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Author Topic: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois  (Read 16969 times)


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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2018, 05:11:55 PM »
Also I would love to meet up with you guys and get some games in if I could,  One of my kiddos is not feeling good. Otherwise I would totally be there tonight.  Tomorrow on the other hand I'm gaming as long as I can.  ;D
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2018, 05:21:48 PM »
too bad. we are here and up for games anytime folks get here.


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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2018, 06:25:41 PM »
Sad news. Coshade up and came down with a sickness so he and I won't be making it this year. I wish luck to everyone.
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2018, 06:34:31 PM »
Sad news. Coshade up and came down with a sickness so he and I won't be making it this year. I wish luck to everyone.
I hope he feels better!
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2018, 07:55:16 PM »
Bummer, Yep hope he feels better.    Yea bad stuff is going around this past few weeks.  I have students and other coworkers sick off and on.  Not fun.  Taking some vitamin c, Airbourne and any essential oil to try and stay healthy myself. 
  Good luck dudes and we shall game another day. 
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2018, 10:14:09 PM »
My back is out, but I will be there around 8 a.m. tomorrow.
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2018, 12:19:07 AM »
Thank you all for showing up for Winter War 45.  Lots of fun. 8 participants played and we had good competition. 

Zot took home 1st place this year.  Congrats to him for winning and thanks for all those who participated. 

I'm sure Virgel or I will post more about the event with full stats.  I will attempt to do my tourney report with some highlights of the matches I played.  Very fun day long event. 
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2018, 09:07:15 AM »
Congratulations to zot! Super bummed I couldn't make it. Looking forward to details.
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2018, 04:38:47 PM »
Sorry I don't know everyone's call sign, but here are the results by first name for some.  No one went undefeated. Some exciting games. Farkas made a trophy, and I think that there is a photo of Zot with the trophy.

1 - Zot using a Paladin
2 - Ryan using J. Beastmaster
3 - Farkas using S. Beastmaster
4 - Arthur using Forcemaster
5 - Michael using Warlock
6 - Andrew using Warlord
7 - David using Priestess
8 - John using Warlock
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2018, 10:38:41 PM »
I used my Straywood swarm master book again.  Started off really well in my first few matches. 

My first match was against Arthur’s Forcemaster Swarm book.  He opened with a battleforge and crystal I believe.  Minds eye came out and an enchantment on my mage he had equipped some forcemaster gear early on.  I had my standard harmonize Lair opening.  Round two Wychwood fairee, and pet falcon. I managed to get a lions savagery and divine might on my pet falcon.  He popped the enchantment on me for with a bomb.  Arthur spawned two more minds eyes.  Took down one and he popped his fourth.   So I just ignored them after that.  Started swarming with falcons, asps, Got out marked for death, and a rust.  Started to work on his armor and he popped the force shield.  I dispelled that next turn.  He started popping force golems, and a force scarab and all of our creatures converged.  He was running low on life and had to start guarding.  I managed to keep the pressure up and using my asps to get rid of his guards to knock him with my pet and other falcons.  He misplayed a few times forgetting his deflect a couple of times sealing the game for me fairly early.  He did not play his best and I took advantage of a sleepy Arthur who had to work late the prior day.  It was still a solid win and helped me build my momentum for the next game.
My second match I went up against Daves priestess.  he  opened with Artemiss dawnsbreaker eye.  With malekais basilica.  Which was super scary for my falcons.  He almost one shotted a couple of falcons.  I had many dead creatures at the end.  Same opening since my creatures were being focused I had jeweled scarab out which did make it out last game but this paid off more since my creatures were being targeted. I killed Artemis very early because it posed a big threat.   I also had to avoid a pillar of righteous flames.  He pumped up his mage with the dawnbreakers ring and a hawkeye too hitting his holy spells for crazy dice.  Fortunately, I pushed him out of zone and tanglevined him he popped temple of light as well which was zapping my birds out of the sky.   Negating the healing he could do at the end.  He managed to pop a few heals raising his life a little during the match.  Swarm was too much and killing Artemis and avoiding the pillar managed to save me the game.  Fortunately with a well timed dissolve to his equipment and a poison blood I was able to swarm him and take him down.

My third match was against Zot.  My memory is fuzzy on this one we played two more times after the tournament so the matches kind of blurred together in my brain.  That said all matches with him were very tough and fun to play.  Ehren and hand of bim shalla came out for him turn one.  I did my standard opening this time with ring of beast instead of the wychwood fairie round 2.  since i faced a paladin i wanted to press early.  got a pet falcon out and another one the following round.  I summoned a bitterwood fox and took down a ballista rather early.  i think it only got off one shot. he was going heavy equipment with a spike buckler and a radiant breastplate he also equipped the  defence ring.  I had to hit Ehren a few times to keep him from healing all the way up.  I ignored him for the most part and focused on the mage tho to not deter my main objective.  This helped keep up the damage I wanted on his mage.  However with a well timed seeking dispel Zot dispelled a rust.  The spiked buckler and the ring did alot of work dodging more than half the time.  He used ehren to block he also got out a Izimballa as well to help defend and take down some creatures.  He also brought out renewing springs and used it to pretty good use.  I used a few acid balls to try and corrode him.  Renewing spring popped them off rather easily.   Some of the rolls for healing were in my favor tho because the rolls did not go well.  Fortunately I had the numbers for the remainder of the game.  He took out a bunch of falcons, hounds, and asps. I summoned Slavorg for five mana with all the dead animals.  I summoned a corrosive orchid after i dissolved his tempered faulds and a radiant breastplate.  he was able to spawn a radiant breastplate and eventually a third.  I was caught off guard without armor on he popped a wall of thorns and Pushed me through.  he did it next round for a total of about 20 damage.  A few more blows with each of us I was able to lock down a poison blood and a nullify in the last couple of rounds.  So he could not heal.  Match went to time with me barely squeaking out the win.   Very entertaining match.  Lots of back and forth.  I made a few mistakes and Zot played very well and pressed super hard at the end. 

my last match of the tournament was against Ryan’s Joktari cevere fellella book.  first match between both our main books so there was alot of concerns from both sides how this match was going to go down.  he played fellella and harmonized her.  cevere and enchantments were layered on himself and cevere.  i got a pet falcon out early and started summoning asps i figured i should get out weaks on cevere early to mitigate the damage.  unfortunately none stuck.  i got one on his mage.  he pressed early with his pumped up cevere i split my attacks trying to get damage on both mage and cevere.  cevere was dodging stuff like crazy and i failed to pop my falcon precision during the match which would of decimated cevere.  i laid on the damage to his mage tho in one round dealing 20+ damage.  i tried to use surging waves to keep cevere dazed but both times the dazes did not work.  cevere almost died in the final round. cevere did some work ripping my mage apart.  i even had tangle root on him and was still hitting hard.    i pushed his mage through a wall of thorns he had rhino hide and negated most of the damage.  he hurled two rocks for some crazy damage and a couple of hurl boulders for the win during the last two rounds.  very impressed with the match and i know i had answers just did not execute them well.   fun quick match, lots of damage went down from both sides.  that said i'm looking forward to a rematch.
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2018, 10:54:51 PM »
again congrats to Zot on impressive matches and being victorious at Winter War!!!!!
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #41 on: January 30, 2018, 03:33:03 PM »
   it was a great time. thanks to so much to farkas1 and victore for broadcasting the event, and for hosting/judging. thanks to farkas1 for the unique trophy. looking forward to the final result: a mage hand casting a spell. how cool is that?

   we had a number of folks who could not make it due to illnesses. but for all who did make it, we had some great matches and a fun time. a special shout out to the st Louis crew who are awesome competitors and help make events super fun just by showing up.

   I went 3-1 before the final match. the -1 was a timed tie (loss) to farkas1. I did not play correctly against his swarmy beastmaster. in tournament you cannot afford to make play mistakes against good players.

   my favorite match was actually a casual match against farkas1 after the tournament. his siren against my latest silly forcemaster build. think of it, two super positional mages, what nuances and tactical play to be had? nope, just a slug fest. was really entertaining. could have gone either way, however I managed to turn the tide and snag a win.


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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2018, 04:15:56 PM »
Was there a finals match between the top 2? If so, how did it go?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2018, 04:26:47 PM by Reddicediaries »
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Re: Winter War - January 27 in Champaign Illinois
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2018, 04:39:13 PM »
yes. the final match was between my paladin and ryan's johktari beastmaster. I won that match to finish 4-1. I got a bit lucky to kill a wounded cevere which probably was the largest contributing factor to the win.