wardstones only pay off if you the oponent dispels something every other round at minimum else a mana crystal of him will just counter it already, I do run one still, but more for opportunity costs to mess with mana calculation etc .
Protecting with arcane ward is not that easy, purify, remove curse and purge magic target the mage, dispel and disperse the enchantment so they can always work against one. I still run it but its not straight forward.
The Warlock still has good amount of healing: bloodreaper, death link, regrowth (out of school), demonic link, vampiric,...
your tiny mask gives piercing on all attacks, combine with wolf fury and you already have a base attack of 5 dice pierce 2 for 7mana investment, fire attack spells also get that one piercing. If you buff your creatures with demonic link or demonic bloodlust (reaper is anyway thirsty) you never lose a sbp...
never go only explode/curse equipment, a single dissolve may be necessary to take care of something rather cheap right away.
dont be afraid cursing non-mage creatures, you get the spell back if no dispel....
for some: dont invest too many sbp in creatures
Mind shield with chant of rage could be interesting, but maybe nullify/dispel/seeking dispel is cooler as more flexibel for same sbp. or arcane ward. but sersiryx is pretty vulnerable to it

Deathlock is questionable as warlock with so much healing potential, i rarely use it
druid i think its a lot of cautious play and get use out of your fire attacks and curse the creatures, still though game