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Messages - Laddinfance

Pages: 1 ... 113 114 [115] 116
League / Tournament Play / Re: NE Indiana Players
« on: July 31, 2013, 11:30:14 PM »
Awesome, would any particular day work out for you guys?  I'm often at Top Shelf so that is easiest for me, but Waynedale is far closer to home.  Wherever you would want to play, that is fine by me.  Just let me know when and where works out for you!

Q1: Right now the druid and the necro are two of the most card intensive mages we've made.  We only get so many cards in an expansion and these two mages are very demanding on that limit.

League / Tournament Play / Re: NE Indiana Players
« on: July 27, 2013, 08:34:57 PM »
FANTASTIC! Where abouts are you?

Rules Discussion / Re: ERRATA - Temple of Light
« on: July 21, 2013, 06:20:51 PM »
I am very interested in seeing what options you come up with.  We are working on several things to improve our tournaments, but due to the nature of Gen Con scheduling, we could not implement them in time.  Thank you for sticking with us, and helping us improve the game for everyone.

Rules Discussion / Re: ERRATA - Temple of Light
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:43:54 AM »
Thank you for your feedback Deckbuilder.  In our playtesting, Temple of Light was not getting used by control, but rather by aggressive books.  We're watching our tournaments very closely, and monitoring their results.  We want to ensure the most diversity of spellbooks we can, unfortunately that is a process that can only go one step at a time.  We will continue to refine and improve our events and organized play.  We hope that you, and other players, will continue to bring us your concerns.  We want to bring you the best game possible.

Rules Discussion / Re: Teleport clarification
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:28:29 AM »
In an odd twist, you need to be able to see anything you target, but not just moving.

Basically, the Teleport requires targets, and multiples, so it needs LOS.

A normal move does not require LOS, and so the teleporting Blue Gremlin, would not.  He can just walk through.

@Rcone - In the future it is absolutely our plan to have any errata accompanied by an explanation as well.  I've played many card and minis games, so I appreciate players need to see our logic.  I'm very sorry that the explanation and the announcement did not coincide this time. 

@Fentum - In any expansion we are limited in the number of individual cards we can print.  We want to provide the most new cards possible.  John is correct that we are planning revised wordings of these cards for a release next year.  We would have to cut cards from Druid vs Necro, to fit in these reprints.  Though we do have mages down the road who it makes far more sense would use these cards.  We decided to work them into a set where they would also fit thematically.  We're very sorry for the wait.

        Arcane Wonders takes the highest pride in the product we have released.  Issuing errata or changing cards is something we do not take lightly.  Every decision about gameplay has hours upon hours of playtesting behind it.  So, it is for the continued health of the game that we issued errata on the Temple of Bim-Shalla and the Temple of Light.
   We have been watching these two cards closely for many months now.  The play environment they create, does not contribute to a healthy game.  Especially in conjunction these two cards create an incredibly powerful, fast, and simple combo that has found it’s way into a vast majority of spellbooks.  Our own playtesting has shown that, while beatable, this combination is still dominant and dangerous.  The Hand of Bim-Shalla in duplicates both allows for unintended aggression or defense, regardless of board location.  Having an unequipped, unenchanted Priestess swinging for seven or more dice was never the intention of the card.  The Temple of Light compounds this problem by providing an easy way to apply dazes and stuns as well as serious damage, for free.  Temple has constantly shown that it provided quick game turning plays without requiring further cost. 
   We never want to issue errata, and as I’ve said we do not take this lightly and have playtested many options.  We opted for what was least disruptive for the original intention of the card.  Hand of Bim-Shalla became unique, because this was the least disruptive edit to the card.  Even with this errata in place, Temple of Light still had possibility for large swings as it always has a one-sixth chance to stun, and a chance to daze.  These still make Temple of Light dangerous and disruptive to the tempo of the game.  Adding a cost to the attack was the most natural errata.  This way you still have opportunity for important stuns and dazes, but not for free.  Even if all you have is a Temple of Light and a Hand of Bim-shalla out, you can do a two die attack with a fifty percent chance to apply a status effect for two mana.  This is in line with how we originally intended this card, this also frees up our design so that we can add more temples in the future with less restriction.
   Battle Fury was a slightly different story.  Before Mage Wars released, we intended that bonus melee and ranged would not apply multiple times.  It happened that Battle Fury worked outside of our original design intent, and our errata corrects it.
   As always we are very reluctant to issue errata, but in this instance action was required. We are happy that out of almost 300 unique spells released, only three of them have required further attention.  This is less that one percent of spells printed. These spells will also be appearing in an upcoming release, with the revised wordings.
   Arcane Wonders appreciates our fans and values their feedback.  Thank you for your loyalty and support as we endeavor to bring you quality future products!

Aaron Brosman
Assistant Designer

League / Tournament Play / NE Indiana Players
« on: July 19, 2013, 12:21:16 AM »
Hey, I'm out of Northeastern Indiana (Fort Wayne-Ish) and was wondering if there were other players in my area?  I know of a couple different stores that would love to support Mage Wars more, but we need people.  Anyone interested?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Equipment vs Equipment destruction balance
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:26:16 AM »
@Baron Isn't there a steal equipment?

You will need the base game to make the pre-built spellbooks for the two new mages.

I have been using Dragon Shields lately and have not been dissapointed.  I thought I could get away without sleeving, but I feel much better when I do.  I've tried all sorts of containers for my spellbook, from the standard binders to a plastic WOW deckbox.  Not sure what I like best yet.  I will say, If you do not want to use the binders provided, I would either use an ultra pro two pocket binder or a monster binders 4 pocket.  They are both good quality and your cards don't slide out easily.

General Discussion / Re: Promo Cards
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:17:11 PM »
More importantly, all promo cards will be printed in future sets.  It's just a matter of time before everyone has access to them.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars Skypified
« on: June 25, 2013, 12:10:00 PM »
I actually played a skype game with Brian.  Once we got rolling it worked pretty well.  All you really need is easy access to your cards to help set the board up.  It was surprisingly smooth.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:53:40 AM »
CoK is 29$, not 39$.  At 39$ it would have new spellbooks.

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