Yeah, I discussed this with my housemate - who called me an "intellectual snob" for ranting against populism!
(It's not the subject per se, it's the 2200+ views when there are so many hidden gems in this forum worthy of more attention.)
My housemate is also trained in psychology and insightfully explained that the popularity of Film Reviews, read even after you have seen the film (and this a similar Review thread), is because people want endorsement that their views are held by others. They want to belong to that club of peers who all believe Citizen Kane is over-rated. Or that the Warlord is an exciting concept, sadly not competitively executed.
To someone as opinionated as me, canvassing other people's opinions on personal taste seems utterly unnecessary; I know what I think and I'm sure that others have good personal taste reasons to think different - c'est la vie! Do I care? On this subjective issue, not really...
However, I can't refute that Reviews are popular. So I was wrong to rant against the popularity of this thread. I was taken by the Christmas Spirit (all this forced happiness turns me into a misanthrope, I can't wait for this temporary "season of goodwill" to end so that we humans can revert to being our normal selves). This thread's views is an irrefutable testament to its entertainment value. People want brainless Hollywood blockbusters so that's what people get. People want conniving corrupt politicians so that's what people get. People want trashy tabloid newspapers so that's what people get.
This thread is undoubtedly entertaining for many. So apologies for my misanthropic rant.
However, for anyone contributing here in future, can you please define "favourite" as it is such a subjective adjective? Everyone measures this on a different dimension, weighting factors unique to themselves. It's a nonsense criteria without describing own taste preferences in this "contest".
2200+ views! I weep for this world...