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Author Topic: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin  (Read 11396 times)


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2016, 12:40:18 AM »
As you mentioned, the Crusader Griffin's main weaknesses are his health total and enemy flying creatures.  Your Priest's Holy Avenger ability actually fixes one of those weaknesses for only 4 mana and no additional actions.

Another option for running the Griffin in a Priest book would be to focus on Archers.  Artemis, Royal Archer and Temple Sharpshooter can all deal with the flying creautres that would hinder your griffin and are tempting targets for your enemy to try and eliminate.  However, if he does try without dealing with the Avenger Griffin then he's in for a 7-dice reprisal attack that can hit almost anywhere in the arena.

Just food for thought.

Doesn't mongoose agility cover the other weakness?  Its an old card that seems to be under appreciated.  Running a charge focus, or any strategy where mobility is a major tactic is where it comes into its own. 

Admitedly as a group we're a bit slack with remembering to apply hindering, but when we do, we appreciate the value of this card.  I remember trying one of the white sphere/spire spellbooks one time and seeing how fast, charge and ellusive all combined to make a really solid repeatable attack that was hard to defend against.  Then the angel book (or falcon?) showed how you could do a similar effect using inate flying as a default elusive against most opposing books (Griffin really just seems to add one of of the inate effects to a required card). 

Having a mongoose ability handy just in case your op wiz has some thoughts about you having free reign in the skies doesn't seem a bad price to pay... you can always use it on ground troops with a lion savagery and cheetah speed to get the same effect on the ground.

Obsidian Soul

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2016, 10:58:19 AM »
I have generally been adverse to depending on angels (except for Guardian Angels) in my Priestess book.  My strategy generally involves using four Guardian Angels,  four Knights of Westlock, four Royal Archers, and one Brojan Bloodstone. 


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2016, 11:17:18 AM »
I have generally been adverse to depending on angels (except for Guardian Angels) in my Priestess book.  My strategy generally involves using four Guardian Angels,  four Knights of Westlock, four Royal Archers, and one Brojan Bloodstone.

You must play games with a long slow build-up...

My similar Priestess book plays 2x Guardian Angels, 2x Royal Archers, 1x Knight of Westlock, 1x Brogan Bloodstone (and 1x Messenger of Bim-Shalla), and that's plenty of creatures...

Obsidian Soul

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2016, 03:27:54 PM »
I generally bring out a Guardian Angel and Mana Crystal turn 1, a Guardian Angel and Mana Crystal turn 2, and a Moonglow Amulet and a Harmonize turn 3.  After that, I pop out Knight of Westlock or Royal Archer every even turn and use the odd turns for attack spells or healing spells.  I generally take 20 points of damage by turn 7, but I can generally be back up to full life by turn 9.  By turn 11, I generally win (around 3/4 of the time), though I have problems dealing with Straywood Beastmaster (Warlords and Warlocks tend to die by turn 9, Druids and Necromancer tend to die at turn 11, while Forcemasters and Wizards tend to die by turn 13).  Of course, I have only played around 500 games, so it could just be lack of experience.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 03:30:54 PM by Obsidian Soul »


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2016, 03:32:43 PM »
I generally bring out a Guardian Angel and Mana Crystal turn 1, a Guardian Angel and Mana Crystal turn 2, and a Moonglow Amulet and a Harmonize turn 3.  After that, I pop out Knight of Westlock or Royal Archer every even turn and use the odd turns for attack spells or healing spells.  I generally take 20 points of damage by turn 7, but I can generally be back up to full life by turn 9.  By turn 11, I generally win (around 3/4 of the time),

So angel on 1 and 2,  followed by aggressive creatures on 4, 6, 8 and 10, winning on 11.

So by your own calculation you are only playing 6 of those 13 then... So my book playing about half your numbers is on the money?

Of course, I have only played around 400 games, so it could just be lack of experience.

Similar numbers here - I've honestly no idea if I'd played 300 or 600, but certainly hundreds since the game came out.

Obsidian Soul

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2016, 05:49:10 PM »
I play every turn.  Casting creatures is part of playing.  Priestesses cannot count on a spawnpoints because the Temple of Asyra is just too fragile.  I have found that it is destroyed around turn 4 in most of my games.  I generally avoid playing with most spawnpoints in most of my decks because they are often destroyed before they give a positive return on mana or actions.  Even with Harmonize, it takes 7 turns to get a positive return on your mana, and you have spent two actions to save one action every 7 turns.


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2016, 06:59:11 PM »
I play every turn.  Casting creatures is part of playing.

I get that. My original comment was that you seemed to run a lot of creatures, and I ran half that number in a similar book. You then provided a very detailed breakdown of what you do, showing you only play half of your creatures (because you are doing other things, as you should).

I'm not saying you are playing badly, quite the opposite, you have been proving my point at each turn.

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2016, 01:28:40 AM »
Ah, I understand.  I have found that I need a deep roster for maximum flexibility (though I will admit that I have not been getting much use out of the Royal Archers lately).  Now, with the Siren vs Paladin set, I may end up changing my book, as the diversity of new creatures may be better at creating the flexibility that I desire.  The Knight of the Red Helm, for example, seems to be quite promising.


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2016, 01:23:00 PM »
Obsidian I think you're style is sounding pretty strong. Honestly with Royal Archers I have found they tend to be sniped. What ways are you thinking of making sure they dont die?
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Obsidian Soul

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2016, 07:59:18 PM »
The best way is to position guards with Intercept in the same area.  Of course, one reason to have four is to make it so that you have replacements.  In general, howver, it is the teleport murder that is the major problem (Royal Archer shoots Beastmaster, Beastmaster teleport Royal Archer into pack of Dire Wolves, Dire Wolves eat Royal Archer), though there are now spells with Anchor.

 Of course, the best murder squad is Brogan Bloodstone supported by two Knights of Westlock and two Guardian Angels.  When that hits the field, it is pretty much game over, as 14 dice of damage, which can stop two attacks per turn, is hunting down everything on the field.


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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2016, 05:16:18 AM »
Of course, the best murder squad is Brogan Bloodstone supported by two Knights of Westlock and two Guardian Angels.  When that hits the field, it is pretty much game over, as 14 dice of damage, which can stop two attacks per turn, is hunting down everything on the field.
5 good creatures on the field is always good. That setup needs time and mana. If your enemy lets you prepare yourself so long there is a good reason to finish the job  8)

Obsidian Soul

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Re: Gray Angel vs Crusader Griffin
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2016, 10:16:27 AM »
The Guardian Angels are very good at keeping things alive.  They can always be disabled but, when they are supported by the Priestess, they have great synergy.  I do not think that I have ever had a game end before turn 9 with the Priestess since the Guardian Angels came out.