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Author Topic: forum name  (Read 10646 times)


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Re: forum name
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2018, 01:46:20 AM »
@Sailor Vulcan: I think the Vulcans are a great example for you to use. Star Trek is very upfront about the fact that Vulcans are not rational or logical beings. They are in fact extremely emotional and just as flawed and prone to mistakes as any other biological creature. However, they subscribe to a philosophy of logic. It's like a non-theistic religion, such as Confucianism or some forms of Buddhism, that believes in the good and usefulness of logic and reason. Basically, they highly value rationality just like you, and like you (since you are human) they are imperfect and struggle to live up to the ideal rational form. So, yeah, they're a great example for demonstrating how much you prize rationality.

If you went with a truly rational character, they're usually mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.


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Re: forum name
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2018, 02:36:47 AM »
Steack,  my name in a old game((2007) who you can played a vampire, Bloodwar,(  ;)good name for a vampire no ?  ;) )

For never lost this good time , i had conserved this nickname .
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Re: forum name
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2018, 04:06:45 AM »
If you went with a truly rational character, they're usually mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.

Data can be of good help too, sometimes!
@Sailor Vulcan: I think the Vulcans are a great example for you to use. Star Trek is very upfront about the fact that Vulcans are not rational or logical beings. They are in fact extremely emotional and just as flawed and prone to mistakes as any other biological creature. However, they subscribe to a philosophy of logic. It's like a non-theistic religion, such as Confucianism or some forms of Buddhism, that believes in the good and usefulness of logic and reason. Basically, they highly value rationality just like you, and like you (since you are human) they are imperfect and struggle to live up to the ideal rational form. So, yeah, they're a great example for demonstrating how much you prize rationality.

If you went with a truly rational character, they're usually mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.
;D ;D ;D
Treky psychology, really?

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: forum name
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2018, 08:44:55 AM »
@Sailor Vulcan: I think the Vulcans are a great example for you to use. Star Trek is very upfront about the fact that Vulcans are not rational or logical beings. They are in fact extremely emotional and just as flawed and prone to mistakes as any other biological creature. However, they subscribe to a philosophy of logic. It's like a non-theistic religion, such as Confucianism or some forms of Buddhism, that believes in the good and usefulness of logic and reason. Basically, they highly value rationality just like you, and like you (since you are human) they are imperfect and struggle to live up to the ideal rational form. So, yeah, they're a great example for demonstrating how much you prize rationality.

If you went with a truly rational character, they're usually mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.
Oh god no. Trying to be an emotionless robot isn't rationality. If you're completely calm all the time no matter what the circumstances, that is not indicative of any kind of good reasoning skills and it also means that *something is very wrong with you*. Vulcans are not rational.

If people here think that I aspire to be as unreasonable as Spock, then I really should change my username.

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« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 08:55:18 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
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I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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Re: forum name
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2018, 10:25:24 AM »
Data would very like to feel emotions, but his "rationality" saves the team in a few occasions!


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Re: forum name
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2018, 01:08:02 PM »
Data has an emotion chip he can turn off and on. He still struggled to process emotional input at times.

Don't care if thread got hijacked its Star Trek...
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What we must all remember is no matter the game we were all newbies at one point.

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: forum name
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2018, 01:55:03 PM »
Data would very like to feel emotions, but his "rationality" saves the team in a few occasions!

But Data isn't a Vulcan.

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  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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Re: forum name
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2018, 02:29:49 PM »
But Data isn't a Vulcan.
no, but he isn't only a
mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.


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Re: forum name
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2018, 03:49:19 PM »
My name comes from a Mark Twain book titled "Puddnhead Wilson". Mr. Wilson moves into a sleepy southern town and says something that the locals don't understand. So the whole town calls him Puddnhead Wilson. In the end his intelligence wins the day. So he was actually smart the whole time and nobody knew it. I also chose the name because I love Twain's candid wit.
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Re: forum name
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2018, 05:29:46 AM »
But Data isn't a Vulcan.
no, but he isn't only a
mechanical androids or computers and their logic is often shown to be a flaw or short coming rather than something to aspire to.

Actually, he is. The entire point of his character was that his highly logical nature was a shortcoming, a flaw, that he spent the entire series trying to overcome and to become "more human". He's different from most such characters in that he realizes these traits are "flaws" that limit his perspective and capabilities but they're still depicted as such even when their usefulness is being proven time and time again. He taught us we should want to be human, not that we should want to be like him as he didn't even want to be like him.

Quote from: SailorVulcan
Oh god no. Trying to be an emotionless robot isn't rationality. If you're completely calm all the time no matter what the circumstances, that is not indicative of any kind of good reasoning skills and it also means that *something is very wrong with you*. Vulcans are not rational.

If people here think that I aspire to be as unreasonable as Spock, then I really should change my username.

Nobody said that you had to be emotionless to be rational. But you can't let emotions dictate your actions either. Emotions can be useful, but they are involuntary and often very irrational. The entire point of the Vulcan Philosophy is that Vulcans are VERY emotional beings who are prone to outbursts of passion, and this nearly tore their society apart as they let those passions rule them. Those emotions haven't gone away, but the philosophy is to ensure that they think through their decisions so that they can be reasonable. But yeah, we have kinda hijacked the thread. Sorry about that. I could talk about Star Trek all day long. It's such an amazing series, and the Vulcan culture is one of my favorite aspects. You're right that they aren't perfectly rational and reasonable at all times, but the point is that they TRY to be and consider such traits to be virtues. If you wanna discuss further, we can take it to private messages.