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Author Topic: Heal-Lock  (Read 5835 times)


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« on: December 16, 2016, 12:50:35 PM »
I had an idea based on the concept of a healing Warlock. What I want to do is have lots of passive healing going with some minor healing incantations as well. Here is what I got:

Adramelech Warlock:

2 Dragonscale hauberks
Fire Shaper Ring
Ring of Curses
Demonhide Mask
Molochs Torment
Wychwood Ironvine
Elemental Wand
Leather Boots
Lash of Hellfire
Gloves of Skill

15 Points

Mana Crystal
Wall of Fire
Wall of Bones
Battle Forge

10 Points

2 Dark pact Slayers
Blood Demon
Flaming Hellion
Sersiryx Imp Familiar

15 Points

2 Demonic Link
2 Enfeeble
Mage Bane
Death Link
Theft of Life
Ghoul Rot
Poisoned Blood
2 Rust
2 Marked for Death
2 Bear Strength
2 Rhino Hide
2 Curse Item
Akiros Favor

38 Points

2 Dispel
Lesser Teleport
Drain Soul
2 Mend
Force Push
Siphon Life

23 Points

4 Flameblast
4 Fireball
Devils Trident
Rong of Fire

19 Points

TOTAL 120 points.

I've tested it once. Got both Dark Pact Slayers out with Demonic Link. I put Vampirism on myself with the Demonhide Mask. Combined with the Akiros Favor I kept Burns on the enemy creatures with 3 on the mage at all times. I hadn't added the Mends, Siphon Life, or Wychwood Ironvine at this point but was still able to keep my life at a respectably healthy level(7-12 damage) for most of the match. Now obviously when he started chucking boulders at me I saw a sharp decline in health but was able to take advantage of his Regrowth Belt using my Theft of Life. I played aggressive and kept in my opponents face for most of the match.

Looking for more thoughts on passive healing and a Warlock. I am straight up tempted to find 3 spell points for Hand of Bim Shalla
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2016, 03:26:59 PM »
From a personal preference i would take out goul rot and wall of fire and put in an enchamtment transfusion, another theft of life or demonic link and another marked for death.

Et to transfer demonic link to your mage during declare attack, marked for death bc you get 2 extra doce instead of 1 with her and its such a good card with her. Another is always nice. Amd the demonic link or thefft of life depending on what you see fit - theft is great agains a mage and a guardian angel and demonic link i have found to be dispelled bc it adds up, your creatures get melee +2 if there is a curse and its a fire attack and they heal 1 as well as the mage...such a good card. 3 might be overkill though?
Another poisoned blood perhaps?

Sersiryx is nice since he can cast demonic link too

Also a fun trick os to do what your doing but also have iguana regrowth on the familiar. Adds to the theme and keepa him alive longer if youre using him mostly for curses and out of action
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2016, 08:12:00 AM »
I'm of the opinion that bear strength is the nature school way to add more dice to your attacks. So it doesn't surprise me that you try that first  ;D. However, I might suggest you try taking out the two bear strengths because you can save 4 sbp from that while you get the same effect from Marked for death and Demonic Link (sometimes it's actually more of an effect depending on attack type).

Another Dark school way to buff your attacks was just recently released in Demonic Bloodlust. This card is also a curse, so I personally like to use adramelech's Torment in combination. Typically, your enemy will already have burns on them, so instead you burn your creature that is cursed with DB or Demonic Link and fireweave that new burn onto the other mage. Toss an Adramelech's Touch on for good measure. Stacking burns will help offset any damage you lose due to your enemy's armor and can help your demons that hit your enemy heal. The burn stacking is also the reason for which I prefer Akiro's Favor over Gloves of Skill, but I also don't run battleforge. Your way might work better in this book with BF and GoS.

These are just ideas, do with them as you will. Also report back how it performs  8)
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2016, 02:15:05 PM »
I'm of the opinion that bear strength is the nature school way to add more dice to your attacks. So it doesn't surprise me that you try that first  ;D. However, I might suggest you try taking out the two bear strengths because you can save 4 sbp from that while you get the same effect from Marked for death and Demonic Link (sometimes it's actually more of an effect depending on attack type).

Another Dark school way to buff your attacks was just recently released in Demonic Bloodlust.

I am from the school of thought that says add Bear strength and arcane ward on that. A tool for a job is worth any number of SBP.


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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2016, 02:58:28 PM »
I'm of the opinion that bear strength is the nature school way to add more dice to your attacks. So it doesn't surprise me that you try that first  ;D. However, I might suggest you try taking out the two bear strengths because you can save 4 sbp from that while you get the same effect from Marked for death and Demonic Link (sometimes it's actually more of an effect depending on attack type).

Another Dark school way to buff your attacks was just recently released in Demonic Bloodlust.

I am from the school of thought that says add Bear strength and arcane ward on that. A tool for a job is worth any number of SBP.

That doesn't mean there aren't better tools for the job ;). The curses are more flexible in the warlock deck while doing the same job
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2016, 05:05:20 PM »
I'm gonna use both.  I took out a Bear Strength for a Demonic Bloodlust and another Poison Blood. I'm sort of big on redundicies in this book. The remaining Bear Strength is for me.

I have 2 Marked for Death in here of course. Not utterly opposed to a 3rd but we'll see. I sorta like the Iguana Regrowth idea.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 05:28:28 PM by silverclawgrizzly »
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2016, 08:26:46 AM »
Have you considered multiple Death Links?

While you cannot have them both out at the same time it heals the mage and destroys an opponent creature. I like it to help focus down opponents. Coupled with Shift Enchantment you can get added mileage out of it. It is very nice in large domination maps as you can use your mage to take out one guardian while the link is slowly destroying another one and healing you from any counterstrike damage.
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2016, 11:04:18 AM »
It's an idea that might have some merit. I'd be likely to put in the Shift than an extra though.
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2016, 03:38:04 PM »
Took out the blood demon for hand of bim shalla. The idea being I have enough anti air that the demon was easy to cut and bim shalla gives me versatile passive healing and more.
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2017, 01:13:24 PM »
So an update. I've practiced this book a few times now and I'm finding it very strong. My passive healing now includes Hand of Bim Shalla, Wychwood Ironvine, Theft of Life, Vampirism, 2 Demonic Links, Death Link, and the ability to heal with the Demon Mask.

I stress tested against a Necromancer and got enough healing with the theme, belt, and one Mend that my high offensive capabilities were enough. When in doubt Fireball!
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2017, 01:13:05 AM »
So you started down the dark side?  Soon your going to join team Necro :)

Anyway nothing really wrong with your spellbook. Warlocks have impressive healing.
Necro should be your worst enemy, but others might run Deathlock/Poison Blood

Im missing 2 spells in your book:
Seeking Dispel
Rise Again

Even if you run into a Necro you can curse your own creatures and bring them back from the death as Zombies.
Curseweaving is really strong, and if your opponent doesnt run a single Seeking Dispel, well you can bring creatures back for a long time.

Ive just finished a Warlock book myself and im looking forward to try some of the new smaller demons. Sanguine Hunter and others.

Without a Mage Wand i dont think Mend is that good. Id rather have a Wand of Healing than the 2 Mends.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 01:29:47 AM by Biblofilter »
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2017, 08:22:31 AM »
Heal lock is awesome! Heres a fun idea i use for a similar book - Bridge troll is a really fun creauture. You can deathlink and theft of life him to heal 3 a round passively. The best part about that is he can still fight and if they focus on the troll he can still regen like crazy. You can also regenerate and deathlink your own creature and keep him out of the fight. It's kind of like having a tree for druid.

Sunfire amulet is amazing on him because the blood reaper is not as painful and you then gain that 2 heal from your chosen dude. Highly suggest it.

I think a mage wand is in order. Siphon life is really good for swinging a fight. Coupled with vampirism, both of your actions are about doing damage and healing.

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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2017, 08:45:06 AM »
Hehehe the troll idea is funny. I might try that. Mage Wand with Siphon Life is also neat though I admit the one time I've cast it so far I had Theft of Life on me so the gain was 1 life for both of us!
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2017, 09:41:31 AM »
I've had my ass thoroughly handed to me by that book grizz. That troll is no joke, and is in fact what made me fall in love with the big troll. He's also a viable overextend target!
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Re: Heal-Lock
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2017, 01:03:44 PM »
Took out spare Enfeeble, Rust, and a Fireball to put troll in. Will try it out tomorrow. I'm thinking Enchantment Transfusion too....
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