Hello, i´ve read time ago (many time) that this year we´ll have 4 new mages, Do we have any new news about this? i hope you have plenty of work , but don´t forget this game, too many people love it!!!
Please, tell us something, i´m trying to make a small community, and it´s complicated because people don´t see news, i have too many suggestions, because (with all my respect) i believe you´re wasted the potential of this game, maybe you are forgotten that you can make rules to make this game cooperative , one friend of mine tell me several rules and we did a test, and was fantastic!!!!! and very exciting!!!! (non in sex of course)
I hope that you understand that the community would like to help you with this game, please, ask for help, i give my help very cheaper, only give me news for this fantastic game.
I know that this game never will be a MTGM (thousands of people), and with all my respects to that community, i prefer a familiar community that a community with too many hard people to deal with them.
Please, Please, give us something this year (if it´s a druid academy is better)

), and of above of all of this, if you need help, ask us for help, for now i don´t have childrens to take care, them i have more time that another people

I hope soon you can give us something.
Long live MW!!!!