Reminder: There are still a few days remaining to register at!

Short rules summary:
– All expansions in English and German allowed (including Academy Monk and Necromancer), but no promo card that haven’t been available as core cards in an expansion (so the promo cards that came with expansions aren’t allowed).
– One book for round 1–3, different mage for round 4–6. (Alternate mages count as different mages.) No changes during the day.
– Please bring everything your mages need—including all markers, damage tokens, mana tokens, initiative markers, dice and so on. We can only bring the arena game boards.
– We’ll play Swiss. On day 1, round 1–3 will be played (with the first mage) and round 4 (with the second mage). Day 2 will see round 5 and 6 (with the second mage). After that, the best two players will play in the finals and the winner of this game will be the fifth German Mage Wars Arena champion. For the final game you can choose between the first or second mage or use an entirely new spell book.
– 90 minutes time limit per game, after that the current round will be finished. Win is 2 points + 1/20 life difference to opponent (max. 3 points), draw (time limit called) is 1 point + 1/20 life difference (max. 2 points), lost game is 1 point - 1/20 life difference (min. 0 points). Sounds a bit complicated, but works really well.
Looking forward to seeing you at Bad Nauheim!