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Author Topic: Tie Breakers in Organised Play  (Read 3225 times)


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Tie Breakers in Organised Play
« on: February 07, 2013, 05:48:08 PM »
After reading another recent thread that strayed into tie breaker territory, I thought it was worth starting a separate discussion on this.

Firstly, do people feel that 'most damage inflicted' is a suitable tie breaker?

I have a couple of problems with this. Number one is logistical - we'd have to keep a 'damage taken' count alongside tracking our actual damage and life. Not the end of the world, but something that needs to be considered.

Secondly, I'm concerned that this favours the 'balls to the wall' aggressive build, and penalises a defensive/healing strategy, or a mana denial one. Both, in my opinion, are completely viable spell books, but could struggle in an OP environment.

With me so far? :)

Now, I don't have a definite idea of what the tie breaker should be - that is what this thread is here for after all - but I'm wondering if it should be more than just one criteria (for example, total damage take minus life left before defeat, plus possibly something else). I dunno, but all I know is, right now, I'm not convinced the tie breaker has parity.

I look forward to hearing what you have to say.



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Re: Tie Breakers in Organised Play
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 07:35:31 PM »
My initial gut reaction was negative to be sure. I enjoy playing priestess and wizard the most, then beastmaster.  I have never played the warlock and I won't be playing him any time soon although I'm sure I'll play him eventually.

My instincts tell me this tie breaker favors warlock and beastmaster. If I enter a tourny it will be to have fun first and win second so I would still play the mages I enjoy the most. After I read the tie breaker I felt that the books I've built so far would need to be changed considerably if I were to take them to a tournament. As a brief example I now consider damage prevention significantly more important than damage healing. I have always liked elemental cloak for its damage reducers and considered it an automatic 1 of in every book. Now I have an even higher opinion and I'm not sure if I need 2 or 3 incase the first gets destroyed. If there is a lot of equipment hate the cloak could be a nice target.

I feel confident I could adapt and have fun but I would feel extra pressure not to go to the tie breaker with warlocks and beastmaster because I don't feel I could match their damage dealing capability unless I can reduce their ability to deal damage down to my own, then it would be anyone's game again.

My final thoughts are that we haven't even tried this tie breaker at an official tournament yet and my impressions might prove to be totally wrong. I am really exited to see how Bashcon turns out.


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Re: Tie Breakers in Organised Play
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 07:38:41 PM »
Use this thread. tie breaker conditions
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