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Author Topic: Spells you would like to see  (Read 299932 times)


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2012, 08:56:59 PM »
Charged Spell shields that can actually attack. Like a lighting field that can zap an enemy that enters your zone.

Spells that Summon obstacles or objects that can make a zone unpassable . Like a mini volcano in a zone that unless it's dealt with makes that zone pretty much out of bounds or a sheet of ice.

How about spells or equipment that effect equipment. Like a scope for a crossbow, heat metal to make the spell go back to the mages spell book, Soul binding where you have to dispel the binding before you can dissolve the item. A Empowering enchant to a wand or other spelbinding item that increase the damage dice buy like +1 or 2. Plus item sets maybe that when worn together give some bonus.

Mimic items that can be placed in an zone that give their summoner bonuses while within a certian distance of that square but will transform in to a creature and attack any intruder to the zone.

Prismatic effects that can randomly change the damage, like fire ball into lightling ball.  

Or spells that can modify the effect dice (the d12) either change the effect or make it better or worse. i.e. change a 7+stun to a 5+stun. or 7+ stun to a 10+stun. or instead of stun it can change it to a burn effect.

Potions or other consumables.

a wand or staff that can spell bind single target attack spells and have the fork and hit 2 enemy's instead of one but each enemy will only take 1/2 the damage.

Things that disrupt or cause mages to take care of before they can do a normal action. like a leprechaun pot of gold that invokes a mages greed and he must grab it, or dispel the effect, before he can continue his assault.

camouflage or some sort of invisibility or hiding spells.

Thats all i can think of at the moment.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2012, 10:23:48 PM »
nice lots of good ideas here
Favorite Mage: The one I am using.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2012, 02:33:14 AM »
Quote from: "acrazy1" post=964
Charged Spell shields that can actually attack. Like a lighting field that can zap an enemy that enters your zone.

How about spells or equipment that effect equipment. Like a scope for a crossbow...

Prismatic effects that can randomly change the damage, like fire ball into lightling ball.  

Potions or other consumables.

Things that disrupt or cause mages to take care of before they can do a normal action. like a leprechaun pot of gold that invokes a mages greed and he must grab it, or dispel the effect, before he can continue his assault.

camouflage or some sort of invisibility or hiding spells...

the charged field zone attack defence, equipment for equipment, random attack, potions, disruption and camouflage are my chosen from your list acrazy1 XD.

I particularly like the equipment for equipment idea

like your crossbow scope,
different types of bolt for the crossbow (similar for arrows for a bow),
a better grip for swords,
new axe heads to do different damage,
or enchantments that target only equipment,
make the item indestructible to give the wielder a 11+ defence

sooo many possibilities


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2012, 01:45:55 PM »
Quote from: "Scarob" post=970
different types of bolt for the crossbow (similar for arrows for a bow),
a better grip for swords,
new axe heads to do different damage,
or enchantments that target only equipment,

you can make Arrows/bolts, javelins, Spears, throwing weapons have the spellbind trait. attach the damage spell to them. So when they are thrown, either hit or miss if missing is possible, that weapon/projectile is placed in the area, and would have to be retrieved to be used again. It would also be possible for the other mage to pick up said item.

Spell Carrier items like a balloon, floating ball,or shadow clone/creature (movable traps) that wind or push spells can move them from zone to zone until the trigger causes them to activate.

Gravity spells that cause things to be immovable or reduced gravity where the space dosn't take a move action, you are so light it is effortless to move across the space.

Slimes and jellies that move slowly around the map eating spells/zone effects.

Transmutable viruses that effect creatures attacked buy infected creatures, like rabies and ghoul rot.  

Creature binding spells when two creatures are linked the share damage. or even linking creatures to zone items. even magical leash traps when a creature goes into a zone they are held to a certain radius till leash is dispelled or destroyed.

Tracking traps and seeking spell combo's. A trap that when activated the creature gets a magic mark and special tracking spells can home in onto that no matter where in the arena the creature goes the spell will follow. It may take a round or two before it hits (depending on the distance). there is nothing like trying to figure out how to save the creature/yourself from a clear and present doom.

Spells that stay in effect for multiple rounds and have Ricochet effect and random bounces. It can hit a creature, wall, or zone item and randomly bounce from there.

Mirror traps when an attack spell is casted across a zone the trap activates and reflects the attack back at the caster.

a Druidic thing but a leyline system where items, zone items, and some animals are connected and the more zone they cover create system of power and protection for the druid. The druid could use that direct line to cast spells trough healing item or creature in the area, cast deadly spores, or other nature effects.

walls that move like a big sawblade or blades that move across a wall line from one side of the arena to the other.

elemental creatures that can be either a wall or a creature, they morph!

creatures that can combine to make a more powerful creature. like an earth and fire elemental truns in to a magma creature.

Also want to say what a creative group of fans there are a lot of great ideas in the other pages really gets the creativity going.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2012, 02:05:34 PM »
they are all awesome ideas, i love them XD

like you mirror trap - zone traps that trigger the first time a creature or mage moves into that zone.... mirror attack, pit traps, spike traps, teleport trap, healing fountain, etcetera. :)

slow moving spells, that are placed on the board and move one zone per turn and attacks 1, 2 or more in that zone until they collide with a wall or board edge

supreme epic spells that target all on the board or all within 1 or 2 zones, etcetera.

spells that turn zones into deep areas of water for sea creatures

continuous effects on the board

and finally i agree there's absolutely loads of good ideas that id love to see worked into the game somehow ^^


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2012, 08:10:27 PM »
Chain lightning with a range of zero.  Only hits targets in the caster's zone.  It will not leap to another zone.  We could call it... Force Lightning.   :)    Either cheaper to cast than regular chain lightning or does more damage.

Instead of the daza/stun condition die of lightning, give it a Push/daze like Jet Stream.  
Ranged, 6 dice, 4-10 = Push, 11+ = Push and Daze.  Cost of 12 mana to cast.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2012, 05:16:53 AM »
Just got my copy. May I say that my wife and I really love this game, and we would definitely want to see more expansions in the future.

As for spells I would love to see...

1). An absolute single creature removal card- After having a test turtle-ing  battle with my wife, there came a time when the board was just filled with creatures (and having spells under them increased the clutter). Neither mages want to move closer because some creatures have sweeping attacks in addition to the volume of creatures in the center zone. I think having an absolute creature removal card would be nice. Making it a level 4 card would also help, so players wont be able to spam them (provided that it cant be attached to any wand). I believe that it would quicken the pace per game. As for a spell name.... Execution? :D

2). A global removal card- This concept would be interesting for solo builds. Allowing players to wipe the board completely of any object except for the mages. A last resort if you will. I'm thinking... a level 6 legendary epic fire spell... Apocalypse? :D

3). (this may be a long shot but.... here goes) Blink/Flash Step- you can only use your quickcast token to use this card. Move your mage 1 zone away. (this would be 0 to cast).
-Since I've seen a lot of turtle strategies, allowing attackers to maneuver and cast a full action spell would be nice. Once again, I believe that cards like this would make bouts quicker.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2012, 05:36:05 PM »
A spell that lets you put your cast spells back in your spellbook.

A spell that lets you look through your opponents spell book.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #53 on: November 01, 2012, 10:17:15 AM »
Here is a bunch off the top of my head:

1. A creature that gain armor rating or defense while guarding
2. An incantation that allows you to place multiple enchantments at once directly from your spellbook.
3. An enchantment that reduces the face down cost of playing enchantments on the same target by 2.
4. A very large creature that blocks LOS
5. A wall that blocks movement, but not LOS
6. Spell that requires you to discard a prepared spell as an additional cost
7. Spell that rewards you for guessing the opponent's unplayed prepared spell
8. A creature that can be placed as a face down enchantment, then revealed later
9. A zone target enchantment that gives a chunk of mana to the caster of a dispel on the en
10. A charge -X creature
11. A Light+X creature that heals instead of taking light damage
12. An incantation that allows you to immediately act (activate) a creature next even if it is not your turn to act.
13. A war spell that allows you to act with all of your creatures in this round before any other creature gets to act.
14. An incantation that targets a mage and forces the controlling player to return an unplayed spell to his spellbook
15. A very strong two handed melee weapon
16. A melee weapon that has attack dice equal to casting mage's armor rating
17. A war spell that immediately places guard markers on all non-mage friendly creatures in the same zone.
18. A VERY large creature that blocks movement and LOS but counts as being in all neighboring zones.
19. A demonic creature that has rediculous health, but high upkeep cost
20. A creature that abandons the caster on "death".  Can be prepared from the discard pile for any opponents.
21. A die roll result keyword that does something on blank die rolls (Blank: _____)
22. A shield equipment
23. An incantation that targets a familiar or spawnpoint and allows a card prepared and not cast during deployment phase to be cast immediately
24. A fire spell that gains an additional attack die for each burn token on the CASTING mage
25. A creature keyword that places a guard counter when passing on a move action (you can guard and attack if not moving)
26. An incantation that heals a creature and increases armor by 1 for this round for each blank die roll
27. A zone enchantment that is revealed and enchants the first creature that enters the zone
28. A bow equipment that allows the caster to place an unplayed, prepared enchantment on the target of the bow attack for free.
29. An incantation that reduces the cost of the next spell this turn by X, net mana gain if used
30. A creature that summons a specific zone enchantment on death from the spellbook (such as poison cloud)


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #54 on: November 01, 2012, 11:20:38 AM »
jmmeye2: some great ideas!

This made me think of the death curse in Dresden Files. This would be a great mechanic. You could put one death curse spell in your spellbook that has no summoning cost but a high spellbook cost. Once your mage dies you can activate it. This should be a strong spell with a chance to take out the other mage (if he is such a fool to kill you by himself) or at least some of his creatures. This would be even more interesting in a 3+ player game.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #55 on: December 07, 2012, 10:23:16 AM »
Something I think would be fun would be a set of illusion-based spells similar to Decoy.

Imagine maybe an enchantment. You cast it on a zone, and when you reveal it it lets you pull a creature from your spellbook and place it into the zone. The enchantment then attaches itself to the creature. If the enchantment gets dispelled, the creature goes away. You would either get some mana back when the creature dies/gets dispelled, or the cost of the creature would be reduced when it's first cast. You'd have to do some balancing either with how much mana it costs to reveal, maybe an X cost based on creature level, or maybe it serves as a detrimental enchantment on the "illusory" creature. Like Finite Life, Armor -4 or something like that so that the creature isn't as good as it would be to summon it normally.

Alternately, you could have an enchantment that you just put on a normally summoned creature face-down similar to Decoy. If the enchantment is dispelled the creature gets destroyed. But if either the creature gets destroyed or the enchantment is dispelled, you get some mana back according to the level of the creature. This has a benefit of the enemy mage not knowing if the creature is an illusion or not.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #56 on: December 12, 2012, 04:20:10 PM »
Lead boots/ Grounded

If cast on an in-flight creature, they will come down fast and take damage from hitting the ground.  Possibly losing flight for a turn, and gaining a stun marker, or something to that effect.  Gravity is a harsh mistress.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2012, 08:26:33 AM »
I play the Warlock a lot, and I can tell you what I want for the Warlock :

- A creature that can cast curses (a witch ?, Hag ?), that is desperately needed for the curse-warlock
- A weapon that causes Rot as an effect, preferably long range
- A conjuration that summons Undead (Graveyard), the necro will probably have that thought,
- A conjuration that increases by 1 all ''removal cost''
- A 8-9 point Dark Living creature (to fill the gap between 5 and 13 points).
- An Dark attack spell ( Degenaration-2 space rot attack).

As you can see, I love the curse Warlock.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #58 on: December 27, 2012, 02:10:38 PM »
I would like to see:

1) Positional attacks designed to break turtling opponents and force a melee engagement. For example, give a Catapult a 3 range, 4 dice, +3 piercing full attack - but any time the Catapult is targeted by a melee attack it is Incapacitated until its next action.

2) An Incantation that makes a creature Incorporeal until the end of the round.

3) An enchantment that targets your Mage and can be flipped during the Upkeep phase to give you initiative.

4) An enchantment version of Battle Fury (when flipped, gain another attack action). This would have to be much more expensive than BF because flipping wouldn't cost a quick spell action. It might even need to be Epic.

5) Incantations that "burn" an enchantment for an instant effect:
- Envenom: Discard one or more Poison enchantments on target creature. For each enchantment destroyed, make a ranged, Poison, 4 die, 6+ Rot, Unavoidable attack against the target. If the target does not have any Poison enchantments attached, destroy this card with no effect.

- Word of Dread: Discard one or more Curse enchantments on target creature. For each enchantment destroyed, make a ranged, Dark, 3 die, Unavoidable Zone attack against all creatures in the same zone. If the target does not have any Curse enchantments attached, destroy this card with no effect.

- Divine Sanctuary: Discard a Nature or Holy enchantment on target creature to make it completely invulnerable until the end of the round. If the target does not have any Nature or Holy enchantments attached, destroy this card with no effect.

6) A mandatory-reveal backlash enchantment. When this creature is targeted by an Enchantment or Incantation controlled by a hostile player, you MUST reveal this card and perform a 6 dice ranged attack. If this card is revealed at any other time, it is destroyed without effect.

7) A creature that is able to Guard against multiple attacks per round.

8) A bodyguard creature that can Guard against ranged attacks. (take a bullet for your master!)

9) A zone enchantment that Slows all creatures entering or leaving the zone.

10) A life link incantation that allows you to re-distribute damage between creatures you control. (It does not actually remove damage so it is not considered a Healing spell and is not affected by Finite Life)

11) A Ghost Vision enchantment. When flipped, the target creature ignores line-of-sight blockers until the end of the round. Magebind +2.

12) Enchantments that can "jump" to a new target if their current target is destroyed.

13) A mandatory-reveal Fumble enchantment. When the target declares an attack, you MUST reveal this card. The attack is Countered. If this enchantment is revealed at any other time, destroy it without effect.

14) A full action incantation that allows you to search through your spellbook and cast a quick spell of your choice.

15) Suicidal Frenzy (Incantation): Targets non-mage Creature. This creature gains Invulnerable, Uncontainable, Fast, Melee +3 and Ranged +3. Destroy target creature at the end of the round.

16) An attack spell that deals damage based on the number of Enchantments on the target.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #59 on: December 31, 2012, 09:48:30 AM »
Similar to some of jmmeye2's suggestions:
  [li]Incantation that allows the mage to take an extra card during the planning stage[/li]
  [li]Creature that targets a creature and flips its action marker (active to inactive, or inactive to active)[/li]
  [li]Attack spell that targets a mage (friendly or non friendly). The player casting the spell picks a card in the mage's hand, and the targeted mage returns that card to the spell book and replace it with another card with a lower mana cost.[/li]
  [li]Attack spell that targets a mage and plays a card from the mage's graveyard[/li]