If you couple divine intervention with an enchantment transfusion, you've got an on demand counterspell.
And the entire trick is a complete jerk move using a rules exploit and a spell (Enchantment Transfusion) that should have never been printed
But yes, if you are moved (even to the same place) in the middle of casting ANY spell, that spell is canceled. Obviously the ideal things to counterspell with DI will be 12+ mana and/or 3+ sbp. Such as a Purge Magic or a Grizzly Bear.
Does a mage always have LOS to itself? For example, if a Forcemaster tries to cast [mwcard=FWQ04]Galvitar, Force Blade[/mwcard] on herself, and DI is revealed teleporting the Forcemaster at the Counter Spell step, does Galvitar fizzle or is it resolved because the Forcemaster never lost LOS to herself?
*edit* In comparison, I would definitely agree that Galvitar out of a Battle Forge would fizzle, since the Forge would lose LOS to the Forcemaster before resolving the spell.
The relevant text from the rulebook is here:
"If the attacker or defender moves during the attack (such as
by revealing an enchantment that allows him to Teleport)
that attack is canceled, even if the move was to another
location that is in range."
"When a spell resolves, if you find that the target of the spell
is no longer a legal target or has moved, even to the same
zone, then the spell is cancelled."
I cannot find anywhere in the supplement or the rulebook that being moved during the cast action cancels your spell UNLESS it results in the caster no longer having range or LoS. So, I would suggest that DI on a Mage to cancel a bear would only work if you actually moved the mage into a new zone because the target zone has not actually moved and is still a legal target if in range. I might be missing something, though.