first couple of turns would look like this:

Turn 1: (19) FC: Troll (13) QC:Rouse the Beast(3) = 16
Turn 2: (13) QC: Cheetah Speed (5) FC: Magebane(FD on myself)(2) = 7
Turn 3: (16) FC: Troll (13) QC: Eagle Wings(FD on Troll)(2) = 15

After that point it all depends on how my opponent reacts. If they are aggressive, I keep working on getting my trolls out. If they are somewhat defensive, Ill sit back and start to get my equipment on me.

What do you guys think? I played this deck once and I won against a priestess. It was a relatively tough game but my trolls managed to pull it out in the end. My only concern against this spellbook is a Warlock or a Fire Wizard due to the flame +2 on my trolls, they would be much easier to kill. Also any mage running a Deathlock would mess with the trolls healing.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Blood Wolves
« on: June 06, 2014, 06:25:28 AM »
I like both builds that you have posted here. Did you find that Redclaw wasn't as useful as he looked like he would be?

Also, is this more recent build an answer just to the Forcemaster or is it an adjustment to some weakness you found during some of your matches?

Mages / Re: Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:07:56 AM »
For the Paladin, I see him being more of a Solo type Mage who perhaps has a few creatures. Hopefully a War horse to ride on. Maybe we'll see the first Mage who starts with 1 armor.

I can definitely see him as a solo mage. I would like to guess that he is going to be the bridge between the Priestess and the Priest. The Priestess is all about support while the Priest is of the aggressive type. That's not to say those roles can't be switched between them. I think the Paladin will have a variety of support spells that will help back up him and his potentially aggressive creatures.

The Siren I've no idea. Maybe she can talk to fish or something. I'm allergic to shellfish so maybe her attacks will get +8 piercing against my mages.

Haha yeah, I'm not too sure what AW could have planned for the Siren. Maybe Aquaman will be her super creature. I can definitely see the potential for terrain spells in this expansion

Mages / Paladin and Siren speculation
« on: June 03, 2014, 06:57:56 AM »
Hey guys. So I know that this particular expansion won't be out for a long while, but I can't help but contain my excitement for these two particular mages, mainly the Paladin. I was wondering what people were thinking that these two spellbooks could contain in terms of types of creatures, enchantments etc.?

For the Paladin, I can't wait to see what kind of big creature that Arcane Wonders decides to use for him. Ever since Talos and Sardonix has been spoiled, Ive been wondering what sort of creature it could be. I was thinking of an Archangel type of creature that was in charge of all the angels for Asyra that came with a pretty awesome power.

Something that would be cool, and this is just my opinion, is if the special ability of the Archangel could be something like, when he is summoned, the Paladin can choose a certain amount of holy creatures that had been killed (by an opponents creature) and whatever the number he chooses, thats how many Wrath tokens the Archangel comes into play with, but at a cost. For every creature chosen, the Paladin must pay an increased amount of mana for each killed creature chosen. That way, if you want a really strong Archangel, you have to save up a pretty hefty amount of mana for him. Not to mention you have to lose a certain amount of creatures to attain that strength and herein lies that choice that the opponent needs to make. Do I try to control how many creatures I kill so he can't get too many Wrath tokens? Do I just ignore his creatures and just go straight for him? In doing so, they may reduce the power of the Archangel, but they will end up having to contend with a larger army of creatures that they have to avoid.

This is just one of the few ideas I had for that. I want to hear from everyone else. What do you think each mage will bring to the table?

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking walls and guarding
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:07:45 PM »
Thanks for the quick response and also for the additionalinformations :) I din't know that flying creatures ignore guards.

I apologize. I messed up in that explanation. If a flying creature makes a melee attack against something on the ground i.e. a conjuration or a ground creature, the guard will affect them. It is only when they make a melee attack against another flying creature and not a non-flyer is when a guard from a ground based creature wont affect them.

Here is another topic that helps explain:

Again, I apologize for the confusion. I was recalling the rules in my head instead of a rulebook.

Rules Discussion / Re: Attacking walls and guarding
« on: May 30, 2014, 12:28:11 PM »

Do you get hit by the wall when you attack it or only when passing through?

Depends on the wall. Certain walls, Wall of Thorns, Fire, allows for passage through at the cost of being attacked by the wall. Other walls, Wall of Steel, Earth etc, usually prevent passage through and/or blocks line of sight. Attacking any wall will not harm you in anyway. Only the act of passage through the wall will you recieve any damage.

Does a guarding creature also prevent other creatures from attacking conjurations, and when yes what about protecting walls?
The german rules are a little bit unclear about that. At one passage they say that a guarding creatures protect the zone but later they say, that a creature can't attack otheer creatures if there is an opposing guarding creature.

Yes, guards can protect against conjuration as well. As long as there is a creature with a guard token in the zone, the opposing mage and his creature has to attack that one creature at least once to remove the guard token. Flying and Ranged attacks can usually bypass guards unless the guarding creature has the Intercept trait. Walls are a bit different since they are in-between the zones rather then actually being in the zone. There is a topic that covers this particular ruling.

Here is the post that answers for guarding walls by Laddinfance:

"You cannot guard walls. As walls occupy the border of a zone and not the zone itself it is not covered by a creature guarding. This is done because each of the zone borders is of an indiscriminate size. Guarding assumes a certain amount of interposition from the guarding creature, but with an object of that size it's impossible for a creature to engage another and prevent it from getting to some point on the wall."

Can you destroy a battleforge or a wall etc. with an arrow? This doesn't seam logical to me, since it is impossible  for an archer to destroy a battleforge with his arrow. But in Mage wars archers are a good counter against such conjurations, since their attacks have the piercing trait. Or did I miss a rule?

Yes, you can destroy a battleforge or a wall with an arrow as long as it within range of the archer. I will admit it would be a strange thing to see an armored battleforge dismantled by an arrow, but lets pretend that arrow has some dynamite on it. I believe walls that are at the max range of the archer can still be attacked. I would need someone with a rule book in front of them to confirm that.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Possible new way for Tie Breakers
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:02:17 AM »
However, if games are frequently and consistently going to time then I really think they should extend the time limit. Or put time limits on the planning phase.

That is actually something I will try to do for my next few matches is to try and set a time limit for planning. I find that a good chunk of time I spend during a whole match is the planning phase. The first 4-5 rounds is pretty quick but once you get into the meat of the game and you really have to start considering different avenues for success, planning can take a bit of time. I believe someone somewhere in this post mentioned there is a time limit in tournaments for planning as well?

I will start there and see how much time I can shave off games. I don't like having to rush strategy but it won't do me or anyone else any good to sit here and complain and not attempt to offer any sort of solution or at least try other solutions people have suggested  :D

I really appreciate everyone's input on this particular topic. Both sides present valid arguments and it has given me the opportunity to see what everyone thinks.

Now I wonder what kind of opening would be good to get him as soon as possible.

19 mana - 4 (Garrison Post) - 7 Construction Yard = 8 mana
17 mana - 3 (Garrison Post) - 9 (Altar of Domination) = 5 mana
14 mana - 12 mana (a lvl 3 creature most likely) - 2 mana (Defend on the creature to save your ass or the GPs).

This would bring Talos on the 6th turn, but you might have hard time surviving up to that point unless you face a slow spellbook.

I like how this opening turn could go, but you are right about the slow spellbook statement. If you are facing an aggressive mage right from the start, I think by the time you had the alter out and tried to summon a creature, an outpost might go down. I think you would need to have a creature set up first for defense and slowly bring out the outposts. Talos is going to do best in the late game, just like syardonix ( I know I spelled that wrong). No matter how you look at it, its going to take 4 rounds to get all the tokens on the alter and Im fairly positive as soon as the opponent sees that come out, he will break out the big guns to bring it down. Im thinking an opening like this would be ok:

19 mana - QC 7(Construction Yard) - FC 11(Anvil Crossbowman) = 18
10 mana - QC 3(Garrison Post) - FC 4(Archers Tower) = 7
12 mana - QC 8(Alter) - FC (Nothing or attack if the opposing mage sent another creature)

At least that way you have an archer out that can potentially ward off a creature that the opponent might have opened with. This is just my opinion. A Warlord would really have some trouble against a LOF opening if his plan was to summon this. I think the first turn should at least be spent getting out an outpost or 2. By turn 2 you should be able to tell if you are going to have the time to summon a functioning alter or if the opponent wont give you enough time to set up.


That is there solely for cards that require a creatures level or mana cost to be factored into the spell  i.e. Rouse the Beast requires mana equal to the level of the target creature to cast. (Rouse the beast was a poor example since Talos starts with an action marker ready, but you get the gist)

Rouse the Beast only works on living creatures so either way, bad example :P But to his point, are there any currently released cards that are affected by this?
Yeah, I mentioned that was a poor example. Quicksand is the only one I can think of that would affect him and it would call for his creature level. Since he is Non-living and Physic Immun it pretty much negates almost all cards that require creature level to be factored in.

As far as mana cost goes, I can't think of anything out at the moment that directly relates to a creatures mana cost. Of course I am probably missing som

That is there solely for cards that require a creatures level or mana cost to be factored into the spell  i.e. Rouse the Beast requires mana equal to the level of the target creature to cast. (Rouse the beast was a poor example since Talos starts with an action marker ready, but you get the gist)

*Drools* oh man, thats crazy. Gonna be a challenge getting him out, but I think it will be worth it. Gotta be super turtley with defending the outposts until this bad boy comes out

Edit: This sort of reminds me of the Iron Golem being a bane to the forcemaster. If the Warlord manages to get this out against the warlock, since its burnproof and most of her and her creatures attacks are fire based, she is going to be in trouble.

General Discussion / Re: Video play throughs?
« on: May 29, 2014, 07:17:16 AM »
Depending on if we have the right recording equipment

We don't. Well, I don't. Do you? Or do you know anybody we can borrow it from?

All I have is my phone. May have a guy who has the right stuff.

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