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Author Topic: Mage ideas  (Read 12047 times)


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Mage ideas
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:08:18 PM »

32 life     chanel 10
Traning: holy level 2 and mind level 2. War and dark spells cost tripple.

Peaceful mind.
During each upkeep phase you gain one aura token for every 10 mana in your supply. At the end of each round all aura tokes get discarded. When you have priority however you may spend any number of them to: gain 1 mana for each you spent, +1 melee until the end of the round or heal 1 damage.

As an full action you may place your Anticipation token on your mage. When you are melee attacked you may spend 3 mana or 2 mana if the attacker is a minor level creature to dodge the attack. As long as you still spend the mana you can dodge any number of attacks but the token goes away at the end of the round and will need to be reassigned for furher use.

Basic attack: quick, melee, 2 dice 7+ daze.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 06:28:51 AM by Knabb master »
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2017, 01:25:35 PM »
(ok i am not really the first one on this forum to think of this mage  ;D)

Life 32    chanel 8
Training Fire, Water, Air and Earth schools. Non elemental spells of level 2 or higher cost tripple.

The elemantel cycle
Water, earth, fire, air. One element makes the next more powerful.
If the last spell you cast was a water spell the casting cost on earth spells are reduced by their level. If it was an earth spell fire spell gets reduced in the same manner, if it was a fire spell air spells get the discount and if it was air water spells gets it.

Aether field
Through the fifth element everything is conected
Whenever your mage casts a spell you may pay mana equal to its level in order to give it limitless range and ignore LoS.

Basic melee attack: 3 dice
  • Favourite Mage: Darkfenne Necromancer

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2017, 07:08:58 PM »

32 life     chanel 10
Traning: holy level 2 and mind level 2. War and dark spells cost tripple.

Peaceful mind.
During each upkeep phase you gain one aura token for every 10 mana in your supply. At the end of each round all aura tokes get discarded. When you have priority however you may spend any number of them to: gain 1 mana for each you spent, +1 melee until the end of the round or heal 1 damage.

When an enemy attacks your mage you can spend mana equal to the attackers level and flip your mages action marker to dodge the attack.

Basic attack: quick, melee, 2 dice 7+ daze.
Huh. Reusable block ability seems kind of clunky. I would say you should make it cost 2 Mana as well, but I'm not entirely sure. if you want a holy/mind mage it's probably going to be REALLY tanky. All those defenses and healing and protection. You need some way to balance that.

Edit: NVM I see the mage is only trained in minor spells. It will probably have to get up close to attack the enemy or spend more spell points on a bigger creature or bigger attack spells. Maybe it would work as is?

Edit 2: what about mind's eye and thoughtspores? It seems like this mage would be much better at using them than the forcemaster.

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« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 07:16:43 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2017, 06:23:26 AM »

32 life     chanel 10
Traning: holy level 2 and mind level 2. War and dark spells cost tripple.

Peaceful mind.
During each upkeep phase you gain one aura token for every 10 mana in your supply. At the end of each round all aura tokes get discarded. When you have priority however you may spend any number of them to: gain 1 mana for each you spent, +1 melee until the end of the round or heal 1 damage.

When an enemy attacks your mage you can spend mana equal to the attackers level and flip your mages action marker to dodge the attack.

Basic attack: quick, melee, 2 dice 7+ daze.
Huh. Reusable block ability seems kind of clunky. I would say you should make it cost 2 Mana as well, but I'm not entirely sure. if you want a holy/mind mage it's probably going to be REALLY tanky. All those defenses and healing and protection. You need some way to balance that.

Edit: NVM I see the mage is only trained in minor spells. It will probably have to get up close to attack the enemy or spend more spell points on a bigger creature or bigger attack spells. Maybe it would work as is?

Edit 2: what about mind's eye and thoughtspores? It seems like this mage would be much better at using them than the forcemaster.

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Yeah i'm not to happy with the block ability either. I'll change it so you spend the action before, (called Anticipation) only works vs melee and change the mana costs to 3 and 2 for minor. Now opponents can attack other things when you try to dodge but it still serves a purpose to protect the mage. Also now it feels like it will not be broken either against swarm nor solo mages.

Peaceful mind might make him a bit to powerful with as you said trained in holy, mind and now also 1-2 additional passive heal. Not sure of a good way to solve that at the moment.

And btw war and dark cost tripple. It was the other mage that only could cast level 1 spells.
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 05:11:24 AM »

33 life      9 chanel

Training: Nature and fire schools and as well as all creatures with the Dragon subtype. Mind spells cost tripple.

Dragon's call
If you have prepared a creature with the dragon subtype. You may pay 12 mana instead of the normal casting cost. If you do place the card face down in your zone. Next deployment phase it gets summoned with 3 dissipate tokens on it. If that creature is still alive when the last dissipate token is removed place the card back into your spellbook and not the discard pile. Dragon's call can only be used twice per game.

Source of life
Energy brings life.
Whenever this mage makes a fire attack against a living creature you can declare to use this ability before rolling the dice. The same amount of attack dice are used but instead of dealing damage remove a damage from the creature for each damage rolled and ignore the effect die.

Basic melee attack: 3 dice

(Edit: i changed Dragon's call to be weaker.)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 01:59:10 PM by Knabb master »
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 10:25:40 AM »
Dragon's call
If you have prepared a creature with the dragon subtype. You may pay 8 mana instead of the normal casting cost and place 3 dissipate tokens on it after it has been summoned. If that creature is still alive when the last dissipate token is removed place the card back into your spellbook and not the discard pile.


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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2017, 01:07:38 PM »
Dragon's call
If you have prepared a creature with the dragon subtype. You may pay 8 mana instead of the normal casting cost and place 3 dissipate tokens on it after it has been summoned. If that creature is still alive when the last dissipate token is removed place the card back into your spellbook and not the discard pile.


Totally OP!
Yeah i think you right it would probably need to cost around 12 mana (3 dissipates=2 activatons= roughly 10 dice with piercing) or more. And should have limited uses (like 2 or 3 tokens) so that one dosen't have infinite damage in the spellbook.

And i also realise now that the other mages on this page are busted as power level is concerned.
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2017, 11:23:24 AM »

life 34     chanel 10

Training: Dark level 3 and holy level 3. Nature spells cost tripple.

Unholy chains
As a quick spell for 3 mana you may place a chain marker on a creature in or adjacent to your zone. The creature cannot have the uncontainalbe trait. The chain markers are incorporeal cunjurations with 1 life, can not be targeted by ranged attacks and combine the healt of them while on the same creature. For each damage they take remove one marker. If a creature has a number of chain markers equal or higher to it's level it can't attack, move or guard.

Reward faith
while guarding in your mages zone friendly creatures gain the warded trait.

Basic melee attack: 3 dice
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2017, 02:46:12 PM »

Life 32     Chanel 10

Trained in arcane level 3 and mind level 2. Earth and nature cost tripple.

Manipulate time
When you are going to use your qucik cast marker you may instead pay 1 mana and put a amount of your choice countdown markers to a maximum of 4 on your mage stat card. Remove one marker during each upkeep phase when all of them are removed you get to prepare an extra spell that round and get an extra quick cast action. While there are still countdown markers on your mage stats card you may not use this ability once again.

Fourth dimension
At the end of your mage's action phase place the third time marker in the same zone as the second time marker. Then the second marker in the first markers zone and after that the first time marker in the zone that you started in during that activation. When you make a move action you have the option to pay mana equal to one of the markers number time 2 and move to that zone insted. Doing this will take that marker of the board.

Quick punch: quick action, melee, 1 dice, quadrastrike.
  • Favourite Mage: Darkfenne Necromancer

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2017, 04:30:28 PM »
Time doesn't seem to fit the mind school. Probably better to leave it at arcane, or perhaps arcane plus water? Also, the time travel mechanics are kind of messy. Also, a quick action quadruple strike? That's a lot of strikes for only the cost of one quick action.

Personally, if I were to make a time mage, it would be more about changing how things move in relation to time. Make things faster or slower, use pseudo restraining effects (frozen in time) or pseudo-teleporting effects (moving so fast it's like everything else stands still) and maybe some kind of undo ability which has severe restrictions on it (like only being usable one or two times per game.)

Of course, irl time as we know it doesn't really exist, it's just another spatial dimension. In fact, you can even construct a map of four dimensional space inside your head just like 3d space. A growing or shrinking sphere, seen from a different angle, is a cone with a rounded tip and a rounded base. A sphere that is moving forwards in a straight line, seen from a different angle, is a cylinder with rounded ends. Etc.

And if you're treating time as just another spatial dimension, time-related abilities could be more fitting for a sorcerer, since it's been said that that mage will be focused on portal magic and teleporting and stuff like that.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: Mage ideas
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2017, 11:46:24 AM »
Time doesn't seem to fit the mind school. Probably better to leave it at arcane, or perhaps arcane plus water? Also, the time travel mechanics are kind of messy. Also, a quick action quadruple strike? That's a lot of strikes for only the cost of one quick action.

Personally, if I were to make a time mage, it would be more about changing how things move in relation to time. Make things faster or slower, use pseudo restraining effects (frozen in time) or pseudo-teleporting effects (moving so fast it's like everything else stands still) and maybe some kind of undo ability which has severe restrictions on it (like only being usable one or two times per game.)

Of course, irl time as we know it doesn't really exist, it's just another spatial dimension. In fact, you can even construct a map of four dimensional space inside your head just like 3d space. A growing or shrinking sphere, seen from a different angle, is a cone with a rounded tip and a rounded base. A sphere that is moving forwards in a straight line, seen from a different angle, is a cylinder with rounded ends. Etc.

And if you're treating time as just another spatial dimension, time-related abilities could be more fitting for a sorcerer, since it's been said that that mage will be focused on portal magic and teleporting and stuff like that.
When it comes the training arcane + mind just felt natural to me, i have no arguments why but it is probably because both our pictures of what the mage looks are different. Arcane only makes more sense though.

The abilities are not that complex i think but i wasn't able to explain them very well. Like one leaves a track behind you and lets you go back to where you where previously. The second makes it possible to save a quick cast action for another round. Also the melee attack is worse than the 4 dice attacks from a few other mages.

Thematicaly it could be different and i sort of like what you metioned with slowing or speeding things up. Although i did touch upon that with the quadrastrike.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:19:47 PM by Knabb master »
  • Favourite Mage: Darkfenne Necromancer