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Author Topic: Spells you would like to see  (Read 298571 times)


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #75 on: April 05, 2013, 05:06:30 PM »
Something to hinder or deny teleportation.  

Teleport is good, its an auto include in every spell book.  Its used on friendly targets, on opponents, on their creatures, on yourself, to destroy creature conjurations, to disregard the "slow" trait, to hop over traps.. put it on a wand!  put it on a familiar!   Its so good that when God himself interferes in the battle (Divine Intervention) its a freaking Teleport!

But I digress.. Id like to see a Trait that can stop teleportation and a card or two to hinder what is debatably the best utility function in the game.

Version 1: The basic friend or foe "hey dont teleport that" card.
Planer Anchor:
Enchantment or Conjuration (which ever, so long as it targets a creature)
Target Creature gains the "Anchored" Trait.   Creatures with Anchored cannot be moved via Teleportation.

Version 2: The anti-"SlowLol CreatureTeleport-Spam" book card.
Warp Lag
Enchantment or Conjuration (again, whichever so long as it sticks to a creature)
If this Creature is moved via Teleportation, its action marker is turned face down when it enters the destination zone.

Version 3: Just a weird card idea
Portal of ____  (something named after a place in lore.)
Conjuration/Enchantment (targets zone), Legendary (to avoid confusion of multiple effects.)

Whenever any Creature is Teleported, it moves to this zone instead of its original destination.

Also, a semi-unrelated card because that would be useful, and is cool for Zelda fans:
Iron Boots:
You gain the Immovable Trait.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #76 on: April 05, 2013, 05:32:15 PM »
Spell Stop Time
Targets a Zone
Casting Cost is 3XY where X=number of creatures in zone and Y=number of rounds caster decides to stop time.
Effect would be to temporarily remove Action markers from all creatures in the targeted zone for Y number of rounds.
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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #77 on: April 05, 2013, 06:31:27 PM »

These spells would cause a new condition: Blinded

A Blinded creature is unable to target anything in the Arena and may stumble in a random Direction. A blinded creature will stumble about in the zone it is in, however it may panic and move (as many zones as possible) in random direction. Use the effect die to determine of the creature panics. Roll the effect die and on a roll of 8+ or higher the creature panics and moves in a random direction and will use both of its move actions this turn. Use the Rose compass to determine which direction the creature moves.

A blinded creature can still make melee attack in the zone it is in if it hasn’t panicked. Use the Rose compass to determine if the attack is in the correct direction. Align the compass directions (N, E, S, and W) with the different sides of a zone. If you are in a zone on the side of your controlling mage the a roll resulting in N is successful. attack If you are in a center zone a roll of E or W is successful, if you are in a zone of the opposing Mage the a roll resulting in S is successful. All damage dealt is non-critical/non-piercing. If the attack is successful and multiple creatures (both friendly and opposing) may be hit by a sweeping attack.

Two Spells:
Conjuration: Spell Level 3 Mind, Non-Mage Creature
Cost 4 Mana
Blind as a Bat
The targeted creature now has the Blinded trait until the end of the turn.

Enchantment: Spell Level 4 Mind, Non-Mage Creature
Cost 2 Mana 8 Mana
Eye Fry or NoSee'em or Cant C Me
The targeted creature now has the Blinded trait until removed.

There would be a Blinded Marker with a removal cost of 5 Mana, and of course there would need to be a counter spell.

Incantation: Spell Level 2 Holy,  Non-mage Creature
Cost X X=Removal Cost+1
I See the Light!

Remove the Blind trait marker from target creature.

I was blind but now I see.

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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #78 on: April 06, 2013, 11:06:49 AM »
This can't be the only Swords and Sorcery game on the planet who's fiercest creature isn't a Dragon!!!

Come on, get with the program!!

In order to be a legitimate fantasy world game we need like a 35 casting cost, flying, fire breathing Dragon!!!


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #79 on: April 06, 2013, 11:35:57 AM »
More Cantrips!!!

Small utility spells and poke damage spells, that aren't as good as full incantations and attack spells, but are cantrips.   Running out of direct damage and ways to dispell items and get rid of effects, (I mentioned this in a previous post), are very inconvenient.   Of course you can put them on a wand, but if you go that rout you risk losing your wand and then presumably if that was your plan you only took one each of these spells so now you're really hosed.   I wouldn't make Cantrips that are as effective as say Purify (which removes multiple effects) or as strong as Lightning Bolt.  But maybe a Cantrip that dispells one effect at a time.  Or direct damage that costs more mana than the one time use versions.  Or a dispell that costs more mana than the one time use version.

The thing is if wands are the only way to cast the same spell over and over, then blowing up the other mage's wand and keeping your own becomes paramount in the game.   Especially so with things like weakness which can only be dealt with by the Priestess  or by limited supply Purifies.  And creatures like the Gorgon Archer can put weakness on a different creature every turn.  (an unlimited supply of passing out weakness, but other than the Priestess, a limited way to deal with it.....that's not good.)


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #80 on: April 07, 2013, 03:22:16 PM »
Something simple

Incantation war
Ninja bomb.
Zone attack.

Daze for all the creatures except the caster.
Invisible creatures in the Zone become visible so long they are in the Zone  ;)

Destroy after use.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #81 on: April 08, 2013, 12:32:20 AM »

Leaping Drag - Incantation - corporeal creature
Level 1 war
4 mana - range 0-2.
Until end of turn, when target creature moves from a zone, you may push one corporal enemy creature from that zone toward the target creature.

Art shows a leaping Orc Butcher tackling a Gray Angel that flew too low to the ground. The orc is rushing forward, passing the angel, and he has the Angel's neck in the crook of his arm lariat style. The angel is being overbalanced backward, wings cramped, sword useless.


Bull Rush - Enchantment - Living non-flying creature
Level 2 Nature
2 mana cast, 4 mana reveal - range 0-2
When this creature moves from a zone, you may push one corporeal enemy creature without flying in from zone toward this creature.

Art shows the panther Cervere, The Forest Shadow charging a Warlock. Cervere is surrounded by the blue ghostly outline of a bull, head lowered in a charge. In the distant background, the sky is hidden by a large Wall of Thorns.

To give melee oriented midrange decks a bit more board control against fast agro decks by dragging their key pieces out of place. Also gives swarm decks the ability to push back against Few Big creature strategies, and brings push out of solely the force school to encourage more tactical board play. These cards also provide alternatives to teleport, which are important to have if a metagame hoser is being developed against that very powerful spell,

Tactical notes:
Fast and elusive creatures love these spells, as noted in the art for Bull Rush. The spells can trigger twice for creatures that can move twice, but note that the pushed creature still hinders. A fast elusive creature will be able to attack after moving twice and all creatures will be able to attack after moving once, unless they are slow.

Fireproof imps can drag enemies through walls of flame (without additional cost), or level 1 foxes can rush enemies into a wall of thorns. Climbing creatures may bash their targets against stone walls. Necropian Vampiress and Blue Gremlin are legal targets for these spells, and they too can do the bash trick.

Charging creatures like the Highland Unicorn can use this spell to gain the charge attack against creatures they share a square with.

Mages can both use and suffer from these attacks, usually with the intent of isolating the target.

While Leaping Drag would allow a goblin to push Adramelech one square, they won't help stall an attack that much; Adramelech will just move back. And no one will be dragging the immovable golems because the spells use the push mechanic.


The costs for both cards are low because they require a creature to help push. Bull Rush excludes flyers for balance reasons as well as flavor, to prevent an enchanted falcon from making a circuit and repeatedly pushing things around without a chance of reprisal. Leaping Drag includes flyers because it's less repeatable/abuseable, and the flavor supports it. These spells do give pests a limited bodyguard use, which can be corrected--if required--by adding more text.
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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #82 on: April 08, 2013, 09:50:11 AM »
Flesh eating plant - Conjuration -  Nature

Regenerate 1+X - Living - Flame +2 - Hydro Immunity

Each Upkeep Phase all non-Flying creatures receive 1 damage +X.
If the flesh eating plant damages one or more living creatures it gains one extra head token.
X = The number of extra head tokens. For a maximum of 6 tokens.

Feed it and it will grow


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #83 on: April 17, 2013, 07:22:20 AM »
When a Fire elemental, water elemental (this maybe with druid), lighting elemental? yeahh


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #84 on: April 18, 2013, 06:20:09 AM »
Chaos Totem

Zone Conjuration

At the beginning of each round, players roll to determine initiative rather than passing the token in the normal order.

(This is actually how me and my friends played the game when we first got it because we didnt see the part about initiative shifting every turn.  We rerolled each round.)


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #85 on: May 01, 2013, 06:42:42 AM »
I would like ot see a Purge spell:

It would level 3 or 4
Zone attack- Remove all conditions, conjurations and enchantments in the affected zone


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #86 on: May 02, 2013, 12:34:29 AM »
I would like to see a Phoenix creature maybe level 6-8 Holy and 2 Fire with a very high mana cost.

Flying, All friendly Creatures in zone gain regenerate +2-3, has a quick cast heal (5 dice maybe) and/or a full cast zone group heal or remove condition,and a 3 dice fire quick attack. Also, a special ability to sacrifice itself to resurrect a creature on the board or it can resurrect itself once.

I got the game a month or so ago and love it.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #87 on: May 06, 2013, 07:15:30 AM »
I would like to see potions of one use:
-Potion Life - heal 6 life
-Potion Mana -Recover 10 mana.
-Potion of strenght - Use 2 aditional attack dice and al dice are critical damage. ( XD)

-Bots of speed, Give you an adiotional quick atcion -Novice.

its only ideas


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2013, 09:14:41 AM »
@Xienoph: I love the planning idea, it would make sense as a Mind spell, you could call it split mind or somesuch, fits in with the Mage and Forcemaster themes well.

@sdouglas: Couldn't agree more with the Fast Boots and Elusive Cloak, would probably have to be restricted a bit by training or to specific mages (I'm thinking this could overpower the Warlock in certain builds).

-->An Arcane creature that has a dissolve effect on his attack and agains a bonus against corporeal constructions. Think Rust Monster or Yellow Ochre.

-->Or similarly an Arcane creature that eats enchantments

-->A Soldier with the ability to fight for one round after death or at least to make one last attack.

As some people have also mentioned I would love to see Insect, Spider, and Plant themed cards.


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Re: Spells you would like to see
« Reply #89 on: May 12, 2013, 06:14:38 PM »
I'd like to see a curse that gives the Pest trait. The Warlock could really use a good in school way of dealing with guards.
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