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Author Topic: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?  (Read 11088 times)

Sailor Vulcan

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Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« on: December 21, 2017, 08:14:23 AM »
I've played some games against paladins on octgn this year, and I've *never* seen anyone use the divine auras. Why is that? Any paladin users want to chip in here with your thoughts?
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2017, 08:59:37 AM »
Generally the longer the games go the more Auras you will see. When a final engagement happens and the decision is to cast an Aura or finish the game, I usually just go to finish it.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 02:51:51 PM by Coshade »
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2017, 09:05:10 AM »
That's a good question, perhaps I can start the discussion this way.

First let's note three things:
1) Divine Auras require a particular resource.
2) Divine Auras cannot be activated with the Quick Cast marker
3) Divine Auras have a limited radius of effectiveness.

Taking each individually:
1) The fact that they require Valor to activate means that you have to have generated Valor before activating them.  This means that, even in an Ideal world, you cannot activate an aura before turn 4 and most likely it will be turn 7-10 before you can activate the least expensive aura.

2) The inability to use the Quckcast marker basically means it takes a Full Action to activate an aura.  You cannot attack or cast a creature on the turn you wish to activate an aura which means that the benefit you gain from the aura would have to outweigh both of those options.  Coupled with this, your paladin only gets 2 actions himself a turn, now those can be mitigated with spawnpoints and familiars, but it's important to note again that the action it takes to activate an aura must be worth more than any other action that turn.

3) Auras offer a nice little perk to the creatures in the Paladin's zone.  The emphasis here is on "Little" and "In the Paladin's Zone".  For the cheap auras the perk you get almost never outweighs the cost in action and valor.   One of the main reasons for that is that only the Paladin's zone gets the benefit.  The big aura takes a LOT of valor and still only hits the Paladin's zone (with a much more game changing buff).

There are a number of tweaks that could be made to the Aura system, but each one of them catapults Auras into the "You can't win when I get this activated" zone.  Believe me, a lot of iterations of the Paladin in playtesting were massively overpowered.

Auras are in a niche spot at the moment due to their special resource cost, the action economy and the small scope of benefit.  To put it succinctly: I always end up having something better to do on my turn than activating an aura.
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2017, 09:07:37 AM »
Generally the longer the games go the more Auras you will see. When a final engagement happens and the decision is to cast and Aura or finish the game, I usually just go to finish it.

Precisely said.  Auras don't save a losing game and they don't end the game faster.  They leverage the victory out of an attrition battle.
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2017, 11:19:11 AM »
Yeah absolutely agree with your explanation Puddn.
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2017, 11:29:08 AM »
After playing pally exclusively for about 6 months, I can say I have maybe used the auras 4 or 5 games out of 80-120.
If you're losing, Auras might get you back to even but won't really get you in the lead a lot of times. If you're ahead, then the auras are often not needed and it is better to simply press your advantage. The best case for auras is when you are engaging in a drawn out game and both sides are relatively even. In such a situation, the auras are at their most effective and can give you enough of an advantage to pull out the win.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 11:47:31 AM by Reddicediaries »
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2017, 01:45:21 PM »
I'm agreeing with Puddnhead here although I think I use them slightly more than the people in this thread suggest. I think I have 1 aura activated in general.

The main problem is indeed that it costs an action. I find that most often, I want the paladin to melee attack and use the valor to boost the sword or use it for smite. So, if you want to try a tweak, I'd suggest allowing aura's to be activated during upkeep.
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2017, 05:28:32 PM »
Just fought a Paladin today who used an aura, it gave him an edge. I usually get one out.
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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2017, 08:21:13 AM »
I think Auras are a situational extra. Sometimes the right circumstances come up, you have the Valour, you have the the action, it does what you want - then they are good. Sometimes you never play an aura, and that's fine too - Paladin is pretty good without them.


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Re: Why does no one use the divine auras ability?
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2017, 09:29:50 AM »
I suggest picking the auras you want to play in most games and design the book to help make that happen as quickly as possible and take greatest advantage of it being on. and perhaps a secondary aura for specific matchups.