I think the power of this card will come from the threat of Talos, not from actually bringing him into play. So Talos better be threatening...and he is.
There are certain implications made by this card. First, I think this card was made for Bloodwave, more so than the AT Warlord. It seems that Arcane Wonders is splitting the playstyles of the Warlord along 2 lines. One is battleforge build (Anvil Throne), and the other is barracks build (Bloodwave). This seems like a safe assumption to make because the AT warlord has way too much synergy with battleforge (focusing on himself with equips) to build any other way, while the Bloodwave benefits from having more soldiers (vet) brought about by barracks. This isn't to say you couldn't go battleforge with Bloodwave, or barracks with Anvile Throne, it just doesn't seem as effective.
To tie in with Altar of Domination, the card(s) seem to give the Bloodwave (barracks) warlord the next step in his progression and spread of outposts. The progression towards Altar seems simple enough, and probably what you want to be doing anyway: bring out barracks and an outpost, another outpost soon, use the new errata to guard them if need be (and I'm sure you will), then drop Altar and proceed to end game.
Now, I definitely don't think this means the AT warlord won't use outposts, I'm sure he will. However, I don't think AT Warlord will be in as good of a position to progress into AoD as Bloodwave due to the fact that his mana will be spent more on the solo build that he obviously excels at; and I don't think he needs AoD. It seems Arcane Wonders supports this, considering AoD is absent from AT's card list, though, we all know how bad card lists have been in the past so maybe its just a coincidence.
Also, it might be possible to have a build that includes both barracks and battleforge. I had considered it for a while but came to the conclusion that its simply too mana intensive, sloppy, and too un-sygergistic (?) of a start to run both. Though, if someone could figure out how to run a build that could recover from it (maybe using meditation amulet), I could be wrong about this whole thing.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I've been working at the Warlord ever since his release and I'm glad this set is giving him a bunch of new options.