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Author Topic: Storm Mage  (Read 4767 times)


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Storm Mage
« on: December 24, 2016, 03:59:41 AM »
This is a work in progress. Right now I've only got an idea for the first of what is probably going to be a series of cards. I'll add more to this post as I go along.

Thunder Cloud ;; Cost: 8 ;; Wind 1 & Water 1 ;; Conjuration ;; Subtype: Cloud, Weather ;; Quick ;; 0-1 ;; Target: Zone

Hydro Immunity

No Armor
6 Health

Thunderbolt ;; 3 Dice ;; Ranged ;; Lightning ;; 0-0 ;; Ethereal, Piercing +2, 7-9 Daze, 10+ Stun

Once per round, immediately before or after any friendly Action Phase, you may make the above Attack. Once per round, immediately before or after any friendly Action Phase, you may pay 1 mana to move Thunder Cloud 1 zone and attach it to that zone.


Cloud of Rejuvenating Water ;; Cost: 8 ;; Wind 1 & Water 1 ;; Conjuration ;; Subtype: Cloud, Weather ;; Quick ;; 0-1 ;; Target: Zone

Hydro Immunity

No Armor
4 Health

Once per round, immediately before or after any friendly Action Phase, roll X dice. Heal a target living object in the zone by the amount rolled. X is the number of Cloud spells within 2 zones. Once per round, immediately before or after any friendly Action Phase, you may pay 1 mana to move Cloud of Rejuvenating Water 1 zone and attach it to that zone. (this is unfinished and likely to be tweaked. especially sure the wording is poor).
« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 02:02:16 PM by Milevan_Faent »