I am curious how everyone plans to sort thier cards. its not that hard just to sift through everything right now but i doubt we can say that a year from now. here are my current thoughts but im interested to know how everyone else plans to do it.
section 1-Mages with all mage only spells. (alphabetacal so beastmater with beastmaster only spells etc)
section 2-School only spells (major schools alphabetacal, minor schools alphabetacal)
section 3-Equipment (sorted slot, school, alphabetacal)
section 4-Creatures (sorted school, alphabetacal)
section 5-Novice spells. (type, scool, alphabetacal)
section 6-Spells (sorted type, school, alphabetacal)
any other thoughts? not sure if i should put novice equipment with all novice spells or with equipment.