Mage Wars > Player Feedback and Suggestions

Spear girl better

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I would like to see Artemis changed to having a 2 dice quick attack while other holy spear attack stays the same.  I said this to at least another who said bad cards are just part of game and they don't want to fix them but y not don't need to op just use able is all I mean y have 2 attacKS which basically do same. You will never pick one cause there the same die nut one is far better effect for same action.  Also change range on second attack to be range 0-1 also while full round would be same.

Sometimes that 1 mana cost is just too much.

Also, she's blind. Being helpless at melee range seems fair enough to me. No need to give her a range 0 attack.


--- Quote from: Arkdeniz on July 29, 2018, 03:43:51 AM ---Sometimes that 1 mana cost is just too much.

Also, she's blind. Being helpless at melee range seems fair enough to me. No need to give her a range 0 attack.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I think she's right as she is. You also part pay up front in her cost. She's hardly metagame dominating.

I know not meta game changing but y not make her more used, blind people are not helpless in melee, ask one they can give good guess where someone is maybe not 100% but pretty good.  A better way would even be a chance to hit like a daze chance 7+ or u miss basicly

I love Artemis... she has her flaws, but that makes it more fun and challenging to use her. She has some niche abilities that are good. To give her effectiveness at range zero also would seem to make her undercosted to me.

She's in my Priestess book for a few reasons... she complements the other spells there very well. Maybe it is that you are looking at her alone, and not considering what she can do in conjunction with the rest of a book?


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