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Author Topic: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments  (Read 13498 times)


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STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« on: February 11, 2017, 10:57:40 PM »
Hey guys, Sharkbait and I sat down and discussed our top 10 enchantments from mage wars.

Here is a link:

Leave your top 10 enchantment list in the comments :)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 12:04:50 AM by drmambo23 »
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Re: Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 11:17:15 PM »
Good stuff guys!
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2017, 11:37:50 AM »
Glad to see more mage wars content keep up the good work


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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2017, 12:40:13 AM »
Alright have not listened yet just saw post so I wanted to give my thoughts before possibly being swayed by the Mage cast list.

This is really difficult to a top 10 I actually made a top twenty plus a few school specific enchantments that are just awesome or horrible depending on if they are yours or an opponent's.

My list is based popularity in books I design as well as having the most potential to cross the untrained or even opposed school

1) akiros favor
2) nullify
3) poisen blood
4) rust
5) Arcane ward
6) brace yourself
7) chant of rage
8) ballad of courage
9) curse item
10) marked for death

11-20. Hawkeye, regrowth, gator toughness,  rhino hide/bear strength, critical strike, eagle wings, cheetah speed,  vampirism, hypothermal vent, drown

Awesome for school or Mage specific

Force field, mind control, restore, life link, eye for an eye, bark skin

Can't wait to listen to the cast and see the similarites or differences in our lists. 
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2017, 06:01:49 AM »
Now that I've had time to sit down and listen I've compiled my own list and here it is

10. ballad of courage
9. divine reversal
8. divine intervention
7. arcane ward
6. pacify
5. Restore
4. chant of rage
3. akiros favor
2. glancing blow
1. life link

Can you guess what kind of mages I play?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 06:04:15 AM by CapnRedBeardIV »


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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2017, 11:33:17 AM »
Top 10 in no order (yet)
Chant of rage
Rhino Hide
Akiro's favor
Enchanmentt Transfusion
Brace Yourself
Poisoned Blood
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2017, 11:56:28 AM »
Ok here's my list...more or less in order sure.

10. Iguana Regrowth: It's good for keeping your creatures alive longer and getting the bang for your buck out of them. On smaller creatures it means they've got the resilience to be a long term factor. On a bigger creature it means they're going to cost the opponent even more resources to deal with.

9. Ballad of Courage: I'm using it more and more. I've been combining it with Enchantment Transfusion(trick I learned from Biblofilter) and getting excellent mileage out of it. It turns any creature into an instant real threat. Also good for getting through a Druids vine markers. I'd be amazed if Force Masters didn't make good use of it too.

8. Eye for an Eye: This is how a Paladin kills a resilient creature he just challenged. Holy can shrug off damage better than any other school and this is where it's at right here. Take the hit, hurt them with it, and then heal back. It makes everyone think twice about chucking that boulder and forces them to focus in with big hitters....that are then hurt and easily killed.

7. Nullify: It's in pretty much every book. There is nothing fancy or complicated about it. Just saves your butt and wastes their time.

6. Critical Strike: The days of super armored mages are over. There are so many ways for me to ignore your armor now a days. Obviously Warlords with their Vorpal Blades and at cost pricing make use of this but they also get value with their Spiked Bucklers. Almost every other mage has a piercing weapon too these days. Sires Trident, Beast Masters Hunting Spear, and even a Warlock can put on a mask and have 4 Piercing.

5. Magebane: Such a hassle and such a pain in the butt for the enemy mage. It amazes me how long people will let this stay on them. It kills your for being a mage. Push comes to shove it wastes a Dispel and hurts them a little.

4. Theft of Life: This is so friggin funny. I stopped Dissolving Regrowth Belts since this came out. I might as well get some of that action right? Shuts down or at least slows down a lot of peoples natural abilities and makes them pay mana for my healing. Also who wastes a Dispel on it?

3. Bear Strength: I cast this crap on everything! Timber Wolves become main threats, main threats become nightmares. My mage lives with it on him most games. Even smaller creatures are now "have to deal with" threats. Hitting people saves you mana, this makes hitting people more attractive. Consider it an alternative fuel source :)

 2. Marked for Death: I swarm a lot obviously. My primary book is a Straywood and my secondary is an Adremelach Warlock who gets double benefit from this card. It cancels Aegis and forces a Dispel to come out. In my swarm books it makes Falcons serious threats and increases the aggro game greatly.

1. Brace Yourself: My number pick because I don't like getting hurt. I like to make this my only armor early on or when I have only 1 other armor. It has saved me more times than I can count. Turns Boulders into punches and can quickly thwart a sudden rush. Against swarms of zombies and other weaker creatures they're hoping for crits only. It's like a cheap poor mans Resilience.
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2017, 02:12:42 PM »
updated list since listening.  Sorry Dr. Mambo thought it was a mage cast,  glad to hear new and more content is being made.   Good job on your thoughts both you and Sharkbait brought up some cool uses for enchantments. 

1) Akiros favor
So I still like this as my #1 because of its way of mitigating dice rolls, also sometimes for the effect die.  This card is really good working well in a fast pace short match or even a long one.  this could bend the luck in your favor.

2) Mage bane
Can't believe I did not put this in my first list.  However I don't always put one in to every book.  I do like this for tournament play.  As you guys said in podcast it just can sometimes get away doing really good damage if opponent lets it sit.  Forces mages to use a dispel.  Perfect!

3) Poison blood
Good way to end the game. Good dispel bait too if timed effectively

4) Nullify
Great way to counter other enchantments or incantations.  This card is amazing for a variety of uses

5) Brace Yourself
Great card to use when the threat is real.  4 armor for a round is awesome for only 2 mana

6) Rust
Really useful to help kill big armored baddies or even the armored up mage

7) Chant of Rage
Agree with the enchantment of PvS.  So many useful ways for this spell

8) Curse Item
I think this card will see more play... A great way to get rid of opponent equipment and useful for adding that damage on.  Arcane ward this thing making the opponent use two dispels or a seeking dispel and a dispel just to remove.  Ouch. 

9) Regrowth/ Rhino Hide (depending on what equipment or mage I run)
Need one of these in almost every book just for the flexibility of using on a buddy or yourself.  Keeping things alive making things last is always important.

10) Critical Strike
Conjurations are just a big part of the game and so is armor for mages....well now this thing can help take care of both those problems.  Really useful!

« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 02:32:24 PM by farkas1 »
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2017, 04:08:40 PM »
5) Brace Yourself
Great card to use when the threat is real.  4 armor for a round is awesome for only 2 mana
Great card indeed.
I must say however that in some situations I find Glancing Blow even better ( and that card has not been mentioned yet )
For example, I find Glancing Blow a better choice to put on a Thoughtspore than Brace Yourself as I prefer to have the opponent roll 3 less dice rather than have the potential to have 4 regular damage blocked which could still go completely wrong.

8 ) Curse Item
I think this card will see more play... A great way to get rid of opponent equipment and useful for adding that damage on.  Arcane ward this thing making the opponent use two dispels or a seeking dispel and a dispel just to remove.  Ouch.

Just a small remark here, the opponent can always decide to destroy his equipment of course and not spend any Dispels on it ;)
Curse Item is 6 mana and Arcane Ward another 2 for a total of 8 mana, 3 sbp's and 2 quick actions.

You better not put this on a ring or another cheap equipment of course, so you'll likely want to target something similar in cost or better yet something more expensive like Libro Mortuos or Echo of the Depths :)
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2017, 04:34:12 PM »
I've found the best target for Curse Item is Harshforge Plate.
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2017, 05:55:59 PM »
5) Brace Yourself
Great card to use when the threat is real.  4 armor for a round is awesome for only 2 mana
Great card indeed.
I must say however that in some situations I find Glancing Blow even better ( and that card has not been mentioned yet )
For example, I find Glancing Blow a better choice to put on a Thoughtspore than Brace Yourself as I prefer to have the opponent roll 3 less dice rather than have the potential to have 4 regular damage blocked which could still go completely wrong.

8 ) Curse Item
I think this card will see more play... A great way to get rid of opponent equipment and useful for adding that damage on.  Arcane ward this thing making the opponent use two dispels or a seeking dispel and a dispel just to remove.  Ouch.

Just a small remark here, the opponent can always decide to destroy his equipment of course and not spend any Dispels on it ;)
Curse Item is 6 mana and Arcane Ward another 2 for a total of 8 mana, 3 sbp's and 2 quick actions.

You better not put this on a ring or another cheap equipment of course, so you'll likely want to target something similar in cost or better yet something more expensive like Libro Mortuos or Echo of the Depths :)

Yea true I guess I'm thinking if they are on there second wand or something important I don't want hitting me but know that they may risk some dispels trying to get rid of it instead of destroying it.   They may even spend an action swapping out the spell before they destroy it.  Agree that should not be used on a ring or something cheap.

Thinking about your comment has made me think of the greatness of the card even more.  It is not necessarily  the damage it could potentially produce that makes it cool, but the mana advantage (expensive item), possible slight action advantage (wand), alternative dispel.  I think there are some really great options if used thoughtfully. 

I guess the real drawback to this card is the spell point cost being a lvl 2.  So out of school mages do have to pay 4 for this spell. 
? Being a level two enchantment and the fact it could potentially only possiblly deal 2 damage+, is it worth to have in nondark trained books? 

I may be rethink my top 10 again  :)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 06:01:39 PM by farkas1 »
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2017, 07:47:49 AM »
This is very interesting.  The higher level spells are amazing but from everyones lists, lvl 1 spells are promoinent in the list. Just shows how great lvl 1 spells are in the game, sbp wise and for uses! Thanks for sharing and if anyone else has a list i am interested to hear about it! :)
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2017, 02:06:09 PM »

Just a small remark here, the opponent can always decide to destroy his equipment of course and not spend any Dispels on it ;)

Curse Item says that they cannot replace the equipment.


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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2017, 02:41:29 PM »
They can not take the dmg and let it be destroyed.
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Re: STMF - Top 10 Enchantments
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2017, 03:42:56 AM »

Just a small remark here, the opponent can always decide to destroy his equipment of course and not spend any Dispels on it ;)

Curse Item says that they cannot replace the equipment.
You cannot swap it like a rusty chest armor (swap = the rusty one goed back into your book the moment you cast a new one over it). But you can choose to destroy the cursed item and cast a new one for sure.