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Author Topic: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages  (Read 14234 times)


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2017, 12:42:50 AM »
@sharkbait: Thought you should now a certain somebody on these forums believes your warlock has a 10% win chance against an equually skilled spawnpoint mage. He speaks from "personal experience." Your thoughts on this?
Person who said this, I have no wish to cause tension, but I do think shark should be allowed to explain his point of view as well

Since I am the person who said "this", I obviously need to add some context.
First we were talking about the Paladin and my statement was, that in 9 out of 10 cases a mage with a spawnpoint has a (huge) advantage against a mage without a spawnpoint.
In that case, spawnpoint = everything that generates actions, so I include familiars as well in that statement.

Secondly: you then came up with the argument that this is not true because sharkbait always wins with his warlock - even against priests who play with a spawnpoint. He just burns them away.

My reaction to that is: The holy school has the perfect counter against fire-warlocks. Guardian Angels. They are just brutal and you can't find a better creature to guard your temple. Every turn the spawnpoint-mage survives increases his advantage on the field. He just needs to summon 2 Guardian Angels and the game is literally won already.

And it had nothing to do with Sharks individual play-skill. If he really wins so many matches without a spawnpoint against mages who uses spawnpoints, if anything that makes it even more impressive because from my point of view he is at a disadvantage the moment the battle starts.
I did not mean to get Shark angry at you. I wanted him to be able to explain his point of view. Sorry if I offended anyone.

For the record,  no offense taken on this side.  8). Enti brings up a ton of good points about obstacles i face with my warlock. I'll go into mitigation some other night, no time to do so tonight. But the claim that i win "every"match against spawn points is a bit misleading too :P. Context is everything ;)
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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2017, 12:48:18 AM »
When and where did I say you won all your matches vs spawnpoints? I said he burns them; but that doesn't mean he wins all of them. ;)
I believe I said vs Coshade's priest, I believe you have around a 50% win rate.
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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2017, 03:27:05 AM »
Spawnpoints are basically giving up lots of mana now to get more mana and actions later. So the downside of bringing a spawnpoint is risking that your opponent will rush you and kill you (or at least gain a major advantage over you) when you low on mana due to casting the spawnpoint (at least with expansive spawnpoints such as a Lair). Druids are a sort of an exception to that statement, sine the tree actually protect the druid with the ability to transfer damage to it.
While usually taking down a spawnpoint with attack spells cost more mana and action than those used to cast the spawnpoints, and by the time it is destroyed it already provided some mana and actions, taking a spawnpoint with creatures is a pretty good option. So if you bring a Lair with 15 mana, and I bring Brogan Bloodstone with 15 mana, it's still possible for me to destroy your Lair and still have the advantage (and the bear strength and akiro's favor I will cast on brogan will remain even after the Lair is destroyed).  So just casting a big creature early could bring you more advantage than bringing a spawnpoint, since creatures are damage economy as they roll dice each round and that could be an even greater advantage early.


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2017, 02:27:57 AM »
I think the fm can handle spawnpoints very well


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2017, 07:12:43 PM »
Battleforge and thoughtspores count as "spawnpoint". They both generate additional actions.
And the statement is, that mages without spawnpoint (without additional actions) are generally at a disadvantage against mages who have a spawnpoint.


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2017, 09:02:08 AM »
Spawnpoint mages can be very good, and non-spawnpoint mages can be very good, it all depends on what you are trying to do, and what kind of mage you are.

The best Straywood and Adramelech builds mostly don't use them for example, and Anvil Throne and Necromancer can be built equally well with or without. If there is a leaning towards more using them than not, then a large part of that issue is BattleForge - at only 3 mana more than a mana crystal, most book concepts can be improved with one and a few more equipment (often a bunch of leather). A lot of aggro books want it, a lot of mid range books want it, and a lot of control books want it. Not all, in any of those categories, but it can serve a lot well.

If you remove Forge from the equation, then you basically have creature spawnpoints left, and that's much more open - 50/50 at best maybe. Also be aware that considering spawnpoints without including Familiars is a bit strange, since they essentially cover very similar ground, and some mages lean more to one than another.

I have over 30 good books built, and probably two thirds have spawn points and familiars, with most having more than one. That said, if push came to shove and I had to step into a World Championship game tomorrow, there are 5 contender strongest books for me to take, and between them they have zero spawn points and 1 familiar... That's not for a moment saying they are bad or can't work - I use them a lot myself (possibly more than most), but you can also build really strong books without them.


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2017, 09:36:08 AM »
Spawnpoint mages can be very good, and non-spawnpoint mages can be very good, it all depends on what you are trying to do, and what kind of mage you are.

The best Straywood and Adramelech builds mostly don't use them for example, and Anvil Throne and Necromancer can be built equally well with or without. If there is a leaning towards more using them than not, then a large part of that issue is BattleForge - at only 3 mana more than a mana crystal, most book concepts can be improved with one and a few more equipment (often a bunch of leather). A lot of aggro books want it, a lot of mid range books want it, and a lot of control books want it. Not all, in any of those categories, but it can serve a lot well.

If you remove Forge from the equation, then you basically have creature spawnpoints left, and that's much more open - 50/50 at best maybe. Also be aware that considering spawnpoints without including Familiars is a bit strange, since they essentially cover very similar ground, and some mages lean more to one than another.

I have over 30 good books built, and probably two thirds have spawn points and familiars, with most having more than one. That said, if push came to shove and I had to step into a World Championship game tomorrow, there are 5 contender strongest books for me to take, and between them they have zero spawn points and 1 familiar... That's not for a moment saying they are bad or can't work - I use them a lot myself (possibly more than most), but you can also build really strong books without them.
What are those 5 books?
Um, why do you think the best Straywoods don't use lair? And Necro's? There are VERY few necro's that I have seen at a competive level that don't run at least 1 if not 2 or more spawnpoints.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 09:54:12 AM by Reddicediaries »
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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2017, 02:59:12 PM »
What are those 5 books?

Well one's an Alfiya Priestess book that's not legal yet. Another is an Adramalech Wizard (probably the favourite), a Straywood action-denial book, a Brute Necromancer and an Adramelech Warlock.

Um, why do you think the best Straywoods don't use lair? And Necro's? There are VERY few necro's that I have seen at a competive level that don't run at least 1 if not 2 or more spawnpoints.

Lair is too expensive and slow for an aggro book, it's viable for a mid-range or kiting book. Necromancer I'm probably swimming against the tide more - both are viable for a slower book (although my control Necro only uses Battleforge) but my aggro Necromancer aims to be swinging with 2 Brutes on turn 3 - spawnpoints waste too much mana, and take too long to break even for that book.


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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2017, 03:04:59 PM »
But what does necro being aggressive with 2 brutes on turn 3 do for you?
Necro is by default a long game mage. You DO NOT want to go into meele with him for the following imo
1. Low Life
2. If you use zombies, most of them can not guard.
3. You don't really have too many good weapons avaliable at cost and buffs like bear strength will literally only work on your mage.
This isn't to say that non spawnpoint necro's can not work. The Book Jimilie from Charlotte plays is VERY good.
With Straywood, what would you attack with? All the level ones are great, but they die. Timber wolves also, but lair offers much more flexibility. Who said you have to go lair if you run it?
Silverclaw, any thoughts on this?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 03:07:25 PM by Reddicediaries »
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Re: Spawnpoint mages vs non Spawnpoint Mages
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2017, 03:15:06 PM »
I have run 3 brutes by t3 before.  brute leather, brute leather, brute leather. Then they kill anything in their way, you have 3 armor and 3 huge hitters. It was pretty aggressive and worked well. It can work well. Then you can idol of pestilence to trigger bloodthirst or spam zombie frenzy. He doesnt have to be a long game mage. Just seems to be played that way by the majority of the mw population, myself included
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