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Author Topic: What has changed?  (Read 29337 times)


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2016, 09:57:49 AM »
a few question about what I found on the german site...

Gate to hell:
the attack is to all the arena?

Can't targt uncontainable creatures?

Gate to Hell is definitely correct, this is 4e printed version.

Quicksand - this is my understanding, although I don't have a ruling to hand atm.


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2016, 10:31:05 AM »
a few question about what I found on the german site...

Gate to hell:
the attack is to all the arena?

Can't targt uncontainable creatures?

Gate to Hell is definitely correct, this is 4e printed version.

Quicksand - this is my understanding, although I don't have a ruling to hand atm.
I add GtH.

Somebody can confirm for Quicksand?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 11:11:44 AM by Exid »


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2016, 11:37:10 AM »

Says on the card that it can't target uncontainable creatures. Sorry if it seemed I had declined your invitation. I've actually been keeping a close eye on this and approve of your efforts. I just haven't seen a need to comment because you seem to have it under control.


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2016, 12:30:55 PM »
- Mage ability counter
If changing controler:
Pet doesn't receive +1 Melee with his new controler
Bloodreaper will not be able to heal his new controler
Eternal Servant can't be reanimated be the new controler
Holy Avenger continues as usual
Bonded tree doesn't lifebond with his new controler
Veterans continue as usual

I will offer some slight corrections. Pet still gets the melee bonus for being in the same zone as his beastmaster regardless of who controls him. Bloodreaper still heals his warlock. Necromancer can still reanimate his eternal servant even when he doesn't control it. I think holy avenger still checks friendly and enemy status in regards to the priest. I don't know about the tree bond, but I also can't think of any way you could steal control of the tree currently.

Basically the way I understand it is you take control of the object but not the ability marker. Similar to how you don't automatically gain control of the enchantments attached to it. So the ability remains controlled by the originating mage and references back to them.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 12:41:50 PM by Zuberi »


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2016, 06:18:31 AM »


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2016, 10:58:57 AM »
Progress is difficult to show. The important things, updating the SBB and Supplement, are fairly massive undertakings. But they are underway. It's tough to show the progress day by day, especially when much of this process is reliant on outside forces. I wish I had a great way to show everyone exactly how important Mage Wars is to AW, but I understand both what I'm capable of showing and what all of you see. I get it.

So here is hoping that things continue to go smoothly, as I really want to fix some of these things and give you the support we've offered.


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2016, 04:23:43 AM »
some news about this topic:
I continue to read the the rules discussions down to may 2014... and edit the first post of this topic when I find something new.
If somone sees somethig wrong or unclear here, or a modification/clarification that I would have missed, tell me!


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2016, 12:43:26 PM »
I read all the topics in "rules discussion" down to april 2014! What I found that seemed to me non-trivial is listed under here.
I don't know if anybody else would use such a list... but if you have time to read it over and point out mistakes, bad wording or missing items, that would be very usefull for me!
There are to open questions too (in bold).

I want to list here all the cards and rules that have been officially changed or clarified since the last "Official Rules & Codex Supplement"  (mai 2014). My purpoose is to have 1 and only 1 doc to go with the v4 rules when I play, it should contain all errata, and all points that are not clear in or from the cards and the rules.
When this list is complete, the second stage will be to add from the last ORCS all changes and clarifications that haven't been allready integrated into the v4 rules.

- Attack modifier
If a modifier that applies only to the first attack of an attack action is mooved to another object after the first attack and mooved back, it will apply again.

- Befor or after an action phase
Events that take place during these periods can occure in any order (c.f. initiative)

- Caster
When a card or rule refers to the "caster" it is the object that casted the spell, but "you" is the mage (the caster's controler if it is not a mage).

- Damages
To recieve or deal 0 damage is not recieve or deale damage.

- Duplicates
You can't have more than one copy of an object attached to the same thing.

- Enchantments
Hidden enchantments have no trait.

- Imunity
A creature can't intercept an attack it is imune to.
A creature can't melee attack in a zone if all guards are imune to its attack (except if it is elusive).

???HOW does it work if a creature becomes incapacitate after the declare attack step? (example turn to stone & enchantment transfusion)

- Initiative
The player with initiative goes first if both players want to act simultaneously.
The order of resolution of simultaneous effects is choosed by the controler of the effects's cause. Exception: during the upkeep it's the controler of the objects affected by the effects who chooses the order.
And if the two rules don't solve the timing issue, the player with initiative chooses the order (for example if an event affects objects from many players during upkeep).

- Intercept
The interceptor becomes the target.
A creature can't intercept an attack that tagets it.

- Mage's ability counter
If the object's controler changes, the abilty's doesn't:
> Pet receives +1 Melee with his first controler
> Bloodreaper is able to heal his first controler
> Eternal Servant can be reanimated by his first controler
> Holy Avenger gets bonus for the creatures and holy conjurations friendly to his first controler
> Bonded tree is still bonded to his first controler
> Veterans continue as usual
> runes continue as usual

- Numbers
Negative numbers don't exist.

- Reach
Reach doesn't affect flying creatures, except with sweeping: a flying creature with a reach + sweeping attack can attack a flying and a non flying creature in the same attack action.

- Sslak (uncontroled)
Treat the upkeep as the end of their activation for removing conditions, etc.

- Spell level
A "3x & 2y" spell is a level 5 spell of school x and a level 5 spell of school y, but a mage trained up to level n in school x will pay the x level simple when building if [x level]<=n.

- Spellbind
When changing the bound spell, you can take another card of the same spell but not the same card.

- Spiked pit (domination terrain)
The marker disapears only if it triggers.

- Triggered effect
???HOW does it work if the trigger condition is on, but the target of the effect is gone before the effect has been solved? (example Calltrops mangler & teleport trap)

- V'Tar orbs
When an orb is turned on by a mage who is part of a team, this mage gaines the "residual" mana or healing.

- V'Tar orbs - Faulty Orbs variant
The orbs are turned on by controling the zone too.

- Walls
Walls are at range 0 and at range 1 from an adjacent zone. Adjacent zones are at range 1 from the wall.
Walls of a certain type affect objects imune to this type in matter of LOS and passage block.

- Akiro's favor
Can be revealed at any (legal) time  before the damage and effect step

- Arcane ward
Triggers during the declare step.

- Azurean genie
The wish action is quick.

- Banish
Return is no teleportation.

- Enchantment transfusion
There must be LOS from the ET to the new target of the enchantment.

- Exil
Returne is no teleportation.

- Flank attack
The piercing bonus is only for one attack (not for the whole attack action)

- Forcefield
Counters a damage barrier.

-Force orb / sword
Isn't affected by conditions, or incapacitated or restrained

- Gate to hell
Erata: the attack touches all the arena.
Erata: no hydro imunity
Erata: spawnpoints and familiar can use the open gate's ability when sumoning

- Goblin builder
Erata: ability can target the border of his zone

- Joined strength
The damage has to reach the target but is transfered before it is dealt, its source doesn't change.

- Mana prism
The loss can be caused directly by the spell or ability, or by an upkeep cost or a mana drain/transfer effect caused by the spell or ability

- Purify
Erata: price is 0, pay for the enchantments during the resolution.

- Quicksand
Erata: can't target uncontainable creatures.

- Reverse attack
The reversed attack can't be avoided.

- Reverse magic
The reversed spell can be countered (but the countering is non-mandatory for a nulify).

- Rouse the beast
Can't be cast more than one time on a creature.

- Seedlingpod
Is sacrificied as part of the casting of the spell.

- Stranglevine
If it gains the finite life trait, it keeps the 2x life allready gained and gains more counters normally but no more life. If it looses the finite life trait, it gains life up to 6+2x.

- Temple of light
Erata: choose X<= number of temples, and pay X

- Wisard
Erata: the elemental school is air

- Wisard tower
Erata: no spellbind


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2016, 05:18:20 PM »
I think a lot of these are clarifications to a question someone asked, but which most people were clear on anyway. You repeat things here (like Duplicates) which are very clear in the rulebook...

As requested, some corrections:

I want to list here all the cards and rules that have been officially changed or clarified since the last "Official Rules & Codex Supplement"  (mai May 2014). My purpoose purpose is to have 1 and only 1 doc to go with the v4 rules when I play, it should contain all errata, and all points that are not clear in or from the cards and the rules.
When this list is complete, the second stage will be to add from the last ORCS all changes and clarifications that haven't been allready already integrated into the v4 rules.

- Attack modifier
If a modifier that applies only to the first attack of an attack action is mooved moved to another object after the first attack and mooved moved back, it will apply again.

- Befor Before or after an action phase
Events that take place during these periods can occure occur in any order (c.f. initiative)

- Caster
When a card or rule refers to the "caster" it is the object that casted cast the spell, but "you" is the mage (the caster's controler controller if it is not a mage).

- Damages
To recieve receive or deal 0 damage is not recieve to receive or deale deal damage.

- Imunity Immunity
A creature can't intercept an attack it is imune immune to.
A creature can't melee attack in a zone if all guards are imune immune to its attack (except if it is elusive).

- Initiative
The order of resolution of simultaneous effects is choosed chosen by the controler controller of the effects's cause. Exception: during the upkeep it's the controler controller of the objects affected by the effects who chooses the order.

- Intercept
A creature can't intercept an attack that tagets targets it.

- Mage's ability counter
If the object's controler controller changes, the abilty's ability's controller doesn't:
> Pet receives +1 Melee with his first controler controller
> Bloodreaper is able to heal his first controler controller
> Eternal Servant can be reanimated by his first controler controller
> Holy Avenger gets bonus for the creatures and holy conjurations friendly to his first controler controller
> Bonded tree is still bonded to his first controler controller

- Sslak (uncontroled uncontrolled)

- Walls
Walls of a certain type affect objects imune immune to this type in matter of LOS and passage block.

- Banish
Return is no not teleportation.

- Exil Exile
Returne Returning is no not teleportation.

- Gate to hell
Erata Errata: the attack touches all the arena.
Erata Errata: no hydro imunity
Erata Errata: spawnpoints and familiar can use the open gate's ability when sumoning summoning

- Goblin builder
Erata Errata: ability can target the border of his zone

- Joined strength
The damage has to reach the target but is transfered transferred before it is dealt, its source doesn't change.

- Purify
Erata Errata: price is 0, pay for the enchantments during the resolution.

- Quicksand
Erata Errata: can't target uncontainable creatures.

- Reverse attack
The reversed attack can't be avoided is Unavoidable.

- Reverse magic
The reversed spell can be countered (but the countering is non-mandatory for a nulify nullify).

- Rouse the beast
Can't be cast more than one time on a creature.

- Seedlingpod Seedling Pod
Is sacrificied sacrificed as part of the casting of the spell.

- Stranglevine
If it gains the finite life trait, it keeps the 2x life allready already gained and gains more counters normally but no more life. If it looses the finite life trait, it gains life up to 6+2x.

- Temple of light
Erata Errata: choose X<= number of temples, and pay X

- Wisard Wizard
Erata Errata: the elemental school is air

- Wisard Wizard's Tower
Erata Errata: no spellbind

I'm interested Exid - what is your native language? It's just because almost all of those corrections were to do with double letters - you miss them out where they should be, and add them in where they shouldn't - are they not used in your home language?


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2016, 12:43:08 AM »

  :D  :D  :D french... we have double (doubble?) letters (leters?) in french too (to?), but my english is really bad (and my french spelling not so good!).
But I thought about contents mistakes more than spelling mistakes... does all I wrote here seems right to you?

You're right, there's nothing new here, my purpose is to have all in one place.
A lot of these questions were long disscussed in there original topic, so it seems there were not so clear for everybody... at least, I choosed them because for me there are not clear or natural when I read the rules and the cards. For example, that an imune creature can't intercept is clearly written but unnatural, that rouse the beast can't be cast two time on one creature isn't clearly written, etc.


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Re: What has changed?
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2016, 05:02:53 AM »
Your English is much better than my French, don't worry!

But I thought about contents mistakes more than spelling mistakes... does all I wrote here seems right to you?

Yes I think so - there were a couple of changes of tense, or prepositions to be added, but those were in the list above.