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Author Topic: In-school only builds?  (Read 9113 times)


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In-school only builds?
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:23:24 PM »
Have you ever playtested mage builds where the mages are only allowed to use spells from their own schools? Would that work or does it cause imbalance?


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 04:42:11 PM »
i havent played yet but i dont believe it would be unbalanced, if anything i think it would be sub par as you would be missing some really useful low level spells from outside your school, like heal for the non priestess, or disolve, disenchant etc
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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 04:48:19 PM »
Of course, but I was thinking there must have been a reason those spell are not in their own basic school. If maybe not only in-school only but in-school and novice spells.

I understand that the current rules offer more varied play and probably right now some school may be lacking some cards that will appear in future expansions but only in-school would be an interesting thematic variant.

This is directed to the playtesters and designers :)


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 05:29:45 PM »
Each school has its own way of looking at the world and how that school approaches  combat. From a story stand point these arena fights have been going on for sometime now. So most schools see where they need to improve in tactics for the arena. That is not to say that that this could not be done once there are a few more sets out. Currently most schools may find it hard just to get to 120 points if you limit yourself to 1 or 2 schools.

I like the idea but it may take sometime to have enough options to do this.
"Darth come prove to meet you are worthy of the fighting for your school in the arena and not just another scholar to be discarded like an worn out rag doll"

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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 07:41:50 PM »
Yeah I agree with Shad0w that it seems like there are going to be some utility spells that will be needed no matter what school you are.  However maybe a mechanic could be worked out if a mage stays completely in their own school like giving that mage 140 points or something.
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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 03:44:21 AM »
Ok, so let's get back to this after a few new sets :)

Another solution would be to give every school these effects (http://magewars.com/jsite/forum/spellbook-design-and-construction/134-list-of-common-spells-needed ) with their own flavor.

Like instead of dissolve a curse for the Warlock that makes one of the opponents artifacts cursed. Or instead of a holy healing spell, a dark spell that heals but lowers the max life as well. Something along these lines.


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 02:19:21 PM »
Not all mages are going to have the same spells even if novice. It that was the case then there would be no need to have different kinds of mages. It would just be a general all around mage and thus there would be no Mage Wars and that would be no fun.


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 02:23:25 PM »
Stadi I see what your saying but if you do that then you are taking away the point of going out of your school thus the spells would not cost more. That would make the mages the same and take away from the game. I think it is brilliant the way the game is designed now and should not be changed. The whole point of the game is to make it as realistic as possible and I think that they hit the nail right on the head.


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2012, 02:30:19 PM »
This thread has not had a response in over two months old could you please not resurrect dead threads. Thank you
"Darth come prove to meet you are worthy of the fighting for your school in the arena and not just another scholar to be discarded like an worn out rag doll"

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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 03:10:46 PM »
for future reference, what's the period of inactivity needed for you to call it a dead thread?


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2012, 03:12:27 PM »
I like to give a thread a month of no reply. I think that is fair. To be clear that is one month from the last post. Not one month old. :)

Here is another thread that was kind of old. I waited to see if it got a response and because it did I let it go. On the other hand this was so old it had to be dug up. I think at 2 months its more like a rotting corpse and should have stayed buried. :S

I looked up Stadi and her has not even logged in for almost 10 days. Last Visit Date: 02 Oct 2012
"Darth come prove to meet you are worthy of the fighting for your school in the arena and not just another scholar to be discarded like an worn out rag doll"

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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2012, 03:28:56 PM »
Personally, I'd be ok with a little more leeway. Considering the game is just recently released and the forum seems to have blown up with new users, I would expect some of the older threads to be revisited, but it's not my call.

thanks for the clarification, I'll leave this thread alone now.


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Re: In-school only builds?
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2012, 03:47:34 PM »
"Darth come prove to meet you are worthy of the fighting for your school in the arena and not just another scholar to be discarded like an worn out rag doll"

Quote: Shad0w the Arcmage