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Author Topic: Howling Wind Trap  (Read 6875 times)


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Howling Wind Trap
« on: October 25, 2012, 06:15:48 PM »
I have a feeling the Wind school will grow eventually too.

Howling Wind Trap
Quick Spell
Casting Cost: 4/2
School: Wind 1
Range: 1-2
Target: Creature

Can only be cast in a square that does not contain any enemies.
Effect: If an enemy creature or mage enters the square the trap automaticaly activates
as long as the Mage has the Mana to activate it, otherwise it is harmless and is discarded.

Effect: The target enemy or mage is thrown directly back in the direction it came based on a roll:
1-6 = 1 Square; 7-10 = 2 Squares; 11-12 = 3 Squares

Conjured walls are always avoided as the target is thrown over them, but the Mage Arena's
walls will stop any further movement and Stun the target if they do not travel the full
distance rolled.

Special: If the target is a Flying Creature, the caster adds +2 to the rolled result.
If the target is a Slow creature, they subtract -2 from the result.

Card Quote: "Yeah, I was head-over-heels in'a split second. Never saw it coming..."


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Re: Howling Wind Trap
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 12:39:58 AM »
This would make an awesome card. I loved that wall-hit effect. Just to add some stuff, I think flying creatures should lose the flying trait on that turn. And rolling 3 attack dice if they hit the wall would probably be awesome too. :)


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Re: Howling Wind Trap
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2012, 10:48:06 AM »
I'm glad you like the idea, but I know some of the creators, and they say spell balance is important and hard to maintain sometimes.  :P

I felt adding anything else to an already cool spell would unbalance it too much, even by adding more Mana cost to it or similar.   :blink:



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Re: Howling Wind Trap
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2012, 01:40:22 PM »
Yes, I guess we do have to consider the balance. I believe that the game needs more trap cards like this, at least to open up a new meta of gameplay. A trapper beastmaster perhaps? :)


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Re: Howling Wind Trap
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2012, 12:35:14 PM »
3 dice damage for hitting a wall is pretty standard and already in the rules, so you wouldnt have to add anything into the card for that.  the stun might be a bit much, maybe have it chance of stun.   i understand avoiding walls cause that would be REALLY good with a 3 space push, but probibly hard to set up as you dont choose the direction they push, it is always directly backwards from thier perspective so it is unlikely they would travel through a wall into your trap.  maybe allow the wall damage.  just my thoughts.  i also am hopeing for more trap cards (and they are comming!)
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