So you started down the dark side? Soon your going to join team Necro
Anyway nothing really wrong with your spellbook. Warlocks have impressive healing.
Necro should be your worst enemy, but others might run Deathlock/Poison Blood
Im missing 2 spells in your book:
Seeking Dispel
Rise Again
Even if you run into a Necro you can curse your own creatures and bring them back from the death as Zombies.
Curseweaving is really strong, and if your opponent doesnt run a single Seeking Dispel, well you can bring creatures back for a long time.
Ive just finished a Warlock book myself and im looking forward to try some of the new smaller demons. Sanguine Hunter and others.
Without a Mage Wand i dont think Mend is that good. Id rather have a Wand of Healing than the 2 Mends.