I preorderd mine from hobbytown, and ordered for multiple people, they only got one in?!?! They said it would take a week to three weeks for the rest. Not to pleased. But boy is it a great set! Tons of great new cards for every mage, the mages are balanced.(We switched around and at the end it was 2-2. So that was nice.) I would of had a comment on building new books with them, but since my group only has one copy as of now, I'm going to keep the "Starting" books as is. But I couldn't be happier. My favorite part is that it comes with plenty of each spell, so I dont fell the need to buy two at all, and the spells are really good,not better or have any kind of power shift from the core, but they different, and allow new strategies, it really gives you many more options, but not this staggering advantage to someone who doesn't have it. And the components looked great. The spell books are crisp and clean (although the hair dryer trick work perfectly for me.) I give it a 10/10 easily, surpassed what most other game expansions do and have by a long shot.(For the price especially)