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Author Topic: Initiative  (Read 4713 times)


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« on: November 07, 2012, 06:32:02 PM »
Haven't found anything on the board about this thought.

I've played the game once so far, but as a house rule Initiative does not shift from turn to turn.

The mage with the highest Mana pool gets the initiative-marker.

From reading the rules I want to prevent a player from casting a 20-point monster as a last action when being 2nd player and getting to move with it as 1st player when the marker shifts position.

I also felt it quite unnatural when a mage pumps out a devil-demon from the depths, he will be the one that acts faster next round.

Just my thought.



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Re: Initiative
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 03:08:41 AM »
While in theory this is a nice idea

It will probably just mean a buff for the Wizard


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Re: Initiative
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 12:40:19 PM »
Quote from: "Mathias" post=3055
Haven't found anything on the board about this thought.

I've played the game once so far, but as a house rule Initiative does not shift from turn to turn.

The mage with the highest Mana pool gets the initiative-marker.

From reading the rules I want to prevent a player from casting a 20-point monster as a last action when being 2nd player and getting to move with it as 1st player when the marker shifts position.

I also felt it quite unnatural when a mage pumps out a devil-demon from the depths, he will be the one that acts faster next round.

Just my thought.


Using that rule would lead to even more unbalance in future sets. For example what if a mage has a ton of up keep effects. In one playtest I had 9 upkeep of my 10 channeling.
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