Mage Wars > Mages
favorite mage
My favorite mage is the Druid. So much fun with so many moving pieces!
My favorite future mage is going to be the Shaman, with his Blizzard attack frosting the whole arena like an ice tsunami while he dances to summon elementals to finish the job! ;D
Necromancer, hands down! Dark training only (dark school is such a boss school!), commanding undead..what more can you ask for!?
Lady warlock and siren hold a place high up on my fav mage list just because of their abilities! To me, they are some of the most thematic and fun mechanics to play with.
--- Quote from: RomeoXero on January 31, 2018, 10:06:43 PM ---They are both joking. Zots statement was so steeped in sarcasm that i can taste it. From here. In Connecticut. In my basement... still
--- End quote ---
If I ever find a Mage that I can win a tournament with, I'll let you know. (It could be the player.)
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