How many out of school spells do you typically run for your books that you think are competitive? Is there a limit to the amount of points you are willing to spend?
I know it may be situational per book and per style of play, just curious to hear if some of you have like a range of what you are willing to spend.
Especially once PvS is out in more hands some of those cards add tons of potential for certain builds but a lot of those useful cards will be out of school for those who want to use them. For example everyone will most likely run at least 1-2 terrain cards in a tournament. Now some of those fit in school but for some mages like the wizard, force master, ect. do not have an in school terrain, so that will add an additional 2-4 for those who want to have a terrain or two.
I may calculate my books and give an average later as well to give a point of reference.