I and my friends have discussion:
Can Alandell pay mana and use his ability not at start of this activated, but in the middle. Befor roll dices step of attack for example?
And one more question: when we activated creature it's activated until the end of it's actions?
I have some old questions without answer:
Ring of healing and Paladin's Cloak:
Can I heal creature 3 gamage, then increase that amount by one and gain the Valor?
Paladin with Paladin's Cloak and Ring Of healing cast Martyr's Restoration.
2) After this spell was casting, Paladin can heal himself from his Paladin's Cloak.
3) Can Paladin use ring to heal the creature 1 damage, when casting Martyr's Restoration?
This ring can work with Healing Wand and Healing Madrigal.
But can this ring work with Theft of Life?
I think it can. So, for 4 points in spell book, 2 quick actions, 6 mana and enemy mage have regenerate we have:
1) Heal our mage on 2 damage
2) Prevent enemy mage 1 heal.
My Paladin has Temple of Dawnbreaker.
My enemy have initiative.
The Challenged enemy's creature attacks mage. He can re-roll and I can say him to re-rall.
If I have initiative, I can say him to use his ability first. And then use my temple to re-roll all attack dices.
But now enemy has initiative, so creature roll dices 1st time, then I can use temple if not, creature may re-roll some dices and I can not use my temple yet. Am I right?
If I put Tangleroot on creature and THEN it becomes flying, the enchantment will be destroyed?
Armor Ward: enemy want to destroy my Vorpal Blade and pay 5 mana for it. Then at the step 4- resolve spell effect he mush pay 4 mana or it will not has effect. Yes? If I have nully on mage, it must be reviled at step 3- counter spell. So I can't get benefit from Armor Ward in this case, because enemy mage must pay only 5 mana at the beginning. Yes?
And the last:
My creature gets Daze wile making attack from enemy counter. Daze removes at the end of my creatures action. So... I can remove this Daze? And the same think with Stun? All this conditions must be removed at the end of my creatures action. If I'm right, It means that Surcle of Light more worse, than I think.