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Author Topic: Silence  (Read 15686 times)


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Re: Silence
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2018, 07:40:21 AM »
I second this. I agree that Academy in itself isn’t a negative to me because I do use Academy cards in Arena. But an Arena Mage packaged in with a few Arena focused things would make sense and wouldn’t be difficult at all I’d think.
Monk and Necromancer for Academy? What about Arena?

AW clearly consider Academy is the way of the future - being simpler and quicker in concept and play. Given that Academy cards can all be used in Arena, then the view seems to be that both games are being serviced.

Of course, if they thought the academy releases also serviced Arena, it would have been nice if the Academy Elementalist also came packaged with an Arena Elementalist ability card, so we could use the Elementalist in the arena as well. Just one extra card and we all would have been very happy...

This would be the better approach if the plan behind the scenes is to wind down Arena support in favor of Academy. Expand on the Academy sets to include an Arena-based ability card for the mage in question, and at least a few proper Arena-focused cards in the set as well to go along. Adding maybe 20 cards or so to the current normal size for an Academy pack. I'd even be willing to pay a little more for that add on within each Academy expansion. Like $5 more easy.


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Re: Silence
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2018, 10:48:54 AM »
I guess I'm in the minority then by saying that I dislike using Academy cards with Arena: I dislike all the unnecessary text that accompanies some of the symbols, like "Dark" under the Skull, or "Air" under the Tornado. It just feels odd and a bit off to play with these cards


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Re: Silence
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2018, 11:20:01 AM »
If that's really true, no more arena expansions.
I will not buy any more academy poducts or anything else from aw.
i'll buy the two new aca.
but, well, if there's nothing new for arena in 2019 (and not only a mage, i want big fat spells!), i'll probably stop buying... and playing.


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Re: Silence
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2018, 01:01:45 PM »
It's not coming dudes. Its just not. I'll always play mage wars as even now it's my favorite game. But the company abandoned arena in favor of forcing us to buy academy. Then they ruined my best mage by totally busting the already functional and efficient mechanics that needed no buff.
Unless something changes, our future for mage wars as a property will consist of overpowered sets for academy, and underwhelming barely useable (strictly by number of cards "playable" in arena) sets for arena, all in the same small package.  They will continue to think they are "supporting" both products because arena starved players are buying the academy sets for the 6 cards they want for arena. And they know it. They just don't really care at all.
So i will forever roll out my selenia play mat, build a book across from my buddy, and enjoy the shit out of the next hour or so. But as far as me holding up the torch for a company that clearly abandoned us to a money grab? Im afraid that torch has gone out. Again i love this game, ill always be around in some way, playing and enjoying and possibly being active here again should topics ever start up. By i got no faith for its future anymore.  Sad to say.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2018, 02:29:03 PM »
I'm sure we all here on the forum love the game more as the most.
I Love Mage Wars Arena its the best game.
I hate to buy 2 copies of academy sets for cards i use only some and "Pegasus Spiele" dos not translate anymore (it is not the language difference realy) But the English packs cost at least 5 Euros more.

However, I already ordered 2x Druid and 2x Elementalist. If we do not hear anything for next year, that will it be for me.

It should, as I already write at least once a year a Grimoire appear.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2018, 02:36:47 AM »
I've only been mage wars (only playing arena) for a short time and I think it is hands down the smartest and most well put together card game I've engaged with.

That being said, it saddens me that it's not more popular or hasn't been experienced by a wider audience that I think it deserves, much more so than MTG or any other TCG, in my humble opinion.

It's particularly unfortunate for me getting excited about the game when it seems to be on its last legs as far as support and participation, especially considering Arcane Wonders apparent negligence with any communication that further ostracizes the small but extremely loyal player-base it seemed to have.

I can only hope for the best and perhaps they will revitalize it in the future, but I doubt it.


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Re: Silence
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2018, 05:30:36 PM »
That being said, it saddens me that it's not more popular or hasn't been experienced by a wider audience that I think it deserves, much more so than MTG or any other TCG, in my humble opinion.

Magic the Gathering will always be more successful than Mage Wars: it's like saying you have more life experience then your parents simply because you think you're better then them.

Whether or not a game is better has no relation on how successful it is


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Re: Silence
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2018, 07:12:43 PM »
That being said, it saddens me that it's not more popular or hasn't been experienced by a wider audience that I think it deserves, much more so than MTG or any other TCG, in my humble opinion.

Magic the Gathering will always be more successful than Mage Wars: it's like saying you have more life experience then your parents simply because you think you're better then them.

Whether or not a game is better has no relation on how successful it is

Which is the sad state of things everywhere and all industries.

Compare a local handmade private owned burger joint to McDonald's. I'm very certain the private burger place has better everything, but the market is just already flooded with the chain places, and there really is finite space in the market for more names. So they just stay small and operate out of their hole in the wall serving the small segment of the more discerning eating population that are in the know while the Drive-thru stays packed down the street.

Magic is McDonalds. Mage Wars is that private-owned handmade burger shop.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2018, 03:03:22 AM »
i hope in the near future they make new mages for arena and put in the academy sets , i don´t believe it´s necessary (for now) a complete new mechanic for a new mage, we have plenty of them , but we need more variety in mages, new mages can use the spawnpoints of existed mages. For example they can do a Dark druid with a restriction in several cards or when the dark druid dummon a living conjuration loose the living trait...i believe there are too many ways to get happy to the community, i have tested academy and i preper ashes to academy, but i prefer arena to ashes.

In ashes, there are promo mages that are winning in tournaments and you get a pack of their special cards, if ashes can do this i don´t understaand why arcane wonders can´t do a similar thing or put a new mage arena in academy packs.


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Re: Silence
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2018, 06:58:21 AM »
After read this post
I canbelieve mage wars is over !!
Tempered his death my friend;) and Wait !!!

After this little joke, we  can make a balance,
Arcane wonder has decided to revaluate their academy game with news extensions for arena and academy has the same level of mage. (we are 11 mages for arena for 10 for academy, after the coming monk & necromancer)

Then now, Magewars is not dead, he has for me, with academy, 10 news extensions and has lots of possibilities for playing : Arena, battleground, Academy.
and if you want you can  use academy with the arena board  (you take the same rule of arena  with a half board of arenaand academy spell book , tested and apreciated).

After the last extension of academy well, i know  arcane wonder will continued their best game board. : MAgewars 

then good game ;)
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Re: Silence
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2018, 11:51:56 AM »
On avrage we get around 1 card per week, I am ok with that. As long as it is content...

But waiting for four years does kill some archmage hype. (I really think they should do it soon since it would probably catch the attention from a lot of former players.)

Although I am still fine with academy cards (except forcemaster) as they do change the game. And the cards comming up now do make me excited as these sets are way better than the last ones.

To me it just feels like a lot of fans are trying to put the blame somewhere for the game not doing as well as it once did.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2018, 01:54:05 PM »
Nobody's blaming anyone dude. These are facts. Arena will get 0 expansions for the foreseeable future. It's not that we're mad that Arena isn't doing well, we're mad that it's been abandoned completely in favor of academy. It's easier and cheaper for them to just make academy and claim to be supporting both games with one set. This IS happening, right now. I only say this again because it LOOKS like some of you are holding your breath and crossing your fingers, hoping against hope that I'm wing and something new is indeed coming. It's not.
We aren't getting archmage. Not getting alt fm or alt wiz. No new grimoires. No new mages, no new alt arena sets a la domination. Arena gets nothing. Nada. Zip. El Zilcho. The opposite of some. AW has made this decision already. Anything that comes hereafter will only come if they sell the IP to someone else, which ... Sure we can all hope for. But since they retain academy the signs point to this NEVER happening, as then they would have to differentiate the two properties and make them separate again. Won't happen.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2018, 03:08:34 PM »
I doubt the IP would ever sell. MW isn't a big enough draw in the market to be an attractive purchase or investment.

But, if it did ever, I wouldn't mind Fantasy Flight Games. They least have the manpower and have a proven record of supporting LCG's as much and long as they can.
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Re: Silence
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2018, 03:46:05 PM »
I wouldn't mind Fantasy Flight Games. They least have the manpower and have a proven record of supporting LCG's as much and long as they can.

Wasn't it said a few years ago that Arcane Wonders wanted to re-do the Forcemaster vs. Warlord expansion, as well as the Conquest of Kumanjaro, and make 2nd editions? Guess we'll never get to see the day!

FFG has shown with their upcoming Game of Thrones Board Game expansion that they are more than willing to support their games in the long-run. At least if they were to buy out the property, we would have a revamped game, with new fresh components and a game that is supported in the future- imagine how nice it would be to see a new mage for Arena that is properly playable  8) !

But waiting for four years does kill some archmage hype. (I really think they should do it soon since it would probably catch the attention from a lot of former players.)

Players will not come back simply because of the release of an Archmage: not only has part of the playerbase never played with Domination, there is still a dark cloud overhead which is Arcane Wonder's lack of caring in regards to interacting with the community. People would play with the Archmage 3-4 times before putting Mage Wars away again and letting it collect dust.

To me it just feels like a lot of fans are trying to put the blame somewhere for the game not doing as well as it once did.

So, you haven't been following anything of what has been said on these forums for the last year?

The Mage Wars community is still alive, but Arena development is simply dead. If you didn't know, Mage Wars is like any other board game, and people will move on to the next one once they're bored with it. Nothing new has been popping up, and so most of the playerbase is moving on and playing other games.

It has nothing to do with financial success- Arcane Wonders killed its own franchise and left it to die. I doubt that we'll even be seeing Academy sets released in a few years time.  :P