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Author Topic: Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X  (Read 5918 times)


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Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X
« on: August 25, 2012, 09:25:21 AM »
I find those traits confusing.
Meele/Ranged +X means that creature with that trait has more attack dices when attacking.
Lightning +X means that if that creature is attacked by lightning type attack, attacker has more dices.

Which attack attributes (is there a general rule?) with +X mean vulnerability and wchich mean better performance?
How would you make hypothetical creature vulnerable for meele attack?
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Re: Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 11:17:03 AM »
Quote from: "Gewar" post=747
I find those traits confusing.
Meele/Ranged +X means that creature with that trait has more attack dices when attacking.
Lightning +X means that if that creature is attacked by lightning type attack, attacker has more dices.

Which attack attributes (is there a general rule?) with +X mean vulnerability and wchich mean better performance?
How would you make hypothetical creature vulnerable for meele attack?

I personaly would vote to spell out that when this creature is attacked by melee / ranged you roll more dice against it. The reason is that if this only shows up on one or two cards it should not need a new keyword. I would like to see some to the Arcane Wonders team thoughts on this.
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Re: Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2012, 11:54:31 AM »
to my knowledge, melee and ranged are the only ones that mean better performance.  the rest are vulnerabilities and resistances.  (ie lightning -X as well)

i know that when you boost a damage type (like a bonus to lightning attacks) it is worded this way "gains Melee +X and ranged +X with all attacks that have the lightning damage type"

if a creature was vulnerable to melee attacks for example it could be worded this way.  "all attacks against this creature gain Melee +X"  and hence it would only give the bonus to melee attacks.  although this is by no means an official wording.
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Re: Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2012, 11:58:21 AM »
for some reason just lost my post.  grrr to retype.

to my knowledge the only bonuses are melee and ranged.  the rest are vulnerabilities and resistances to damage types (lightning +X or -X)

if a card boosts a damage type (like a bonus to lightning attacks) it is worded this way.  "gains Melee +X and ranged +X with all attacks with the lightning subtype."

if they wanted to make a creature that was weak against melee attacks they could word it this way "all attacks against this creature gain melee +X) and everything would stay consistant.  although this is far from an official wording.
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Re: Meele/Ranged +X vs Lightning +X
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2012, 12:13:02 PM »
BTW to let you know your post did not get lost. All post in this thread need to be approved by a MOD. When I looked I had to pending posts.
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