I am actually working with the players who update OCTGN to attempt to make it better, as well as fixing the sbb on our website. Improvements are coming and they are high on my priority list.
We are increasing our effort on MW at the moment, and you should see even more improvements (that I haven't mentioned) in the near future.
Good that we have grga's excellent SBB by now because the "official" SBB is probably as dead as dead can be.
Another quarter of a year has gone by and I have no idea anymore what "high on my priority list" and "in the near future" mean.
It's all relative, I guess.
On a universal timescale, the extinction of the dinosaurs was not that long ago either so I guess if the official SBB is done before the start of the 22nd century that would still qualify as "in the near future" ... I guess

I'm trying to visualise what it means "increasing our effort on MW at the moment" but my mind draws a blank.
Although, considering they did ... nothing ... before.
If they now do twice as much, thus ... twice nothing ... that would qualify as "increasing our effort".
That argument would probably hold in court.
Not a yota of progress has been made on this issue for about three years now.
You can't just keep saying we're "working on it" and expect to still be taken seriously.