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Author Topic: MW arena update 2020  (Read 60828 times)


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MW arena update 2020
« on: December 22, 2019, 05:15:40 AM »
I don't have any exact information what is coming to MW arena the year 2020, but at Facebook they promised something. That is enough for me to believe this development is going on...
I know creating something completely NEW takes a lot of testing, and after so many years I don't mind waiting a few months more. It might be monk/elementalist suited for arena?
Or something completely new?


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 08:27:25 AM »
As previously stated in the “Its 2019- any news?” thread, I don’t expect there to be any more content. If we end up in late 2020 with AW saying again that they’re not announcing anything at this time, then it’ll simply be going through another cycle of “let’s see how long we can keep this small community going”. The game will be turning 8 years old in 2020, the community that is left is of a small group of people fully devoted to the game and so it’s just not a priority for Arcane Wonders’ long term planning.

However, if they are actually serious (hopefully they’ve learned from the mistakes of their previously horrible marketing practices and lack of community engagement), I expect that it’ll be a Lost Grimoire Volume 2. There’s just not enough of a community remaining for them to go full throttle on the content they teased at years ago, and this game is quite frankly too old to be supported with future official content. A Lost Grimoire 2 would be a good release of final content, and would give the chance for them to finally admit to the community that Mage Wars Arena is finished.


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2019, 08:07:14 AM »
I don't have any exact information what is coming to MW arena the year 2020, but at Facebook they promised something. That is enough for me to believe this development is going on...
I know creating something completely NEW takes a lot of testing, and after so many years I don't mind waiting a few months more. It might be monk/elementalist suited for arena?
Or something completely new?

You made me look, but I don't see any recent (since April 2019) posts related to MW at either the Arcane Wonders or Mage Wars Facebook pages.
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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2019, 09:22:10 AM »
I don't have any exact information what is coming to MW arena the year 2020, but at Facebook they promised something. That is enough for me to believe this development is going on...
I know creating something completely NEW takes a lot of testing, and after so many years I don't mind waiting a few months more. It might be monk/elementalist suited for arena?
Or something completely new?

You made me look, but I don't see any recent (since April 2019) posts related to MW at either the Arcane Wonders or Mage Wars Facebook pages.

It's in the comments for the post about "Foundations of Rome" from 18th december on the Arcane wonders FB-page. "We've been listening and we have big plans coming for Mage Wars that we will be announcing during 2020"

It sounds like more than just a Lost Grimore vol. 2 or similar. I think that there is a market for a second edition of MW, with some changes from the original game, making it a bit more "accessable". But I think that's too much to hope for. So maybe it's a new Mage vs. mage-set, like Monk vs. Elementalist for arena.


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2019, 09:26:56 AM »

I know it has been a while and I am grateful that you are still here. I hope we can post an official announcement soon, but we are turning over a new leaf and not making promises we can't keep. We have some new blood helping with all our projects and Mage Wars is a part of this. I can't make any concrete statements other than to say what we are looking at is definitely bigger than another Lost Grimoire. I genuinely hope our plans will warrant your excitement as much mine. I won't ask for more patience, because we have already taken more than we should have, but just know that real things are happening.

Thank you very much.



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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2019, 03:36:59 AM »
OMG i got actual goosebumps

i don't think anyone expected this, MAGE WARS  and not just academy? this is nuuts

hope we get a new vs or more content for all mages or the archmage or smth :c but i dont think we need another mode atm


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2019, 11:25:30 AM »
Needless to say that was quite the interesting post, coupled by the fact that this has been his first post on the forums in the last 6 years. I suspect that with the Kickstarter project arriving in January and Tony having left a while ago, Arcane Wonders seems to be going through some sort of "restructuring" and it seems to be going for the better. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out in the next couple of years.

I hope we can post an official announcement soon, but we are turning over a new leaf and not making promises we can't keep.

That sounds a lot like what has been said to Facebook comments the last 2-3 years.

We have some new blood helping with all our projects and Mage Wars is a part of this. I can't make any concrete statements other than to say what we are looking at is definitely bigger than another Lost Grimoire.

Either Mage Wars will be having a bunch of its remaining content released (Archmage, Alt. Forcemaster vs Witch, Lost Grimoire 2) with the teased art finally being put to use, or I suspect a Mage Wars 2 (perhaps via Kickstarter ?). If it is a big project as has been stated, then an 8 year old game will desperately require some shot of adrenaline in order to regain the relevance it had 5-6 years ago.

A Mage Wars 2 would be the perfect opportunity to start the brand fresh, with a more organized release structure and the opportunity to bring back players such as myself who enjoyed the game but who have stopped playing due to the game's age- a win-win on both sides. Also, the game could used more streamlined mechanics and with rules that don't lead to years of discussion due to confusion, which would promote a stronger community and tournament structure.


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2019, 11:45:55 AM »
A MW 2.0 makes the most sense.

Another expansion that intros new mages or gives us some more alts would be fun for existing fans but it's hard to see why AW would decided to do that....now?

Backwards compatibility would be great but tbh a more streamlined game that has a better sense of itself and makes better sense of some of the mechanics that were added later on would actually be my preference.  Especially if it means I can finally get some friends and family to play the damn game with me!


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2019, 07:01:08 AM »
That is awesome news!
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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2020, 07:36:56 AM »
How technically difficult would backward compatibility be exactly?


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2020, 01:06:37 PM »
SUPER excited for new Mage Wars stuff!


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2020, 11:47:17 PM »
i want backward compatibility. i do know that if i cannot use things i paid for already in a new mage wars release, i will be really mad and not be buying any new stuff. but that is just my opinion. i can understand some card changes and rules cleanup. i would think that is pretty easy to do. looking forward to further updates.



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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2020, 04:33:48 PM »
I’m all for backwards compatible.  I think it is possible but if some big things change such as cost for cards goes up or down or big sweeping changes it maybe rather difficult.   

  I understand outrage if the next version is not but if MW 2.0 is good and not compatible with 1.0  I may feel slightly disappointed but I would totally invest in the game if it is a great game.   

Things to consider for pro backwards compatible

1).   Newer cards such as dispel, dissolve if reprinted with different stats swap out old and new cards. Simple fix
2). Maybe fixing cards that are either too cost efficient (zombie brute) or underwhelming costed cards (earthquake).  Easy fix new cards replace the old
3).  Designers could go with a totally new mage designs or alternate mages with different abilities and allowing the old mages to be used as well
4). Also one thing that could be discussed is only allowing MW 2.0 cards in game store or convention tournaments.
        A) keep a new MW 2.0 community fresh and not feel oppressed by too much content. 
        B). If things are slightly not the same balance just removing MW 1.0 from competition. 
(Of course players or organizers could decide to do a rule variant allowing MW1 and 2 to happen for players who want the nostalgia of the older game).

Opposing the backwards compatibility

1). May spawn more creative outlets with freedom to not make MW exact clone ( could be good, could be bad)
2).  Also frees up the newer community to latch onto a brand new version without the pressure of being the completionist/highly competitive Or new plAyer who may feel overwhelmed by all the cards  and options from an older version
3). Adding polish new card backs, new art, tweak the rules to make the game slightly faster less complex in certain ways but keeping the complexity, competitive, version we know and love. 
4). Allow the creator to correct some mistakes withOut the chains of the original (even tho its a wonderful game)

I think we need to be a community open to changes.  MW 2.0 will most likely have changes and hopefully those changes do not upset the current community too bad.  I think there is room for improvement and with full support from AW with regular release cycles and keeping interest in the game growing and expanding it will be a great for expanding the community and allow new players to jump on board. 
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 04:37:47 PM by farkas1 »
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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2020, 09:24:59 AM »
Backwards compatibility is an interesting topic of discussion, but ultimately I just don't see the purpose in it. I find that asking something so drastic for a new game would be to restrict the creative freedom this new project would have. We don't know whether or not Arcane Wonders would like to re-do only parts of the game such as the board, combat or spell casting, or if they'll go for a complete overhaul of the entire game's systems. I really don't think that keeping Mage Wars 2.0 so similar to Mage Wars 1.0 in the name of backwards compatibility will be a good idea, considering how Arcane Wonders will want to expand their fanbase even if it means losing some of their old fans.

Ultimately, this small community will have to accept that Mage Wars will be re-done and different types of people will be swamping the community (I suppose that this forum will be gutted and replaced), whereas some old-time loyalists will be pushed aside. With the potential of the new Mage Wars being released via Kickstarter, I'm glad to see Arcane Wonders maturing and trying something new with their products; its refreshing considering how most of their recent releases weren't that good and were not breaking much ground in the board gaming community. I am expecting a far better release structure, coupled with a better support system that was basically non-existent with Mage Wars from today since it's inception. 


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Re: MW arena update 2020
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2020, 12:48:14 PM »
MW 2.0 because it’s “something bigger than a second lost Grimoire”?

Could it not (just) be another 2 mages release?