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Author Topic: war school of magic.  (Read 8805 times)


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war school of magic.
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:52:55 PM »
I just wanted to talk about the " War" school of magic and get opinions on how this fits in thematically for a mage.  As an example, if the Warlord didnt have earth as one of his schools, i couldnt really see him as a mage, more as just a General.

My thinking is like , if i were to ask someone to create a mage and to choose his school of magic that seems realistic for a mage, i just dont think war would be said.

A mage in my eyes isnt someone that just tells soldiers and what not what to do or someone that forges gear.

 I dont know, maybe im missing something, i would like to hear others thoughts on this school.

(as a side note, i love this game and this thread is not to bash the game. just for discussion.)


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2013, 10:08:41 AM »
I like to think of the war school as a sort of "Charm" magic. Basically it can be used to inspire units to greater heights than they could have accomplished without some kind of magical influence. I would agree with you if there weren't some supernatural feeling spells that fit in the war school but a spell like Battle Fury definitely gives me the feeling of what I'm talking about.

As to your bashing comment, it didn't sound like you're bashing to me :) - I think it's totally valid to call into question the 'vibe' of spells as the creators have obviously gone through so much effort to make sure everything FEELS right. So I'm sure they're interested in this kind of input.


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 01:32:57 PM »
Quote from: "BR3AKR" post=6078
I like to think of the war school as a sort of "Charm" magic. Basically it can be used to inspire units to greater heights than they could have accomplished without some kind of magical influence. I would agree with you if there weren't some supernatural feeling spells that fit in the war school but a spell like Battle Fury definitely gives me the feeling of what I'm talking about.

As to your bashing comment, it didn't sound like you're bashing to me :) - I think it's totally valid to call into question the 'vibe' of spells as the creators have obviously gone through so much effort to make sure everything FEELS right. So I'm sure they're interested in this kind of input.

i can see a mage doing what you describe and having it be done as magic, however, it seems more appropriate for a battlefield and less so for an arena match.

  When i imagine a mage using the war school as his main school, i dont picture that he is summoning or conjuring goblins or dwarves or what have you into the arena, rather they just walk in with him and he can make them stronger, which again doesnt seem fitting for an arena fight.


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 03:22:36 PM »
Having read some of the discussions on the various threads I think it is helpful to broaden one's idea of what it means to be a mage.  When I think of wizards I conjure up images of old dudes in robes. Mage is generic enough for anyone who dabbles in magic. I look forward to possible alchemist or tinkerer classes that may come along in the game. I certainly don't think of them as wizards, but they dabble in magic in ways that commoners don't.

 I tend to agree with Br3akr's impression of the War school of magic. The magics of the war school is about gathering allies and prepping/and or assisting them for battle. The arena is probably not the most likely place to find a "Battle Mage", but I think of the arena as something next to the local pub. After the drinking has juiced up the mages, the arena is where the bragging is settled. In my mind the arena is where duels are fought and arguments ended. Just my two cents. :P


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2013, 04:14:59 AM »
maybe ill be more excited about the war school when i see some of the "war mage only" exclusive spells so i can see what they are really all about.  As it stands now, everyone can use it all so were all war mages plus the other schools.


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2013, 01:38:37 PM »
I think if magic was real, war is the FIRST thing we humans would use it for.   ;)
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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2013, 04:07:59 PM »
Quote from: "paradox22" post=6119
I think if magic was real, war is the FIRST thing we humans would use it for.   ;)
LOL!   Too true. I remember seeing a cartoon ages ago of two cavemen talking. One had a bow and arrow and the one with the club asked him what it was.  "TWANG" as the arrow stuck out of the other one the one with the bow said: "Peacemaker."


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2013, 11:23:08 PM »
Quote from: "paradox22" post=6119
I think if magic was real, war is the FIRST thing we humans would use it for.   ;)

haha I agree with this, and thats kind of my point, I can see War school on a battlefield cause it helps out soldiers but not able to see it much for an arena match.


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Re: war school of magic.
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2013, 12:24:05 PM »
What if "soldier" is a new Creature Type? Conjurations, Incantations and Enchantments from the War School may effect unique creature types rather than all creatures.

Another possibility would be to have equipment spells that can be cast on "soldier creatures" rather than mages only.

Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer to find out. :)
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